All posts by Cruz Ramiro

Cruz Ramiro- local news journalist and editor-in-chief. Worked in various media such as: EL Mundo, La Vanguardia, El País.

A man dies in San Martín de Unx (Navarra) after suffering an accident with a tractor

A 72-year-old man died this Tuesday in San Martín de Unx after suffering a tractor accident, as reported by the Foral Police.

The event occurred around 2 p.m. on an agricultural property. The deceased is a local resident.

A Tafalla Provincial Police patrol and a team of reports have attended the scene, as well as medical personnel. The causes of the accident are under investigation.

The body has been transferred to the Navarro Institute of Legal Medicine to perform the autopsy due to judicial death.

Sánchez, the most difficult yet

Pedro Sánchez's political career has not been easy. The most difficult point in his career, so far, was seven years ago, when, as a result of pressure from the apparatus, he decided to abandon the general secretary of his party and his deputy seat so as not to contravene the voting discipline of the PSOE that he had decided. abstain from the investiture of Mariano Rajoy. Since then, Sánchez's resilience, his determination and ability to navigate different contexts have allowed him to lead the PSOE and govern Spain with various brands in this democratic period.. First president resulting from a motion of censure. First president thanks to a coalition government. Now he wants to break a new milestone again, to be the first president who manages to assemble an alternative majority, without having won the elections..

Sánchez's priority objective is to govern again without an electoral repetition, something that once again tests his political abilities.. Get the yes from ERC and Junts at the same time; the yes of PNV and Bildu at the same time; Giving space to Sumar, and not disparaging the BNG, is top-level political engineering, because it means reconciling the support of a series of conflicting interests and putting them, together, at the service of the governability of Spain.. The second challenge that Sánchez has is that this sum does not take away support at an organic level, in a party that territorially comes out very affected by the May 28 elections and that is waiting for the national matter to be clarified to begin the regional and local dismantling..

It is a fact, there are negotiations between all the political forces that can make Sánchez president. This categorical statement was not evident on the night of July 23, when it was stated that Puigdemont, the key to governability, had more incentives to block the Spanish electoral system by not being part of any of the possible negotiations.. Quite the opposite, the former Catalan president, now an MEP, held a press conference on September 5, letting himself be loved. He exposed his conditions, with the amnesty as a banner and building a story against his true adversary: ERC.

But that press conference had had a previous preparatory. The day before, Sumar leader Yolanda Díaz made a historic visit; She was the first national politician who had gone to visit Puigdemont in Brussels, granting him explicit recognition as a political actor in this legislature.. Little by little, Junts' strategy was softening, at the same time that Sumar spoke without complexes, for the first time, about the amnesty.

From the ranks of the PSOE they have resisted speaking with the same clarity as that of their government partner. There is a large archive of socialist leaders who denied such a possibility when they justified pardons, surely, because no one expected to find themselves in this position.. But Sánchez, since he began to lead the party, has been breaking taboos that for some (his own and others) were going to destroy Spain, one after another.. For example, the impossibility of PSOE and Podemos governing in coalition. It is curious to see some regional and local leaders who denied that possibility, alluding to the great economic and social catastrophe that it would entail, signing coalition pacts with the purple ones when parliamentary arithmetic was not enough for minority governments.. After four years, the economic indicators of the coalition government between PSOE and UP, as well as the social ones, have been a cure of humility for the doomsayers of that vision.

Many of those prophetic voices were heard on the fateful October 1, 2016, in that traumatic Federal Committee that split the party in half.. Coincidence or not, it is the same date that the socialists have chosen to issue a statement of support for Sánchez to form a Government of all the provincial secretaries and former president Zapatero. The preparation of the statement was not a mere procedure. The first drafts began to circulate in mid-September, given the more than foreseeable failure of Feijóo. It was not closed until the last hours of this weekend, with successive versions in which all the terms that directly alluded to the Catalan question were eliminated due to the refusal to join by some federation that was clearly critical of the negotiations with the independentists.. To achieve unanimity, concessions were made to the most critical. However, what is important in my opinion is that a large majority of provincial secretaries, from all over Spanish territory, were willing to sign the version that included allusions to the reunion agenda and the “decisive and courageous” way in which that the Government takes the territorial challenge.

