All posts by Cruz Ramiro

Cruz Ramiro- local news journalist and editor-in-chief. Worked in various media such as: EL Mundo, La Vanguardia, El País.

A man is arrested for sexually assaulting a woman last Tuesday in Getxo

A man has been arrested for a crime of sexual assault that occurred last Tuesday, the 19th, in the Biscayan town of Getxo, as confirmed by the Department of Security to Europa Press. The municipality's City Council has called for a rally this Friday at twelve noon on the steps of the Town Hall and at the purple point of Telletxe at seven thirty in the afternoon.

The attack occurred around ten at night in the Neguri neighborhood of Getxo and, after what happened, the woman filed a complaint. Hours later, at dawn, a man was arrested for his alleged involvement in the events and was subsequently brought into judicial custody..

Following these events, the Board of Spokespersons of the City Council, made up of the mayor and representatives of all municipal political groups, has unanimously approved an institutional declaration in which it shows its “firmest rejection”, while condemning ” “any aggression derived from sexist attitudes based on gender inequality and machismo”.

In addition, it expresses its solidarity with the attacked women, while offering them its support.. The Declaration emphasizes that violence is “always the responsibility of the person who perpetrates it and that blaming the attacked women must be avoided.”.

He also insists that we cannot forget that there is “no context that justifies sexist attacks” and reiterates that there are no profiles of aggressors, although, according to Emakunde, the majority of sexual attacks against women (80% of the total) They are committed by people who previously had some type of link or relationship with the victim.

The City Council is committed to continuing to work to achieve a society “based on the values of equality and respect”, in which women “can freely decide with whom, when and how to have sexual relations, and in which, ultimately, “Your will is totally respected.”.

One in 12 people in Spain cannot eat meat or fish every two days or heat their home

Severe material deficiency has increased in Spain to exceed the maximum reached in 2014. Thus, one in every 12 people in Spain (8.1%) would suffer from severe material deficiency in 2022, more than double that before the financial crisis (in 2007 it was 3.5%) and even one point above the figure 2014 (7.1%), according to INE data analyzed by Focus on Spanish Society, a publication edited by Funcas.

The rate of severe material deprivation determines the percentage of the population that lacks at least four items from a list of nine goods and activities whose access is considered essential for individual well-being today.. This is an indicator of serious vulnerability, the analysis of which becomes important in a context of successive crises and sharp increases in inflation..

If between 2014 and 2019 this indicator fell from 7.1% to 4.7%, in 2020 it already rose to 7% and, despite the growth of GDP and employment, severe material deficiency has continued to increase until 2022, reaching above pre-pandemic levels.

One of the concepts included in the material deficiency indicator is the ability to maintain the home at an adequate temperature.. In this aspect, there are notable differences between the 27 countries of the European Union, according to Eurostat data.. With 17.1% of its population stating that they cannot maintain an adequate temperature at home, Spain is above the European average (9.3%)..

In countries like Austria, Sweden and Finland the proportion of people affected by this problem is less than 3%.. However, this indicator worsened between 2021 and 2022 in almost all European countries and while in Spain it increased by three percentage points, the most significant increases were observed in Romania, France and Ireland..

According to Funcas, the sharp rise in food prices since 2021, aggravated by the war in Ukraine, may also have affected the most vulnerable households.. However, in this dimension of material deficiency, Spain records more positive data. In 2022, 5.4% of the population stated that they could not afford meat, chicken or fish at least every two days, a proportion higher than that of 2021 (4.7%), but lower than those observed not only in many countries of Eastern Europe, but also in Germany (11.4%), Greece (10%), France (9.5%) and Italy (7.5%).

Differences between the CCAA

In the case of Spain, considerable differences can be seen between the autonomous communities. While around a fifth of the population of Extremadura (23%), Andalusia (21%) and Murcia (20%) declared in 2022 that they would not be able to keep their home at an adequate temperature, these figures were below 10%. in Castilla y León, Basque Country, Navarra, La Rioja and Aragon.

These latter regions are also the ones that fare best by focusing on people who can afford a meal with meat, chicken or fish every two days. The differences in this item are even more pronounced than in the ability to keep the home at an adequate temperature.. Thus, the highest rate (Canary Islands: 11.9%) is six times higher than the lowest (Aragón: 1.9%). In both indicators, the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla present the worst results.

