All posts by Cruz Ramiro

Cruz Ramiro- local news journalist and editor-in-chief. Worked in various media such as: EL Mundo, La Vanguardia, El País.

Montero warns Mazón by letter that he may lose 1,687 million in EU funds not executed in the Puig era

The Generalitat Valenciana risks losing more than 1,600 million euros of unexecuted and unjustified European structural funds from the 2014-2020 Operational Program. The Ministry of Finance has sent a communication to the autonomous Administration in which it recalls that it has until December 31 to complete the administrative requirements of the 3,062 million euros that were assigned to the community within the framework of the distribution of the money allocated The cohesion that the European Commission released for Spain, according to sources from the Valencian Executive. Of that amount, around 65% of the resources remain to be justified, as reported this Wednesday by Jesús Gual, the new general director of European Funds of the regional government, chaired by the popular Carlos Mazón..

Gual has made responsible for the situation with which he has encountered the previous cabinet of the Botanic chaired by the socialist Ximo Puig. The Valencian Community is, behind Madrid and Catalonia, the third autonomous state in percentage terms with the worst capacity to absorb structural funds and European investments in the aforementioned period, according to data from the General Directorate of Urban and Regional Policy of the European Commission. dated September 8 collected by the specialized consulting firm Finnova. Andalusia also has 4.5 billion pending justification. The Board chaired by the also popular Juanma Moreno has hidden behind the fact that the execution and expense are not the same as the processing of the certification, for which there is a deadline of the entire year 2024, even 2025 in the case of Feder funds, defends himself.

Although there is a more or less general problem of low execution throughout Spain, the letter sent by María Jesús Montero's department has generated concern in the new Valencian Administration led in coalition by PP and Vox because they fear having to now assume a very accelerated management bureaucratic processing to avoid losing money without being responsible for the situation.

It is not because there are no projects, since there are barely 80 million euros not allocated to initiatives. The problem is the jam at the level of execution, justification and processing, factors in which, according to the same sources, the internal management computer platform that they have encountered does not help.. “They are funds that affect employment, social inclusion, training, education, research, innovation, technological development, investments in environmental decarbonization or competitiveness of SMEs,” Gual said in an interview with Cope.

The new director general put on the table a problem that has spread in many regional governments: the overlap of European funds derived from the recovery plans enabled by the Union due to the pandemic and the need to channel them. There is a lot of money to spend, but management capacity has not grown in the same way. The Generalitat must now carry out not only the pending processing of the 2014-2020 operational program, but also the Next Generation and the Recovery Mechanism (MMR) with execution deadlines until 2026. The Operational Program for the next six-year period 2021-2027 is also on the table..

The European Commission gives an extra period of three years to execute the resources allocated in the operational programs. The deadline is December 31, although sources linked to the management of community funds and projects point out that, in case of non-compliance, negotiations are usually opened by the Member States with the European Commission to enable extensions and make deadlines more flexible.. Extrapolating the data to the entire State, Spain has still not materialized 29,817 million euros of these funds of the 75,000 million that corresponded to it, which represents 40% of the total amount, according to Finnova.

It is the country with the worst percentage of fund absorption rate in the entire European Union. On the other side of the balance is Portugal, with a 97% absorption rate of funds, which, in addition, has allocated an extra 9,634 million euros to various projects..

The rain of millions for Doñana opens a dispute between those affected by the irrigation law

The agreement between the Junta of Andalusia and the Government for Doñana would mean a rain of millions in Huelva. To the 356 announced a year ago by the Ministry of Ecological Transition in its environmental regeneration plan for the Park, a similar contribution is now added that, if the negotiations come to fruition, will raise the State's investment in the environment to 700 million. of the place. This second package will seek the economic development of the Northern Crown after the suspension of the controversial law to expand irrigation and will inevitably open a dispute between those affected by the law, who are beginning to propose the first alternative proposals to the reclassification of 750 hectares.

Both administrations have given themselves a week to bring together all the agents involved: mayors, social groups, farmers or environmentalists. The objective is to agree on a plan with concrete measures in one month, although both the Board and the Government assume that it will be impossible to please everyone.. Despite the conflict of interests, the affected parties celebrate the “new stage” and show their willingness to dialogue. Even more so with the promise of 350 million. In addition, they will suggest complementary ideas to intensive strawberry cultivation, a thriving business that is difficult to replace: from looking for another location to the greenhouses that were going to be regularized, to investing in complementary industries or diversifying the productive fabric..