Therefore, of the two objectives that Sánchez had, the most resolved is the internal one.. The organic issue is resolved in the PSOE, because, after the last two elections, the only indisputable leadership in the organization is that of the federal general secretary, with small exceptions that are numerically insignificant.. The internal reading of 23-J is clear, Sánchez has the legitimacy to try to form a Government with the independentists, even with Bildu, which internally has always been tremendously uncomfortable… much more than doing so with the Catalan independentists.

The first objective will be attempted, with the legitimacy of the ballot boxes and the organic. However, in the PSOE they have active plan B, just in case.. The rallies that are being held in Galicia, Andalusia and will multiply throughout Spain during the negotiations. Fundamentally, because in this way we will try to explain what is being done and why.. But also because no one trusts that the sum of so many actors, in the end, will give the expected result.. Because what it is about is channeling into governability those who wanted to overwhelm it without crossing the limits of the law and without any confusing no-yes vote, because the most difficult one is still for Sánchez out of two deputies..

Fear in the PP of not joining with Vox if there is a repeat election: "It is a risk for Feijóo"

Who benefits from a repeat election? Since the last elections on July 23, the question has been recurring. The party plumbers scrutinize every piece of information, draw scenarios, correct errors and, to a greater or lesser extent, do not rule out that on January 14 we will have to return to the polls. The a priori answer is that the PP would be the most interested. Alberto Núñez Feijóo is four seats away from being sworn in as President of the Government. “Only four,” they remark on Génova Street, where their numbers tell them that, if there is a “second round,” they would be able to add with Vox the 176 deputies necessary to conquer Moncloa..

The optimism of the national leadership collides, as already happened in the electoral campaign, with the fear expressed to El Confidencial from various sectors of the party. “An election is a total risk,” say popular parliamentary sources, who warn that the best scenario for Feijóo is to go to the opposition.. The analysis they make is that, even if the result improves, if a “sufficient majority” is not achieved to govern, the Galician would have to leave office.. “Then we would have a leadership and project problem,” point out the same sources..

In the polls that have been published, there is agreement that the PP would considerably improve its results. The last one, from Sigma Dos for El Mundo, gives it 147 compared to the current 137, but the decline of Santiago Abascal's team, which goes from 33 to 28, places them in a tie at 175 with the so-called “progressive bloc” that They make up PSOE, Sumar, Bildu, ERC, PNV, Junts and BNG. There is also a transfer of socialist voters to Feijóo, but insufficient to create an alternative to Sánchez and his parliamentary partners.

“The amnesty is scandalous, but since it has not materialized, it has no electoral impact,” justifies a territorial leader of those labeled as centrists.. The fear among high-ranking popular officials is born from this same conclusion. If Sánchez calls new elections, it will mean that he has not reached an agreement with the Catalan independentists. What would apparently be a failure would end up becoming an electoral asset given that the president could claim that he has not given in to the demands of the fugitive Carles Puigdemot.. Sánchez would thus appeal to the moderate socialist with whom the PP flirts. Felipe González and the old guard would go from being in front to being behind.

Sánchez has never spoken openly about the measure of grace. In fact, delegating to deputy Óscar Puente the reply to Alberto Núñez Feijóo in the failed investiture was part of Moncloa's strategy to prevent the president from “going down into the mud” in defending the amnesty for those prosecuted for the referendum. illegal October 1. The presidential advisors have always had plan B in the bedroom, which would involve going to the polls again with a candidate who keeps his word to negotiate within the Constitution in the face of the “blackmail” of the sovereigntists..

In this scenario, which at this time is the most unlikely for PP and PSOE, given that in both formations the bets that there will be a Sánchez Executive win, the Galician leader would see the axis of his speech truncated.. Feijóo defended before the Lower House that he was resigning from being President of the Government because he was not willing “to pay the price they ask of him” from Junts. If Sánchez does not pay it either, the question that arises in the popular ranks is: “What is left for us?”.

The mantra that the socialist is an unscrupulous politician would be called into question, from the perspective of the popular ones, who assume that the socialist machinery would set in motion the boomerang effect to denounce that the PP has mobilized the streets and has based its disqualifications of Sánchez in a “lie”. Already in July, the PSOE worked on the slogan that the president's detractors had “fabricated” an image of him, which, in some cases, went so far as to describe him as “a psychopath.”. The other weak point they perceive in the party is the slogan of 'repealing sanchismo'. They explain that not only was it evident that it was insufficient to mobilize their electorate, but that, with the offer of State pacts to Sánchez by Feijóo, it has become “outdated.”.