The Constitutional Court will rule on the limitation of functions of the CGPJ next October

Starting next October 2, the plenary session of the Constitutional Court will hold a monographic plenary session on the unconstitutionality appeals presented by Vox and PP against the reform of the CGPJ that limits the functions of the body. Considers that the matter requires an exclusive study given its complexity and general interest.

The two appeals were admitted months ago. The two parties challenged the reform to cut the powers of the Council when it is in office, including that of making appointments to the judicial leadership.. The bill promoted by PSOE and Unidas Podemos was highly contested not only by the opposition, but by the CGPJ itself, which unsuccessfully tried on several occasions to get Congress to seek its opinion before its processing.. The possibility of going to the Constitutional Court to raise a conflict of powers with the Lower House was even considered, as promoted by a group of members, whose request was discarded..

The rule came to light again during the opening ceremony of the judicial year when the acting president of the Supreme Court referred to the desolate situation in which the TS and other courts find themselves, trapped in this prohibition on appointments and the lack of agreement between the two main political formations to renew the CGPJ. The organ had to be renovated almost five years ago.

The endless history of the CGPJ leads the high courts to collapse. In the words of the president of the Supreme Court, Francisco Marín Castán, this is an attack on the independence of the body. “If the fundamental mission of the General Council of the Judiciary is to ensure the independence of judges, not proceeding with their renewal in a timely manner is still a way of curtailing the fullness of that independence, in the same way as maintaining to the nation's highest court in a critical, almost life-saving situation,” he said..

As he warned, “what is failing is the democratic impulse” on the part of the political actors, and this has led to “one of the saddest episodes in our constitutional history”, such as the resignation a year ago of his predecessor in the position, Carlos Lesmes. “The open and repeated confrontation between the different political forces regarding the Judiciary ends up generating a pernicious perception of the institutions and the jurisdictional work in the citizens. A perception that, even if it does not conform to reality, is already enormously harmful in itself,” he added.

The blockade in the judicial leadership dates back to March 2021, when the PSOE and Unidas Podemos carried out a reform that prevents the body from making appointments to the highest positions while it is in office.. The Government justified this measure as an incentive to renew the CGPJ, but, months later, the delay in resolving matters reaches such a point that, according to legal sources, some courts will take years to recover..

With a staff of 79 magistrates, the Supreme Court itself will have 23 vacant positions this October, a lack of personnel that is already unsustainable for the Contentious-Administrative Chamber and the Social Chamber.. In the case of the National Court, the presidency of the Criminal Chamber also stands out, which became vacant after the departure of Judge Concepción Espejel to the Constitutional Court a year ago.. Judge Alfonso Guevara has held the acting presidency since then, but the election of the definitive replacement for a court that resolves crimes of terrorism or macro-causes of political corruption, among other issues, depends on a CGPJ that remains unrenewed.. In total, the places pending renewal now amount to 83.

The sentence of Pérez de los Cobos compromises the position of the head of the Civil Guard in Valencia

The ruling of the Supreme Court on Diego Pérez de los Cobos, which has upheld the resources of the colonel of the Civil Guard against the decision of the Ministry of the Interior to veto his promotion to general, indirectly leaves the current chief in a compromised situation. of the Armed Institute in the Valencian Community, Arturo Prieto Bozec from Elche. The judicial resolution, of which at the moment only the ruling is known, annuls his promotion to general in October 2021, which would place him as colonel again.. The problem is that this rank is not sufficient to occupy command in said community..

As established by the royal decree on the peripheral organization of the Civil Guard, command of the sixth zone, which corresponds to the Valencian Community, must be exercised “by a general officer of the Civil Guard in active service”. Within this category fall the ranks of lieutenant general, division general and brigadier general, which is to which Prieto was promoted on October 19, 2021. Just nine days later, on October 28, the Interior assigned him as the main command to said autonomous community, but after the annulment of his promotion by the Supreme Court, he would no longer meet the requirements demanded by this position..