The Andalusian president, Juanma Moreno, has been demanding for months more investment from the State in hydraulic works to guarantee supply in Huelva. This request will be among her priorities, as confirmed by sources from the Board, although the minister expressed her intention to avoid projects that involve “more water.”. The Tinto-Odiel-Piedras transfer, one of the most anticipated works in the area, aims to reduce punctures in the aquifer and the central government always rejected the possibility of taking advantage of it to grant more irrigation permits when the works were completed..

The socialist mayor of Moguer, one of the municipalities with the most affected hectares, defends several “intermediate solutions”. The first of them would be the relocation of the greenhouses: removing them from the Doñana area and bringing irrigation to dry lands that are currently unused.. “It is in no one's interest for this economic activity to disappear,” advances Gustavo Cuéllar (PSOE). The platform of irrigators affected by the Board's law already rejected the possibility of an exchange a few months ago.

There is also a division of opinion among the farmers themselves.. The irrigators of Almonte, who have already been against the law, intend that the investments go towards “hydraulic infrastructure to be completed”, from which they would benefit by having irrigation permits.. “If anyone is authorized to talk about sustainable crops, it is us,” says Manuel Delgado, spokesperson for the Puerta Doñana farmers association, which concentrates more than 50% of the irrigable land in the Hydrographic Confederation.. After learning of the agreement between administrations, the spokesperson for the owners who were going to benefit from the Board's law, Julio Díaz, demanded “viable and consensual solutions”, although he avoided putting other options on the table.. Until now, the irrigators of the Northern Crown had always prioritized the processing of the norm.

Another of the solutions proposed in recent months has been the purchase of the affected hectares. However, the sources consulted agree on the complexity of the operation. In municipalities like Lucena del Puerto, the affected lands are already located in public forests, even though they are transferred, and they do not have irrigation permits that the State could buy.. Furthermore, the distance between the lands that were intended to be regularized prevents a common project.. “What does the State do with three hectares in one point, five in another and four in another?” asks Juanjo Carmona, from WWF..

All the parties consulted put another alternative on the table: the transformation of the productive fabric in the area. Not only generate the strawberries, but invest the money in an alternative to mass production. From opening factories to not only plant, but also package and market other crops, to opening R&D&I centers specialized in red fruits.. “Surely people would want to work and it wouldn't happen like in the strawberry campaign, when we have to look for people from other countries,” adds Carmona.. The former mayor of Lucena del Puerto raises the potential of biomass plants. His municipality raised more than half a million euros in two years thanks to the sale of pines and eucalyptus felled “to keep the mountain clean”. “There are green economy options,” he says..

The mayor of Moguer is also betting on diversification into other sectors. An investment plan, “but this time true”. It refers to the Strawberry Plan approved in 2014, when hundreds of hectares were left without the classification of irrigable land.. This is where the controversial law arises, although that document also proposed actions worth 57 million euros.. “The aim was to optimize irrigation, consume less water, create pedestrian spaces for tourism…”, explains the former councilor of Lucena.. Most of these measures remain unexecuted, although Moreno has now committed to resuming this project inherited from the PSOE..

Environmentalists also ask to take advantage of the resources to guarantee the biodiversity of the Park. WWF suggests investing in the maintenance of dryland farms, such as olive groves, with public money. “If we have to face significant costs in hydraulic infrastructure, how much is each kilo of strawberry going to cost us? It is cheaper to bet on dry farms, supported with public money, to maintain a network of biodiversity in the Park's surroundings,” he insists. Carmona, who asks to base decisions on “scientific data.” “Those who have to speak are the technicians,” he concludes.

The mayor of Gijón breaks with Vox and expels the party from the municipal government

Carmen Moriyón (Foro Asturias), mayor of Gijón, has expelled Vox from the municipal government. The leader has made the decision after several clashes with the Councilor for Celebrations, Sara Álvarez Rouco, one of the two councilors of the ultra-conservative formation. The latest controversy has arisen after Vox has announced a series of changes to the International Film Festival (FICX) so that the event moves away from “biases and partisanship”. That of Gijón (272,000 inhabitants) is the first coalition government that breaks up in a large city after the pacts that allowed Abascal's access to dozens of municipal executives after the 28-M elections.