Regarding the equation with Vox, the veterans go beyond blaming that it does not give the sum to the disaster of the extreme right. The key, according to former Rajoy ministers who compare the current situation to that experienced with Ciudadanos, is not everything that Abascal's men lower, but rather what the PP needs to raise. “If we want to reach Moncloa, we have to bite Vox much more,” reflect the aforementioned sources, who give as an example what has happened in Andalusia or in the Community of Madrid, where Juanma Moreno and Isabel Díaz Ayuso achieved better results than Feijóo in the generals.

In the territorial framework, a renewal in Catalonia and the Basque Country is a priority. With the current numbers in these communities, popular leaders assume that the PSOE will endure. For this change in trend it takes time. The conferences to replace Alejandro Fernández and Carlos Iturgáiz are pending. In the first case, resistance is expected from the leader of the Catalan PP.

With all these elements in the environment, the opinion is spreading in the PP that it is better to trust the future to a short term of Sánchez and rearm itself as an opposition against a Government that they foresee weakened by the slowdown of the economy, the demands for adjustments of Brussels and Puigdemont's dependency. The hackneyed expression that “elections are carried out by the devil” weighs heavily..

Is amnesty for Puigdemont what kryptonite was for Superman?

Sixth anniversary of 1-0. The birthday party is getting less and less crowded. And this despite the fact that the sacristans of sovereignty maintain the date in a very prominent place in the liturgical calendar of the independence movement..

Beyond the modest number of attendees, 5,000 according to the urban guard (11,000 last year according to the same source), the only thing that could have some interest outside the echo chamber of sovereignty is what Carles Puigdemont could say in his speech. The moment of truth is approaching and it is time to start reducing speed, lowering altitude and deploying the landing gear.. As long as what is intended is to make the investiture of Pedro Sánchez a reality in a timely manner..

Aware that each of his words now has a much greater political impact than before 23-J, Puigdemont measured his speech more in this year's coven.. Of course, he stood as guardian of the spirit of 1-0, applause, and sang the praises of the fake referendum as the founding act of the “independent republic.”. And he insisted again that his party is not going to succumb to any pressure to retract, resign or regret what he did six years ago.. What's more, he reiterated that the 1-0 formula is the winner, it exists and you just have to decide to apply it.

It is easy to see that at the moment there is no desire for amendment on the part of Carles Puigdemont and that it will be difficult for the PSOE to obtain what it did achieve from Oriol Junqueras in 2020, when the pardons that were subsequently approved were negotiated with great reserve.. The PSOE asked the leader of ERC, and he accepted, to renounce unilateralism and downgrade the political value of 1-O.

At the moment, this is not the case of Puigdemont, who continues with a stony speech regarding the events in which he was involved: everything was great and, therefore, there is no reason for any type of resignation or recognition of guilt.. Junts will never be the party where we will not do it again, he said for those who wanted to listen to it..

He did not utter a single word about the amnesty or a future referendum agreed with the PSOE. As a concession to the optimism of those from different positions who drink the winds for a PSOE-Junts agreement, the former president of the Generalitat was kind enough to add that the path of negotiation must be explored with more “empathy.”.

The one who has taken the time to clarify what is to be understood by “referendum” is Marta Rovira, the general secretary of ERC.. Yesterday he verbalized on Catalunya Ràdio that for his party the important thing is to address the question of self-determination in some way. But they are not asking Sánchez, according to Rovira, for anything that he would not have accepted three years ago.. What is required, according to the Republican residing in Switzerland, is a copy of what her party already achieved when it negotiated the first investiture of the acting president: the recognition of the existence of a political problem that must be thoroughly addressed and whose end must be a vote that, in some way, allows the sovereigntist parties to say that they have met the demands of their voters.

That is to say, a referendum yes, but less and who knows the formula and what exactly?. The Republicans have been affected by the knock on the table from the PSOE and the PSC, the most explicit being Salvador Illa, warning that self-determination is not negotiable and that nothing happens if we have to go to elections again..