When asked by El Confidencial, sources from the Civil Guard have declined to make any type of consideration about what they describe as “a technical-legal issue” and refer to the Ministry of the Interior.. The department headed by Fernando Grande-Marlaska highlights that, despite the annulment of the appointment having already been known, the Supreme Court has not yet provided the ruling: “We will have to wait for the full resolution to analyze it and see its scope,” they warn.. “At the moment, General Prieto continues to lead the Civil Guard in his community without problem”.

Other sources indicate that, once the sentence is notified, the Interior could promote him again, although they doubt the deadlines.. The Supreme Court has ordered “the retroaction of the procedures so that the report of the general director of the Civil Guard (…) that regulates the evaluations is issued”, so in principle it would be possible to correct this irregularity, promote him again and leave the annulment in wet paper. Until then, the position of Prieto, who arrived from the Almería command after having received several decorations and had various assignments in Murcia, in the Anti-Terrorist Group and in the Information Service of the Civil Guard in Vizcaya, remains in an indefinite position..

Two other controls affected

The Supreme Court ruling also annuls the promotions to brigadier generals of Antonio José Rodríguez-Medel and Francisco Javier Sánchez Gil, who were in turn promoted to the command of the Teaching Headquarters and the Technical Services Headquarters, respectively.. As with the position of the Valencian Community, the regulations of the Civil Guard reserve these commands to a “general officer of the Civil Guard on active duty”, so when they are demoted to the rank of colonels, their appointments they would be compromised once again.

In the appeals he filed before the Supreme Court, Pérez de los Cobos warned about “anomalous events” contrary to law. As he remembered, he himself had been ranked number one after the corresponding evaluation for promotion to general, but the Interior chose to ignore this fact.. “It is clear that the non-existence of the mandatory report that the general director of the Civil Guard must submit to the Minister of Defense assessing the results of the evaluations carried out and the suitability of those who are going to be promoted (…) turns the assumption into an accredited one. reality as proof of the misuse of power,” he denounced.

After reviewing the procedure, the Supreme Court ended up agreeing with him this week by concluding that he was “relegated in promotions”. Last March, this same court also dealt another setback to the Interior by annulling the dismissal of Pérez de los Cobos as colonel at the head of the Madrid command.. His dismissal occurred in 2020 for refusing to inform his political superiors of a judicial investigation that affected the Government of Pedro Sánchez, as El Confidencial revealed.. Specifically, some investigations focused on the actions of the Government Delegation during the start of the pandemic for authorizing demonstrations such as International Women's Day.

The amnesty does not break the PSOE, it makes it stronger

The PSOE should replace the fist and rose flag with the pirate flag. It would be the most honest way to symbolize Ferraz's degradation and to expose the mercenary and predatory regime that governs the Socialist Party..

Merit of Pedro Sánchez, whose authoritarian leadership has managed to turn the aberration of the amnesty into an anecdote and an organic procedure. The party does not break or fissure after having introduced it into the national debate. Quite the opposite. Sánchez has turned it into an instrument of cohesion and discipline. And in unequivocal proof of the meekness with which the internal organs and counterweights react.

The spaces for contesting the amnesty have been settled in the most predictable territory and most favorable to Moncloa propaganda.. What if the dinosaurs and what if Aznar. What if the territorial barons. What if the media right? What if the intellectuals. Yes, the Democrats.

Sánchez has once again demonstrated the intimidating power of power. The one who exerts himself and the one who fears losing himself. The pirate flag flies with the current and extorts the system, in such a way that submission to Pedro the Red has predisposed a state of cohesion and impressive omertà.

The magic word is amnesty, the password of total obedience. He hasn't named her yet nor has the boss needed to do so, but it works like Pavlov's stimulus. And as an instrument of exemplary punishment in case the temptation of single verses occurs. For that reason, Redondo Terreros was executed like a puppet.. And for the same reason the most qualified jurists of the Council of Ministers, Margarita Robles and Grande-Marlaska, have dissolved in shame and the complicity of silence..

The possibilist approach that explains the canonization of Puigdemont consists of invoking or summoning the two-headed monster of the PP and Vox. Sánchez already said that he was going to find the investiture votes even under the stones. And under the stones snakes are usually found, no matter how much the maximum leader wants to sell them to us as pets.. “Pedro, do what you have to do,” Valentín González Formoso told him in mafia style at the obscene rally last Sunday..