“It's over,” Moriyón has published on X (formerly Twitter). The mayor, in a subsequent press conference in which she did not admit questions, confirmed the news, reported by La Nueva España, and indicated that it was a “very thoughtful” decision and that it was taken after verifying that, in In just four months of the legislature, Vox “has put its acronym before the general interest of the city”. In addition to the controversy unleashed on behalf of the Film Festival, the mayor has specified that other issues have weighed, such as the fact that Vox did not want to participate in the preparation of the tax ordinances, a key project for the City Council.. “Gijón will not experience any setback in its freedoms. It is a free, tolerant and welcoming city. It always has been and will continue to be,” Moriyón concluded.. Vox sources consulted by El Confidencial early in the afternoon had no record of the first mayor's decision..

The last clash between Moriyón and Álvarez Rouco was forged this morning. The Vox councilor has announced a series of changes to the film contest that had not been agreed upon either with Foro Asturias or with the PP, the other party that supports the municipal government.. Specifically, the Vox councilor has advanced the creation of an award in line with the principles that, as she has assured, her party defends: “work, effort and respect for everyone”, while detailing that financing was not guaranteed necessary to maintain the Rambal award, in collaboration with the LGTBI collective, nor that of films in Asturian.

It is not the first time that Foro Asturias and the PP collide with the cultural policies that Vox has championed in Gijón. The mayor and the popular councilors aligned themselves with the left-wing parties last August and supported a motion presented by the PSOE, IU and Podemos in defense of freedom of expression and the Asturian language.. It was the response to statements by Álvarez Rouco in which he assured that “if possible” he would not hire artists who used Asturian, although he later qualified his words..

Key votes

The support of Vox was key for Foro Asturias to snatch the mayor of Gijón from the PSOE. The socialists came first last March 28 with nine councillors, but the union of the regionalists (eight councillors) with the PP (five) and Vox (two) made it possible for Moriyón to gain an absolute majority in the municipal plenary session and be invested as mayor on last June 17. The agreement with those from Abascal was signed the afternoon before and included the Celebrations portfolio and another series of commitments, among them, the review of the Equality Ordinance, a change in the criteria for access to equality subsidies and also in the linguistic promotion policy.

Marlaska applauds the EU migration pact, "a regulation appropriate to the circumstances"

The acting Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, has celebrated that the 27 have certified this Wednesday that there is a sufficient majority to establish their position on the key crisis mechanism in the reform of the asylum and migration policy of the European Union , thus overcoming the last obstacle open so that governments and the European Parliament could resume negotiations in order to close the Migration Pact before the end of the European legislature in June of next year.

“It will help us, without a doubt, to address the migration phenomenon much better.”. Having a migration pact is essential, a regulation appropriate to the circumstances of the moment,” Marlaska said this Wednesday in statements to the media in Granada.. At this point, he explained that the mandate for negotiating this regulation has been approved in Brussels.. Thus, he pointed out that they already have “the complete mandate” so they can now begin to “work firmly” with the European Parliament.

For this reason, the acting Minister of the Interior has assured that before the conclusion of the European Legislature, in May 2024, they will have this immigration agreement between all institutions.. “The migration phenomenon is a phenomenon that demands the best from us,” he said..

After this agreement, Marlaska thanked the technical teams of all the ministries involved and all the officials who have worked “24 hours trying to reach this agreement”. “It has not been easy and that is why it is much more satisfactory,” he pointed out..

New asylums

The new text establishes the legal framework that will allow Member States to adapt to a crisis situation in the field of asylum and migration, in relation to the registration of asylum applications and the asylum procedure at the border.. These countries may also request solidarity and support measures from the EU and its Member States..

Thus, Member States that are facing a crisis situation may request support from other countries, which may take the form of transferring asylum or international protection seekers from the Member State that is in crisis to others; in liability compensation; or in financial support or other solidarity measures.

These exceptional and solidarity measures require the authorization of the European Council, in accordance with the principles of necessity and proportionality, and in compliance with the fundamental rights of third-country nationals and people without nationality..