No matter how much ERC wants to get on Puigdemont's side, its votes will always be cheaper for Pedro Sánchez than those of Junts. No wonder those of Oriol Junqueras spent the campaign explaining that it was essential to stop Vox and the PP while the former president of the Generalitat promised an institutional blockade of Spain.

So the last word, no matter how effective it may be to move ERC's arms and legs to remind us that it is there, belongs to Pedro Sánchez and Carles Puigdemont.. And both have more than enough incentives to bet on the entente. In the same way that both also know at this point that the negotiation has limits for both parties that will hardly be crossed..

If the PSOE remains firm in its refusal to negotiate on the semantic basis of “self-determination”, and also demands some type of statement from the former president of the Generalitat explicitly renouncing unilaterality, Puigdemont has a problem.. The landing strip is shortened. And it still flies very high and fast to stop the aircraft in just a few meters..

On the other hand, if the Junts boss continues in his thirteenth position hammering away with his speech about the benefits of the 1-0 and the declaration of independence that came afterwards, also conditioning the investiture to address in one way or another the issue of “ self-determination” without euphemisms, the problem lies with the PSOE. Choice of words, yes, but politics thrives on them.

The agreement is more than possible on the basis of an amnesty that we will see how it is finalized and applied; and a kick forward in the political solution to the territorial fit proposed by the independence movement. What seems difficult is explaining it to your most faithful customers, paying the smallest bill for your inconsistency.. That's the game left to play.

“Will I be able to tell it without being called a traitor?” asks Puigdemont, knowing that there will be no independence referendum.. And the answer is no. will not be able. If he invests Sánchez, next year the one they are going to whistle at on the seventh anniversary of 1-O is him. What's more, his return to Spain, if it comes to fruition, may have the same effect that kryptonite had on Superman.. Not during the sovereigntist splendor of celebration for the return home, but once it is revealed that the amnesty is not followed by any referendum. It will be, at this precise point, that the leaders of the process will have reached the end of the circular path they undertook. A decade to end up back where we started. And start again, which has been nothing.

They find the body of the missing woman in the basement of a squatted building in Cangas, Pontevedra

  • What is known about the body found inside a suitcase on Mount Artxanda in Bilbao?
  • A body appears in the Ulla river and it is being investigated if it is the missing person from Teo (A Coruña)

This Sunday, October 1, the body of a woman appeared in the basement of a building in Candas, Pontevedra. This is Mª Carmen GN, 54 years old, missing since last Monday, according to El Faro de Vigo.. This property, located on Atranco Street, is abandoned and apparently the building was never completed due to water problems, since a river runs right next to it.. It has been squatted for years and has become the scene of several incidents, among the most recent a fire in a mattress last March, which forced it to be evacuated and caused at least one minor injury..

The discovery of the body occurred after members of Emerxencias-Civil Protection and Bombeiros do Morrazo spent hours bailing out the water accumulated in the pit, where it was suspected that the woman could be.. Finally, they found her lifeless at five in the afternoon, and after eight in the afternoon, a funeral van took the body to the forensic anatomical center to perform an autopsy that must determine the cause of death..

According to the Galician media, the relatives of this neighbor, known as Mari, reported the case to the police, as well as through the organization SOS Desaparecidos.. The woman left her home on Monday and was carrying her mobile phone. Local Police and Civil Guard carried out several raids and inspections in buildings in the area in recent days to try to find her..

Frequent altercations

Finally, they decided to drain the water from the basement, which was almost permanently flooded, since the building lacks waterproof doors and windows against rain.. The work continued for several hours until all the liters of cloudy water were removed and the woman's body was found.

The building remained sealed to collect evidence. Neighbors claim that security inside the property is non-existent and altercations are frequent. For the moment, investigators, who do not rule out any hypothesis, continue to look for evidence that will help clarify the causes of death.

Alejandra Jacinto leaves her positions in Podemos to return to her activity as a lawyer

Podemos' housing secretary and party leader, Alejandra Jacinto, has announced that she is leaving her positions in the purple formation and institutional politics, to return to her professional activity as a lawyer in favor of the right to housing..