It was the way in which the socialist leader of the Galicians reduced the elementary principles of political ethics to opportunity and opportunism.. Whatever and in any way. Thus Sánchez has decided that the pirate flag must be fanned and the very docile militancy anesthetized, although the law of silence has also achieved the support of the press and affects Sanchismo, dusting off the motto of the depoliticization of Justice.

The PSOE has nothing to do with the PSOE, but the trompe l'oeil of the acronym conceals a political project without ethics or ideology whose reason for being consists of the survival of the leader.. The president's prosperity suits the troops. Sanchismo is a way of life and a political formula in a permanent state of emergency. Sánchez always has an extreme reason, a greater good, to justify the aberrations he incurs. And to muzzle the discrepancies with the distribution of the loot.

The PSOE is not broken because the PSOE does not exist. And because the buccaneer alternative in force is both fueled by loyalty to the boss and the formidable cooperation of the PP. Feijóo's chaotic and erratic leadership functions as an unequivocal ally of Sanchismo. This is demonstrated by the terrible management of the mobilization against the amnesty. And the spectacle of the failed investiture proves it. Sánchez is going to lick his antagonist's agony while preparing Puigdemont's return through the front door.

Andalusia will attract 11,000 million foreign investment through Trade

The Business Agency for the Transformation and Economic Development of Andalusia (Trade) will activate its first support instruments for Andalusian companies before the end of this year. This was announced yesterday Wednesday by the Minister of Economy, Finance and European Funds, Carolina España, at the inauguration of the fifth edition of the Andalusia Investors Day forum, organized by El Confidencial in Seville.

Trade will become the large economic entity of the Andalusian Government after the complex integration of Extenda and IDEA, which has made its implementation difficult since the project was announced in 2021.. The agency aspires to become the one-stop shop for the Andalusian public administration to facilitate collaboration with the private sector and represents Juanma Moreno's greatest commitment to the business community and the attraction of investments.. Only in foreign investment projects, Trade hopes to attract projects of more than 11,000 million euros in Andalusia, a community that has already broken its foreign investment record in 2022, with 1,265 million euros.

The agency is the result of the merger of the promotion agency Extenda, with great prestige for its track record, the IDEA agency, the Knowledge Agency and Andalucía Emprende. In the coming years, once the operation is completed, it will be able to put around 1,000 million euros on the market between direct subsidies and financial instruments. To this end, a business financing plan will be activated between 2024 and 2027 that covers all phases of the projects, with amounts of 450 million euros for financial instruments and another 100 million specifically for R&D&I projects..

“We want to turn Trade into an ally between companies and investors,” said Carolina España, who presented the progress in this agency at the forum, a meeting point for investors in which the current situation in Andalusia was analyzed from the perspective of energy and water, two keys to the economic development of the community. “We have brought together those who know the most about energy or water consumption to go from theory to practice and look for solutions,” explained the director of El Confidencial, Nacho Cardero, during the presentation of the event..

The drought represents the main threat to the Andalusian productive sectors and could have an effect of more than two points on the Andalusian GDP. The economy would grow this year above 4% in the community if there was enough water, according to the Junta de Andalucía, which expects a final growth of around 1.9%.. In response to climate change, the Minister of the Treasury defended her commitment to economic development based on “the green economy and sustainable development.”.

The Andalusian Government intends to redirect Next Generation funds to allocate them to hydraulic works, as well as to demand new extraordinary lines in Brussels to carry out this type of actions. Sectors such as agriculture, industry or tourism are already being affected. “Andalusia is the territory of the European Union most vulnerable to climate change and drought, and that uniqueness must be recognized,” said counselor Carolina España..

The launch of the Trade Agency will be fundamental in the Board's strategy, which aims to continue attracting investments to Andalusia to combat climate phenomena. The counselor highlighted several projects of the Government of Juanma Moreno, such as the Andalusian Alliance for Green Hydrogen, which will turn Andalusia into an international benchmark in gas production; the three drought decrees approved worth 300 million euros, or the investment of 4,500 million contemplated in the hydrological plans.

Protests by housing activists mark the start of The District salon

The District real estate show has once again served as the scene of protests by housing activists, which have created moments of tension with the Mossos at the doors of the event, which brings together everything from investment funds to developers and management companies. and consultants.