The Crisis Regulation is part of the new Pact on Migration and Asylum, made up of a series of texts to reform EU policy on this matter. In addition to the Crisis Regulation, the 27 have closed proposals for the Migration Management Regulation and for the Asylum Procedure Regulation.

This is what it will cost to see Holy Week 2024 in Malaga: prices for chairs and stands

  • Controversy over a brotherhood wedding in which the groom's friends simulated a procession

Although there is still time for Holy Week, there are those who are looking forward to the arrival of this religious, social and cultural event.. Next year it will start on Palm Sunday, which coincides with March 24. That is, Maundy Thursday will be on March 28, Good Friday on March 29, Easter Sunday on March 31 and Easter Monday on April 1.. However, not all of these days are national holidays, in some communities Maundy Thursday is a school day and, on the other hand, in others Easter Monday is the day in which it would be necessary to return to work..

In the case of Malaga, watching the processions from the chairs and stands along the official route has become a privilege for many and a tradition that is repeated year after year.. Thus, it has been announced that the prices will be the same as in 2023. The Association of Brotherhoods has approved keeping rates frozen for next year, according to the information it has sent to subscribers.

The text sent via email states that “despite the current challenges and difficulties we face,” the entity's last governing board, meeting on Monday, October 2, “has agreed not to increase the price of seats”. According to La Opinión de Málaga, with this price freeze, the institution wants to value “the continuous support” for the Association shown year after year by subscribers, who religiously renew their seats and who, in recent years, have had to do facing different rises.

From 78 euros

The main reason is the mandatory collection of VAT since 2020, a tax ratified in 2022 by the economic court that, despite abolishing it in Seville, understands that the Malaga processions are not a private event, allowing the public to see them without pay at the official tour.

The prices of the chairs in 2024 will range between 78 euros, the cheapest (last rows in Puerta del Mar or in the Plaza de La Marina, Atarazanas street or Marqués del Barrio roundabout) and 154 for the most expensive (box in first row in Molina Larios or in the Grandstand, although in this case they are seats assigned to the brotherhoods). On Larios Street prices range from 124 euros in the front row to 103 euros in the back rows..

At the Marqués de Larios roundabout you will have to pay 90 to see the procession from the first positions or 78 if you prefer to see it from further back.. On the other hand, the prices of the official stands rise to 96 euros in the last rows of Larios-Martínez, the Marqués de Larios roundabout and the Plaza de La Marina, and up to 143 euros in the Molina Larios curve. Thus, in Alameda they range between 100 and 111 euros.

The town of 36 inhabitants that has had two earthquakes in one week: "The last one was a cramp"

“Nothing, nothing, this second earthquake was nothing, just a cramp!”.

The one who picks up the phone is Mari, the manager of the bar in Beratón, a municipality with 36 inhabitants on the border between the provinces of Soria and Zaragoza, right at the foot of Moncayo.. In this place they are not used to appearing in the newspapers. It is the typical town of emptied Spain that in summer has a lot of life and in winter, in the street, there are more cats wandering than people. One of those places where the bar is the epicenter of social life. And there, these days, the topic of conversation is only one: what is happening with the earthquakes.

Despite not being in an area with a seismic tradition, this town in Soria has suffered two major earth movements in one week.. Neither of them has been serious and they have not caused damage, but the phenomenon has surprised everyone and everyone.. Last Tuesday, September 26, they suffered a strong earthquake of magnitude 4 that made them the cover of the local press.. And this Tuesday, just seven days later, history repeated itself and the measurement systems of the National Geographic Institute recorded another earthquake, somewhat milder, of magnitude 3.1 around 12 in the morning..

“Tuesday is going to be the day of the earthquakes,” exclaims Carmen Lapeña, the mayor, who attends El Confidencial with laughter and a warning: “There isn't much to tell either…”. However, and by pulling his tongue a little, he recognizes that, contrary to what the bar manager maintains, this week's tremor has been more than a simple “cramp.”.

“She would be confused, because it was clearly noticeable,” exclaims the councilor jokingly, who then goes on to detail how she experienced the second earthquake: “Today the building moved and, to give you an idea, I noticed something like if a concrete mixer truck was passing right next to it,” he says.. Of course, as he points out, it has only been a few seconds: “You don't have time to panic.”.