He also expresses that Podemos is going to undertake an “organizational and programmatic renewal” in the near future, which he considers “timely and necessary.”. And “beyond the logical and necessary discrepancies that must exist in every organization”, he understands that Podemos and its militancy “continue to be one of the essential ingredients for democratic progress to be possible in Spain.”.

On the other hand, he explains that the “internal dynamics of the parties and coalitions are necessary” for their democratic functioning, in reference to Podemos and Sumar, but “they should not stifle the propositional debate or displace the role that civil society plays as a guarantee and engine in an advanced democracy that must be built together, every day, from many places”.

“I have always believed that confluence, diversity and cooperation at the service of the common objectives of social change mark the path for authentic revolutions,” he explained in a statement in which he explained that he had communicated his decision to the party leader. , Ione Belarra, to cease the “organic responsibilities that he maintained” in Podemos, thanking him for his trust.

Jacinto was signed by the former party leader Pablo Iglesias for the Unidas Podemos candidacy, which she led in Madrid before the 2021 electoral advance, becoming a regional deputy..

He then led the list of Podemos, IU and Alianza Verde in the 28M elections in this region, although he was left out of the Madrid Assembly by not obtaining the 5% of votes necessary to enter the regional parliament.. In addition, he served as state co-spokesperson for the party, although after the electoral setback he stopped appearing in the party..

Jacinto also joined Sumar's campaign team as housing spokesperson during Sumar's electoral campaign for the 23-J elections and was on the coalition list for the Madrid constituency, although in a delayed position (number 15)..

The blow of being left out of the Madrid Assembly

In his writing, Jacinto recognizes that not having achieved representation in Madrid for Unidas Podemos in the regional elections was a “hard blow” for the transformative left.. He also argues that the current political situation “contains elements of great complexity and difficult balances between the various identities that participate in the vocation for social change.”.

“This represents an enormous opportunity for progress for the profound transformation that our country needs in areas such as the effectiveness of social rights, feminism, the fight against the climate crisis, the plurinational reality of the state and democratic improvement. I would dare to say that collective success will depend largely on the best tendencies of cooperation between the various actors.. It is because of this cooperation that I have always opted for in my career,” Jacinto explains..

The former leader of Podemos points out that during her time in institutional politics she has learned that “citizens cannot remain alien to the institutions that govern, nor can institutions live apart from the citizens that give meaning to their mandate.”.

Jacinto, whom several party sources saw as distant from the leadership of the party for a long time, explains that his political journey has been guided by “commitment to decency and honesty”, and with that desire he dedicated his efforts to the regional campaign. in Madrid to try to reverse the “regressive” policy of the PP.

“We try to lay the foundations for a project of promising political and social confluence. We didn't achieve it by very little,” he emphasizes to apologize to the more than 160,000 voters who supported his candidacy on March 28..

Another premises of the owner of the Murcia nightclub burned in 2019 and continued operating without a license

The businessman in charge of the Murcia nightclub where 13 people died this weekend as a result of the flames, Juan Inglés Rojo, managed another establishment in the Murcia town of San Pedro del Pinatar that burned in 2019 and then continued operating without license. This second location was called Flamingoville and was the subject of a fire at the end of September four years ago.. Precisely, the Murcian authorities revealed this Monday that the room in which 13 people died over the weekend also did not have a license..

The company of the premises that burned in 2019 is Flamingo San Pedro SL and the Pinata city council detected in September 2020 that the establishment was operating without a music license, as recorded in a minutes from the council to which El Confidencial has had access.. Almost a year later, in August 2021, the city council confirmed again that it still did not have that musical license.. The fire at the Flamingo was reported by La Opinión de Murcia, which documented the event with a video.

The businessman Juan Inglés Rojo was the administrator of Flamingo since 2017, according to the Commercial Registry.. In 2018, the company Teatre SL was established, which took over the main premises where another fire occurred this weekend, in this case fatal to 13 people.. Precisely, this Monday it was learned that both the Teatre nightclub and the adjacent room, called La Fonda Milagros, had to have ceased their activity more than a year ago and stopped operating, since there was a closure order that the premises did not comply, so that both have operated “without authorization since the order to cease activity” issued by the previous socialist Government, in January 2022..

Precisely, it was up to the inspection services to check whether the closure of the premises had been carried out and the council has confirmed that the company never obtained municipal permits to divide its establishment into two premises, Teatre and La Fonda, and was operating without authorization from January 2022. This was confirmed in an urgent press conference by the Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning, Garden and Environment, Antonio Navarro (PP).