As happened in the first edition of the event last year, activists have stood in front of the doors to protest the presence of “speculative” funds and have chased and stained the congressmen with powder paint, although this time they have not able to get inside.

The protest, in which a hundred activists have participated, has caused the show, which will bring together some 10,000 executives from the real estate sector worldwide for three days in Barcelona, to start almost an hour late, since many of the Lecturers could not enter and the police ended up escorting them from their hotels to the venue, which they finally accessed through a side door.

The figures: 10,000 managers and 21 million impact

The District real estate show brings together some 10,000 international executives for three days and will have an expected economic impact of 21 million euros.

On the first day, representatives of investment funds, sovereign funds, family offices, commercial banks, large land owners, developers, consultancies and property managers analyzed the current situation of the sector, marked by high interest rates and inflation.

In general, the diagnosis is that the sector is very resilient and is prepared to take advantage of the opportunities that arise once rates stabilize in Europe..

The general director of the Blackrock investment fund in Spain, Adolfo Favieres, has predicted a “strong” increase in investment from the third quarter of 2024. “We are seeing the end of the interest rate increases, as well as a beginning of price adjustment,” he noted..

The resilience of the residential market

Experts have agreed that residential is one of the most attractive assets in Spain given the need for housing to meet a growing demand, especially in cities, with the metropolitan areas of Barcelona and Madrid at the forefront..

The CEO of the consulting firm CBRE in Spain, Adolfo Ramírez-Escudero, has also been optimistic about the future of investment in the sector.. “Investors will go where the needs are concentrated, in residential, in digital commercial or in the electrification of the economy,” he noted..

The head of CBRE sees more problems in the area of offices in Spain, because many have become obsolete and need adaptation to avoid losing value.

Criticism of the housing law

On the other hand, real estate managers and investment funds present in The District have attacked the Government's right to housing law, which provides for the limitation of rent increases and have warned that it will only “worse” the problem..

The CEO of Anticipa and Aliseda, Eduard Mendiluce, has expressed his surprise at the fact that the Government has opted for rent control to address the problem of access to housing in Spain.

“Catalonia already tried it from 2020 to 2022 and it didn't work. “I am surprised that with these results we want to repeat the disaster,” said the top representative of this real estate asset and mortgage loan manager..

Mendiluce has opted for long-term public-private collaboration to tackle the lack of housing, which, in his opinion, is behind the shortage of apartments with affordable rents.

“The lack of housing is the main cause of the problem,” has also insisted the president of the investment fund Meridia Capital Partners, Javier Faus, who has stressed that “populist” measures such as, in his opinion, the limitation of rents “They're only going to make everything worse”.

Along these lines, he has assured that the solution in cities like Barcelona involves regulation that considers the metropolitan area as a whole, with transport policies that guarantee rapid mobility from one end to the other.. Thus, he has defended, for example, a metro that goes “from Mataró to Sitges”, convinced that there is enough surface area to build housing in this large metropolitan area..

For his part, the CEO of the real estate company Servihabitat, Borja Goday, has also been against trying to solve the housing problem “based on more regulation”, which he believes will end up scaring away investors..

“The Government cannot address the problem of homelessness alone.. These are very strong investments. Doesn't have the capacity for it. So you need public-private collaboration and talking to experts,” he said..

For his part, the president of the Association of Developers and Builders of Catalonia (APCE), Xavier Vilajoana, has called for public-private collaboration to grow the stock of officially protected housing, which now represents less than 2%, and has assured that in 2022 the private sector built 74.1%. “In Barcelona, urban land is needed to build homes: there are reserves to build more than 52,000 officially protected land in the metropolitan area and 20,000 in the capital,” he said..

The event, which will last until Friday, has three main axes: the development of capital market structures; the transformation experienced by different assets such as Residential, Hotels, Offices, Retail, Industrial and Logistics, Healthcare, Senior Living & Student Living or Data Centers; and the value of sustainability criteria.

Gastrojeta returns to the dungeon: expert in binge eating and faking heart attacks to avoid paying

A 50-year-old man, with the appearance of a wealthy tourist from the east and a specialist in sitting at a table in good restaurants to enjoy succulent meals before faking a heart attack to avoid paying, better known as Gastrojeta in the National Police of Alicante, has returned to the cells after a new arrest.