“Last week's was much stronger,” insists the hotelier, who still remembers the roar that that tremor produced.. “It went boom!” recalls Mari, who indicates that that first tremor caught the town at vermouth time and was more surprised by the roar than by the tremor: “It was around three-fifteen in the afternoon and the truth is “None of us were very scared.”.

Once the anecdote of the first earthquake was over, the few inhabitants of this town continued with their lives amid the aftershocks of the movement.. What they did not expect was that, just seven days later, and almost at the same time – yesterday was at 12 in the morning -, the ground would shake again: “Again…” Mari sighs when asked about the first thought that crossed your mind this morning with the second earthquake.

It is not a seismic zone

With this week's history it might seem that, in other times, there would have been earthquakes in this town, but quite the opposite. The mayor of this Soria town advances that in recent years they did not remember any similar earthquake, much less two: “I think there was 50 years ago, another one in 2013”. This week, beyond the two big earthquakes, there have been several aftershocks.

In the catalog of earthquakes offered by the National Geographic Institute, where the earth movements that occur throughout the national territory are recorded, there is hardly any trace of earthquakes in this town.. In the last 20 years, only one other earthquake of magnitude 3.3 was certified and occurred at great depth on February 3, 2013..

Joking aside, the mayor downplays the tremors. “Luckily nothing happened.. At the end of the day, they are all very brief and there has been no damage,” he explains to this newspaper, giving the example of the last one: “I have felt it, because I was inside a building, but I don't know if anyone who was on top of a tractor will have had the same perception”.

Tomorrow, first thing in the morning, Mari will reopen the bar and, as the customers come to drink coffee or play a game, they will talk about earthquakes again.. Next Tuesday is on the horizon. Will the earth move again in Berathon? “It doesn't matter, here we are no longer scared by anything,” resolves the hotelier..

The Sanchista coalition and Pablo Iglesias' theorem

The King first commissioned the leader to attempt the investiture, who, in addition to leading the largest parliamentary group in Congress, proved in the round of consultations to have the greatest number of guaranteed supports, as many as 172.. Once the attempt failed, he issues a second order to a leader who, at this moment, can only guarantee the vote of the 121 deputies of his party, since none of those who have passed through the Zarzuela – and those who have not wanted to pass, equally necessary to give Sánchez the parliamentary majority—has taken his support for the second candidate for granted. The softest expression that has been heard from them is that “we are far” from that agreement (Yolanda Díaz).

The statement from the Royal Family that justifies this second nomination appeals to point 3 of article 99 of the Constitution, according to which, if the first proposed candidate does not obtain the confidence of the Chamber, “successive proposals will be processed.”. The head of state's reading of this text is correct, prudent and realistic, but not totally accurate.. Strictly speaking, once the obligation has been fulfilled – this is, unavoidable – to designate a first candidate, nothing formally obliges the King to formulate a second proposal if, in the course of the consultations, he verifies that there is no candidate with real possibilities of achieving the investiture. In fact, this happened on two previous occasions: after the December 2015 elections there was only one investiture session, the first failed one for Pedro Sánchez.. After April 2019, the same thing happened. Pedro Sánchez tried it once and, given the evidence that no investiture was possible, the King let the deadline run until new elections were called..

Perhaps if instead of a constitutional King as scrupulous as Felipe VI we had a president of the republic as in Italy, in the absence of guaranteed support from Pedro Sánchez, he would have granted him a deadline to negotiate and would have summoned him for when he was in a position to present itself with a real and not hypothetical majority. This King could have done the same thing and it would be constitutionally correct – even politically rational -: since you claim that you are preparing to talk to the parliamentary groups to build a majority, do it and then come back and tell me the result of your conversations. But it is certain that, in that case, a storm of lightning and thunder would have fallen on him, accusing him of sabotaging Sánchez's investiture with cunning purposes..