The lawyer of the Fonda Milagros room, Francisco Adán, denied this Monday that an order to cease activity was imposed on the premises, contrary to what was stated by the City Council, and has assured that the fire that caused the fire, in which 13 people lost their lives, it occurred in the attached nightclub, Teatre.

Teatre was the original nightclub. It was inaugurated about 20 years ago with a decoration that simulated a classic theater, with all the rooms lined with wood. Recently, a third of the initial surface was segregated to create La Fonda, aimed at the Latin public. Although they were different businesses, they were located within the same industrial warehouse and shared flammable material coatings. It was practically impossible for the fire not to spread from one nightclub to another.

The last of the Mohicans of the Ribeira Sacra: within the most difficult vineyards to harvest in the world

Sindo Díaz González is 69 years old and still patrols the vineyard up and down the terrace at 280 meters high on an almost vertical wall, with astonishing agility, carrying boxes of Mencia grapes above his Mohican crest.. He has harvested all his life on the family farm with donkeys and sacks, but he was around 40 when he decided to clear the forest and revive the vineyard that was below at the intersection of the Sil and Edo rivers, which he expanded in little pieces until totaling three hectares..

“I had the illusion of making a Vega Sicilia (from the Ribeira Sacra) here,” he says, perched on a cliff, where he complains about the hardness of manual work in full sun for weeks that no one wants to take on anymore.. Among the 25 workers on the crew there are many older women with quick hands and tanned skin who walk through narrow furrows cutting one bunch after another for eight hours.. They are around 50 and 60 and the vertigo stayed at home. They do not stop to talk nor do they like to be interrupted. They do what they know, what they have come to do and that no one else does. “There is no labor. “No one wants to come to the area anymore,” laments Díaz, the last Mohican of the Ribeira Sacra.

Recognize that from spring to autumn, the vines give no respite and the work intensifies: sulfating, wiring, branching and harvesting is very hard.. Everything is manual and even bringing the Jeep closer to load the grapes is a feat. A few meters away, Óscar is the (only) exception. A kid from the region who dares to climb up and down slopes with a gradient that exceeds 65%. Ascend from the riverbed to 530 meters, where the highest vineyard is and enjoy learning an ancient trade where climate change is also having its impact, raising temperatures and anticipating the harvest so that the sun does not burn the clusters and turn them into raisins. And it happens even though they accelerate the deadlines to avoid it.

From the Sindo estate comes Bancales Olvidados, a unique wine, 100% Mencía, macerated and fermented in French oak, which is one of the standards of the Ponte da Boga winery, the oenological commitment of the Hijos de Rivera Corporation, the group behind the brands of Estrella Galicia, Cabreiroá, Maeloc or Auara. Founded in 1898 by the Pascasio Fernández family in Castro Caldelas (Ourense), it is the oldest winery in the Ribeira Sacra and passed into the hands of the Riveras in 2006 with a personal commitment by José María Rivera to do an origin and production project. in value of an ancient tradition that has sculpted an entire region by and for wine.

The Ribeira Sacra is a territory straddling three river basins (Miño, Sil and Cabe) and 27 municipalities in two provinces, Lugo (13) and Ourense (14).. Biosphere Reserve, nominated for UNESCO World Heritage status and is a paradise on earth. The best vineyards were buried by the dams that dammed the Sil River in Santo Estevo and San Pedro during the Franco regime and only a quarter (1,200 hectares) of the 5,000 possible hectares are cultivated, the winery explains.. Terraces carved over a century by order of the monasteries on shale and hidden under a blanket of disordered vegetation that covered abandoned vines due to the impossibility of harvesting them..

The heroic thing, says Rubén Pérez, winemaker at Ponte da Boga, is “putting that landscape in a bottle” and assuming a cost that multiplies by six that of the harvest in other Iberian territories.. “We are around 3 euros per kilo of grapes compared to 0.50 in other regions”. Often, removing the clusters from the vineyard requires a harness to hold on, rails to lift the boxes as in vertical mining, or boats to load them in the river and dock them on land..