This is the twentieth arrest and subsequent night in cell in just one year for these small scams in places in the tourist area of the Alicante city, the last this Tuesday at 6:15 p.m. after tasting a seafood paella and two whiskeys in the restaurant-tapería El Buen Comer, on Calle Mayor, in the historic center, with an unpaid bill of 34.85 euros. Although at first glance he gives the impression of being “the typical Russian tourist”, in reality he is a Lithuanian citizen who does not speak Spanish (he does seem to understand it) and with no known address, and it is known that he has been in Alicante since, at least, November 2022, when he was first arrested.

El Gastrojeta serves both lunches and dinners and even tapas, and in its history it has orders of rice and lobster or entrecôtes with the common denominator of accompanying them with various whiskeys (always White Label).. Normally, he orders a Russian salad tapa, “which he seems to like quite a bit,” a national police officer who participated in four of the arrests told EFE this Wednesday.

According to this agent from the Response Operational Group (GOR) of the Alicante Centro police station, he is wearing long gray pants, a polo shirt, trekking shoes and a vest from well-known brands.. The manager of the El Buen Comer restaurant, Moisés Doménech, explained to EFE that this man arrived at his business yesterday and that he chose a table inside, where he ordered “seafood paella for one” and a whiskey, “which he drank from a drink”, before ordering another double to accompany the rice.

Without having paid the bill of 34.85 euros, “he was going to leave without paying, but a colleague stopped him and told him that the bill was pending,” to which the Gastrojeta replied without getting upset that he was going to go to the hotel to pick up the money. When they refused to let him leave without paying the bill, the Lithuanian threw himself on the ground very close to the street door and ostensibly pretended to be unwell, but El Buen Comer did not fall into the trap and called the Police..

Shortly after, Gastrojeta asked the officers for an ambulance, but he was quickly recognized by them and, after verifying that he was actually fine, they handcuffed him and took him to the police station, in whose cells he will remain until a quick trial tomorrow.. Doménech has taken several photos of Gastrojeta and has passed them on to other restaurants of the Provincial Hospitality Association (Apeha) so that it does not do its thing again in the near future.

The police officer who has arrested him four times has added that Gastrojeta usually “smiles” when the officers arrive, and that he never blushes or loses his calm, perhaps because “he sees himself unpunished.”. Always with several drinks on him, apparently he doesn't care about spending one or two nights in the cell before going before the judge.. Gastrojeta is scheduled to have a quick trial this Thursday at 10:45 in the city's Investigative Court number 1 for a minor crime of fraud..

One man dies and another is very serious due to the fire in a house in Vallecas

A man died this afternoon and another is hospitalized in serious condition due to significant smoke inhalation caused by a fire in a home in the Madrid district of Puente de Vallecas, a Madrid Emergency spokesperson reported..

The fire started, for reasons that are now being investigated, at 12:30 p.m. this Wednesday in a home located on the third floor of the building located at 8 Antonio Mairena Street, in the Palomeras Sureste neighborhood..

The Madrid City Council Firefighters quickly rushed to the scene, rescuing two middle-aged men from the affected home, who were transferred in cardiorespiratory arrest to a safe area so that they could be treated by the Samur-Civil Protection paramedics..

The doctors have recovered one of them and have evacuated him to the Peace Hospital. However, in the other case, after 45 minutes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, they were only able to confirm his death.. They have also treated a woman for very minor smoke inhalation and four elderly people for an anxiety crisis, residents of the building, for an anxiety crisis..

The fire has affected the entire house where the flames originated, but there is no rest, although there is a little smoke in the stairwell. The Firefighters extinguished it and then ventilated the room, without having to evacuate the building.. Agents of the Municipal Police of Madrid have regulated traffic in the area.

A man dies after choking on a piece of meat in a bar in Villanueva del Pardillo (Madrid)

A 78-year-old man died tonight after choking on a piece of meat in a bar in the Madrid town of Villanueva del Pardillo, Emergencies Madrid reported.

The customers of the establishment tried to help him until the SUMMA 112 paramedics arrived, but they could not save his life.

The paramedics performed CPR and confirmed the cardiorespiratory arrest and death of the man. The Municipal Police intervened in the accident.