Thus, the King has been forced, for the second time in this legislature (as in all previous ones since his reign began) to blindly propose a candidate, risking Parliament rejecting him as it did with the first.. He does well, because the truth is that Sánchez's investiture, while not certain, is sufficiently credible to allow him to try it.. Precisely for this reason, it would have been nice to hear at least a word of gratitude from the candidate for the opportunity given to him to compose a political pact with a legion of parties with a destituent vocation and declaredly anti-monarchist, instead of the umpteenth repetition of the reproach for what that the head of the Sanchista bloc considers “a waste of time”, the attempted investiture of Feijóo. I wonder how the King should have proceeded, according to Sánchez; and, above all, I wonder how Sánchez himself—or someone of his ilk—would have proceeded occupying the head of state in a similar situation.. Someday the very long collection of disloyalties and advantageous abuses that the Spanish political leaders have inflicted on Felipe VI since he took office will be written..

With the incorporation of the xenophobic and Catalan supremacist right to the Sanchista bloc—self-proclaimed “progressive”—the theorem initially formulated by Pablo Iglesias in 2015 and which Pedro Sánchez assumed as his own to turn it into the foundation of his project, is once again confirmed and consolidated. of power to this day and onwards. The approach is based on two ideas:

a) In Spanish electoral sociology, the stable alliance of national left-wing formations with all nationalist parties with a disintegrative vocation (whatever their ideological orientation and their relationship with the constitutional order) is arithmetically unbeatable and guarantees the exercise of power for very long periods, creating a cordon sanitaire on the democratic right (for which the emergence of the extreme right is functional) and effectively blocking the alternation in power.

This requires the petrification of two blocks incommunicated and facing each other, with the blowing up of all the mechanisms of understanding or transversal coordination.. The data from the five general elections held between 2015 and 2023 (all after the end of the two-party system) confirm the solidity of this thesis:

Feijóo can now rant and claim his status as the most voted party. Under the conditions in which electoral competition has been established in Spain in recent years, the relative positions of the parties are of little relevance, because we are facing a war of bloc against bloc.. And, in that war, the coalition of the left with the extreme left and with all versions of nationalism systematically surpasses the coalition of the right. It has also happened in 2023: 12.4 million votes for the sanchista bloc compared to 11.2 million for the right-wing bloc. The victory of the PP was a mirage, which is why we all knew on the same night of July 23 that there were only two real possibilities: a Sánchez Government with its entire bloc, welcoming Puigdemont's party into it, or a repetition of elections.

b) The second axiom of Pablo Iglesias' theorem is that, in this type of alliance, the extremist and disruptive forces, even if they are a minority, impose their agenda and infect the majority central force with their ideology.. It has been proven during the last legislature: Sánchez's party has progressively become impregnated with the populist discourse of podemism and the identitatarianism of nationalisms, while its allies have barely received the effluvia of social democracy.. Three essential features of the Socialist Party prior to Sánchez were left along the way: the majority vocation, strategic autonomy and the will to structure Spain instead of dismantling it.. Not to mention the infinite legal elasticity and the extreme conjuncturality of the principles that characterizes the new creature that first leased and then commercially appropriated the old acronym.

Certainly, it is paradoxical that the triumph of Pablo Iglesias' strategic design has been accompanied by the political immolation of Iglesias himself and the destruction of the party he founded.. But history is full of cases like this.

Don't say amnesty, call it octopus

Pedro Sánchez did not come out to give explanations to public opinion, but to play with it. Whether he wins the votes for his investiture for the third time remains to be seen, but Tabú is surely winning. The acting president only needed an hourglass on the Moncloa lectern to finish staging that board game in which the rest of us guess the word he is talking about without using that or similar words.. And he nailed it. He said that he accepted the King's order to form a Government without pronouncing the amnesty he needs to achieve it..

At the press conference in which he was supposed to give explanations, what came out was to go around in circles.. Concordia said it many times, he talked about the war, the pandemic and miraculously he did not remember the volcano. He spoke of social progress, stable employment and decent wages; pensions for the elderly and training for young people; How strange that he didn't remember the Interrail and the free cinema in order to save a little more time. The amnesty, not to mention it.

Euphemisms have always been used in politics, but what happened with Sánchez is another level. He does not seek dissimulation with similar concepts that sound better, like Zapatero when he spoke of deceleration by not saying the word crisis even if the men in black came to spell it for him; or Montoro, who was very dignified defending that regularization that he did not want to call a tax amnesty and that then overturned the Constitutional Court, which is more about laws than euphemisms.