Vineyard climate change

If we rewind, it was the Romans who introduced wine by searching for gold in Ourense – a place name that would derive from Auriense (city of gold) but the credit goes to the monks who, since the 8th century, sculpted the slopes of a stone canyon – schists – where it was unlikely to grow anything else to make a rare, wild and vertical wine. The plague of phylloxera and powdery mildew that wiped out vines from all over Europe ended up in the Ribeira Sacra, but, with time and care, indigenous and very unique grapes such as mencía, merenzao -la bastarda grape-, whitenellao or sousón (reds) and godello , treixadura the legitimate whites (blancas) managed to survive.

Today the threat is different. Climate change is in the vines and cherry trees that bloom in February. An example: if a decade ago the harvest began at the beginning of October, this 2023 it started at the beginning of September. Even the end of August for the white grapes, they point out from the Castro Caldelas winery, which turns 125 years old. “Climate change is moving faster than us. The viticulture that we learned to do for centuries is no longer useful. We see it every day; There are grapes that resist better (sousón) than others (merenzao) and we strive to adapt quickly, but it is not enough,” points out its winemaker..

The other challenge is to apply the circular economy: reuse water to clean vats, sterilize with steam and apply ozone as a mitigant within the Aromavid project that the winery is developing together with the University of Santiago and the CSIC, in addition to using thermoreactive labels that reveal a map when the temperature is optimal for consumption. From Ponte da Boga, in the DO Ribeira Sacra, 450,000 bottles of a unique wine come out annually in its different versions: Capricho de Merenzao, Porto de Lobos, G, Pizarras y Esquistos,…. for the domestic market and a relevant percentage that is already exported to Anglo-Saxon markets, mainly Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States, where the critic Eric Asimov helped popularize Mencía and the white wines of this wine-growing region of Ourense in the pages from the New York Times where in 2009 he proclaimed himself a devotee of this terroir between rivers where passion and landscape combine in a heroic wine.

Plan to save the Torrelodones dam: PP, PSOE and Vox promote the protection of the reservoir

The future of the Torrelodones dam has reached agreement between PP, PSOE and Vox. The three groups in the Madrid Assembly will take their own initiatives to protect the Peñascales reservoir, which could be demolished due to lack of use and a forgotten file, to the next Commission on the Environment, Agriculture and Interior, which is being held this Tuesday.. Almost a year ago, the Tajo Hydrographic Confederation (CHT) terminated the concession that allowed the town's City Council to exploit its waters for human supply and irrigation.. The CHT reported that the infrastructure had been unused for “more than three consecutive years”, which according to the Water Law means its extinction.

There was a middle option. Last December, the basin organization notified the Torrelodon City Council – then directed by Alfredo García, of a local party that lost the absolute majority to the PP in the last elections – that a file had been processed to terminate the contract for hydraulic uses.. It did so through the General Directorate of Water of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, Environment and Demographic Challenge, after the deadline for allegations had passed for the Torrelodones City Council to give them a response..

The new municipal team, now under the leadership of the popular Almudena Negro, has requested a new concession from the Confederation, which is being studied by its technicians.. The current City Council details that this extraordinary resource was requested about two weeks ago, for which they ask for “mixed use” of the water.. That is, it can also be used for recreational purposes.. They blame the previous Administration for “hiding a demolition order” and “not having filed a complaint in time”, while their predecessors deny the accusation and claim to have requested an urgent meeting with representatives of the CHT..

the same front

Now, the current municipal Executive is trying to recover control over the dam in any way possible.. To achieve this, PP, PSOE and Vox go together although their proposals are slightly different. Both the popular parties and those of Abascal will take their demands to the Madrid Assembly on Tuesday so that it urges the central government to reverse the decision of the Hydrographic Confederation, under the argument that these parties could do nothing because they had not been informed, according to they denounce, of the file that threatened the reservoir.

The proposal of the socialists, who share acronyms with the central government – which has power over the CHT and the rest of the bodies for the basins – is to declare Peñascales and its surroundings as a Special Environmental Protection Zone. This figure would shield the space and allow the City Council to “enjoy greater arguments in its request to conserve the dam.”. This is how Guillermo Martín, regional deputy of the PSOE, explains it.. He believes that, “unlike PP and Vox”, they do consider that the Confederation “has done its job well” by withdrawing the concession.

“It was an administrative error by the old municipal team. We cannot demand that those who comply with the law [in reference to the central Executive] change it just because: we have to give arguments,” he justifies.. However, he wants to make it clear that this is not about “pursuing any plan to renaturalize rivers” or acting “under Ferraz's guidelines”, as he sees people often accused of. “It is true that the Ministry [of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge] is removing small hydraulic infrastructures because they are abandoned and dangerous. But with large dams like this, things change,” he says, waiting for the the Environment Commission, their demands are taken into account.

The amnesty makes it difficult for the Canarian Coalition to support Sánchez and leans towards abstention

The support of the Canarian Coalition for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez will not be so easy, even if its demands are accepted. The Canarian nationalists have added a clause on amnesty in the hypothetical agreement. The rejection among their electorate of the agreement with the PSOE weighs and they want to know “before we get on that train” what the socialists will agree with the Catalan independentists. Sources from the party led by the president of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, maintain that “to this day” a pact with Sánchez would not be understood either in the party or among his electorate if he finally accepts an amnesty law..

In this scenario, and even accepting their demands based on the Canarian agenda and the transfer of pending items in the budgets, the same sources are inclined towards abstention. His reading is that, if the legislature gets underway, the PSOE will also have to go to them to get their vote.. When the first law is debated or when the following budgets are presented.

The value of its only deputy in Congress, Cristina Valido, is that it would be crucial for the Executive to only need the abstention of Junts or one of the other groups of the sovereigntist bloc instead of their vote in favor. A support that would facilitate governability for Sánchez when parliamentary arithmetic closes the door to variable geometry. If the debate on the territorial model is opened during this legislature, as the PNV demands, the Canarian nationalists would also enter the equation. Canarian Coalition positions itself in favor of facing this debate. Both to reinforce its more identity profile and to demand full compliance with the “acquired rights” in the Statute of Autonomy of the Canary Islands and to aspire to guarantee the treatment of an outermost region recognized by the EU..

Its objective is to position itself as a hinge and not fit into any block, after supporting Feijóo's investiture and opening up to do the same in Sánchez's. “We are not in those two blocks,” explained Valido during his intervention in Feijóo's investiture debate with an argument against polarization. Likewise, he stressed that “the mandate of the Canary Islands is to solve their problems.”. Proof of this versatility is that they already distanced themselves from the PP in the first plenary session to support the use of co-official languages in Congress. Then they joined the bloc made up of the PSOE and its potential investiture partners (Sumar, ERC, Junts, EH Bildu, PNV and BNG).

If they finally abstain from Sánchez's investiture, the socialists would not be able to lower the price of Junts by continuing to specify their vote in favor. However, at Moncloa they assure that the agreement with Carles Puigdemont's party will not change, even if it is worth their abstention.. Another thing would be during the legislature, which would give him greater margin. The Government of Pedro Sánchez broke the mold this term by managing to approve three consecutive budgets with a minority coalition. However, it had some margin to try a variable geometry in laws that some of its partners did not support or decrees such as the labor reform.. Now, they have no alternatives and the minorities do the math to anticipate when they would be essential given the abstention of some other group..

Winks and suspicions

Government negotiators are convinced of being able to attract Canarian nationalists. As they move forward, they are willing to sign the so-called Canarian agenda. The same list of demands that the Canarian nationalists agreed with the PP in exchange for their vote in the investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo. Likewise, sources from the Treasury leadership assure that they have no problem sitting down with the formation to review the pending transfers to this territory in the current budgets.. An advance payment without which CC will not even agree to negotiate.

As a first nod, the Interior has agreed to call the Canary Islands to the immigration meetings, with the aim of strengthening collaboration between administrations. A presence that they have been demanding insistently since they acceded to the regional Executive in the last elections..

The Canarian Coalition's misgivings about the PSOE are also due to the fact that, firstly, they have not met with the socialists since the week prior to the formation of the Congressional Board.. Then, they did not reach an agreement, after the PSOE offered a “minimum pact” based on extending free public transport, and they chose to support the PP candidate for the presidency of Congress.. Secondly, because they require a double guarantee to secure the budget items that have not yet been received.. That is, those that can be executed on time are transferred immediately, before the end of the year, and the rest are committed to the 2024 accounts..