It takes a master of Taboo to make yourself understood so well by saying just the opposite.. That has more merit than the synonyms trick. Sánchez talks about respect for the laws and the rule of law, and it is clear that he talks about amnesty for those who break it. The more Sánchez talks about the importance of defending the Constitution, the more clear it is that he is going to do everything possible to give what he asks for from Puigdemont, who still does not commit to respecting it..

Denying that he was going to accept a referendum was the definitive clue. He was so forceful in denying it that his lack of forcefulness in everything else was clairvoyant.. When defending the pardons he failed to wink, but the rules of Taboo prohibit gestures. It was not necessary. It was perfectly understood what he was referring to when he alleged that the agreement reached will be endorsed by Congress. This is what always happens with investitures.. And, as if it were the most normal thing in the world, because a good Tabú player always speaks as if any problem in understanding was the one in front of him, he added that what is remembered will have to be ruled on later by the Constitutional Court.. And then harmony and coexistence returned again, their favorite wild card of opacity.

An investiture candidate who beats Taboo loses in honesty. If the acting president believes that an amnesty can be good for Spain, as well as for him, he should not have so many qualms about starting by naming her to explain it, regardless of what comes out after his negotiations.. Above all, taking into account that the last time he said the word amnesty it was to oppose it.

If, instead of Tabú, Sánchez were betting on Scattergories for the investiture, he would ask us to accept Puigdemont as a pet. The bad thing is that here we are playing something else.

First fine of 500 euros for the Animal Welfare Law after leaving a dog tied at the door of a pharmacy

  • Keys to the new Animal Welfare Law: what comes into force and what does not
  • The National Police specifies what is prohibited from today with the Animal Welfare Law

A young woman was very upset when leaving a pharmacy in Ronda de don Bosco, Vigo. And the Local Police had just fined him for leaving his Dalmatian tied up for a few minutes outside this central establishment.. An action that prohibits the new Animal Welfare Law that came into force last Friday, September 29. In this sense, article 27 states that it is expressly prohibited to keep pets tied or wandering through public spaces without the in-person supervision of the person responsible for their care and behavior..

Finally, as reported by El Faro de Vigo, the sanction will not be processed, so the neighbor will be able to save the 500 euros – 250 euros if she paid in advance – that she was obliged to pay if the fine had continued its course.. As the Galician media has learned, the complaint was withdrawn before being processed through the Xunta de Galicia, the competent body in this matter.. Despite having escaped the sanction, the victim took the opportunity to call for common sense so that “no one else” has to go through the same thing as her..

The Councilor for Security, Patricia Rodríguez, highlights that, “as the episode of the young woman being reported is so recent,” “there is no copy of any complaint at this time within the Headquarters, therefore, it has not been carried out or initiated.” no sanction”. “We have recorded all the records we have within Headquarters and there is no copy of any complaint in the administrative services,” he adds..

Some obligations are delayed

The National Police itself, in order to clarify the most common doubts that arise among citizens, has taken the opportunity to respond, through social networks, to the most relevant questions. Thus, it specifies that leaving a dog tied at the door of an establishment while we make a quick purchase can result in a fine of between 500 and 10,000 euros.

It is also not allowed to leave it locked inside a vehicle or in thermal conditions that endanger its life, without supervision for more than 24 hours – in the case of dogs; in the rest, three days – or keep it permanently in basements, terraces, patios, balconies or spaces similar to these.

The Council advances that one of the issues that generates the most doubts is the contracting of civil liability insurance for damages to third parties for pets, as well as the free training course on responsible ownership. Both obligations are delayed – they did not come into force at the same time as the law – because the acting Government cannot approve the specific regulatory development.

"Spain is at risk if you govern": the PSOE avoids rejecting the amnesty in the Senate

The PSOE does not talk about the amnesty, but it does not reject it. It is the reveille that Pedro Sánchez sounded since the possibility of forgiveness for those involved in the process entered the game of his hypothetical investiture.. And what happened in the Senate this Tuesday is a new chapter of that strategy. The socialists have rejected the motion proposed by the PP as the first step in their pressure strategy against the PSOE's negotiations with the independentists

“Dialogue is the method and the Constitution is the framework,” said Eva Granados, socialist spokesperson in the Senate and leader of the PSC.. It must be remembered that the Catalan socialists, led by Salvador Illa, rejected proposals from ERC, Junts and the Commons in favor of exploring forgiveness for those involved in the events of October 1 and the unilateral declaration of independence. It is true that, later, PSOE and PSC issued a joint statement to reject the positions of the leaders of the independence movement, but the amnesty debate hangs over the socialist ranks..

The PSOE thesis is well known. The pacification policy launched by Sánchez upon arriving in Moncloa is the only way out to resolve the Catalan problem. “When Spain is at risk of breaking up, it is when you govern,” said Granados, who has opted to continue working to “redo what was broken: coexistence and reunion between Catalans and between Catalans and the rest of Spaniards.”.

Granados responded to Antonio Silván, the PP senator who has defended the text, while Sánchez appeared to give an account of his plans after being officially designated as a candidate by Felipe VI. In this context, the socialist has asked that they be allowed to “work” and has justified that voting against the popular motion is voting “in favor of coexistence and pluralism.”. Along with the socialists, the senators from the Basque and Catalan groups (Junts, ERC, EH Bildu and PNV) have voted in favor, as well as the plurinational group that includes Geroa Bai and some of the parties included in Sumar in Congress.

The former regional presidents of the PSOE, recovered in the Senate after losing the governments of Aragón, Extremadura, La Rioja and the Valencian Community in the elections on May 28, have also voted against.. Especially striking is the case of Javier Lambán, who has been very critical of the positions of his party leadership.. Together with Emiliano García-Page, they headed the most belligerent sector with the dependence that the current PSOE has on the nationalist forces, but 28-M left the Castilian-La Mancha as the only representative of that current.. Lambán shares a seat with Guillermo Fernández-Vara from Extremadura, who is vice president of the Senate, with Concha Andreu from Rioja and with Ximo Puig from Valencia..

“They are trying to prevent Congress from saying yes to a candidate who does have a project,” criticized Granados, who has defined politics as “discussing what separates us, within the Constitution, until we find what unites us.”. “Do not count on the PSOE for confrontation,” said the PSC leader in response to criticism from Silván, who has assured that the Spanish “do not deserve a government that is based on lies and blackmail.”. UPN and Vox have voted with the PP, whose spokesperson, Paloma Gómez, has charged against the “craziness and desire for greatness” of Pedro Sánchez.

Criticism of the PP for the amendment has not only come from the intervention of Eva Granados. Carla Antonelli, from the plurinational group, has charged against the PP's “desire to make a mess”. Estefanía Beltrán de Herrera, of the PNV, has disgraced “the Spanish governments” for their “inability to solve a political conflict”, while the EH Bildu deputy, Gorka Elejabarrieta, has trusted that the commitment to amnesty will serve to solve.

The representatives of ERC and Junts have been much tougher. Sara Bailac has spoken of the “general cause against the independence movement” launched by the PP, while Josep Lluis Cleries, from Carles Puigdemont's party, has said that “the PP's dialogue is the baton”, in reference to the charges of the Police in the context of October 1, 2017 and the subsequent mobilizations. “The amnesty is essential, it is the starting point for the resolution of the conflict”, Cleries has defended.

The PP strategy

The absolute majority that the Popular Party achieved in the Senate on June 23 will allow them to use the Upper House as a battering ram against Sánchez. If the legislature gets going, they will be able to delay the approval of the legislative agenda of the hypothetical coalition Executive. But they will also be able to use this type of initiative to force the position of the PSOE on controversial issues.. The third tool will be the General Commission of the Autonomous Communities, which the regional presidents are expected to pass through in the coming weeks, just at the same time as Sánchez's negotiation with his nationalist and independence partners..

This body was launched this Tuesday and the spokesperson for the socialists will be the general secretary of the Andalusian PSOE, Juan Espadas, who is a senator by autonomous appointment.. According to voices from the party itself in Andalusia, this gesture serves to demonstrate the importance that the most populated community in the country will have in the territorial debate that is about to open.. “Thanks to the PSOE of Andalusia there was and always will be equality in the construction of Spain,” said Mario Jiménez, former parliamentary spokesperson for the Andalusian socialists on his Twitter account, now X.