All posts by Luis Moreno

Moreno Luis - is a business and economics reporter based in Barcelona. Prior to joining the BNE24 he was economics editor of the BBC Spaine and worked as an economics and political reporter for Murcia Tuday.

The Israeli Army attacks Hamas positions in the Gaza Strip

The Israel Defense Forces attacked positions of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the Gaza Strip on Monday in retaliation for a shooting attack near the Karni Pass, which left no injuries on the Israeli side.

“Israeli Army troops shot a terrorist. There are no casualties for our forces,” as indicated in a statement on the social network X, formerly known as Twitter, where they also published a video of the attack directed against Hamas.

This occurs in the context of new clashes this Monday in the Strip that have resulted in several injuries.. Palestinian protesters have set car tires on fire and thrown stones at Israeli security forces, according to the WAFA news agency.

Israel has attacked Hamas positions throughout the weekend in the framework of the protests carried out by Palestinian protesters in the Strip against the Israeli blockade and the incursions of Jews into the Esplanade of the Mosques in Jerusalem.

Gasoline prices are heading back towards two euros, pushed by the rise in oil prices and threaten to increase inflation

Going to the pump is becoming more and more expensive. Drivers' pockets have been suffering consecutive increases in the price of diesel and gasoline for two and a half months, which have already reached 1,751 and 1,668 euros per liter.. Fuels are immersed in a new price increase – this time, without bonuses at the pumps – shared with their raw materials. Oil is approaching $100 per barrel on an upward path that overwhelms all economic sectors and threatens to cause new increases in inflation.

The price of a barrel of Brent, which is the reference for oil in Europe, has exceeded $94 this week, a mark it has not reached since November of last year.. Since the end of June, the price of crude oil has increased by 30% and forecasts suggest that it will reach $100 per barrel before the end of the year.. From the energy consulting firm Tempos Energía, they even calculate that it could reach $110 this winter.

Two factors are behind the price increase: the reduction in production by exporting countries and the increase in demand.. “Right now the most important factor is the cuts that the producing countries are applying,” says Antonio Turiel, an expert in the oil market and researcher at the CSIC, who recalls that exporters have been turning off the tap for months with the aim of raising the price of oil. raw.

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) agreed almost a year ago, in October 2022, to reduce its oil production by 2 million barrels per day, a restriction that in April they raised to 3.6 million, due to the resistance of the crude oil to rise in price. In June, exporters decided to extend this cut until the end of 2024, one year longer than initially planned.. There is also an additional cut in oil production of 1.3 million barrels per day by Saudi Arabia and Russia until the end of the year.

Production cuts

By reducing production, exporting countries pursue an increase in the price of crude oil. “They have long considered that the price of oil is inadequate and they want it to rise,” explains Turiel.. OPEC justifies the maneuver as an attempt to achieve greater investment, although the researcher points out that the reduction in oil production is inevitable, given its scarcity, beyond the restrictions voluntarily imposed by exporting countries.. “There is an inevitable rate of decline, which, no matter how much investment is made, will not be able to be prevented,” warns the researcher.

Despite the cutback strategy designed by the producing countries, an excessive rise in the price of oil can be counterproductive. “If the price is allowed to rise too much, it will force a recession. A contraction in economic activity causes demand to fall and, with it, also the price,” warns Turiel, pointing out that the barrel could still reach $110.. “The equilibrium price they are looking for is a high price, but not too high, although it is increasingly difficult to obtain,” says the physicist.. “We are entering a very delicate situation,” he adds.

The risk lies in the high dependence that exists in practically all productive sectors on 'black gold'. In fact, at the same time that OPEC has reduced production, world demand for oil has grown, mainly due to the reactivation of China after the pandemic, the increase in flights during the summer and the needs of the petrochemical industry, as they explain. from the Spanish Association of Petroleum Products Operators (AOP). The International Energy Agency (IEA) recorded a record in global oil demand of 103 million barrels per day in June and suggests that consumption will continue to increase in the coming years.

More expensive fuels

The rise in the price of crude oil is also pushing up fuel prices, although the price of the latter is also influenced by other factors such as their specific prices in international markets – independent of those of oil -, taxes, the cost of logistics and gross margins. Gasoline and diesel accumulate eleven consecutive weeks on the rise. Since they began their particular upward spiral at the end of June, they have risen by 10% and 16% respectively, reaching 1,751 euros per liter for super 95 and 1,668 euros per liter for diesel, according to data from the latest Petroleum Bulletin of the European Union.

“Right now what is most alarming is diesel,” says Turiel, who does not rule out that diesel will once again approach two euros, also affected by Russia's veto on the import of petroleum products.. “Diesel is the lifeblood of our system: it is transportation, it is mining and it is agriculture,” he explains.. The increase in diesel prices in the last eleven weeks has been more pronounced than that of gasoline.

Although both fuels remain far from the maximums recorded in the summer of 2022 for the moment, the super 95 has set a new record this week so far this year. It has recorded its highest figure since the end of November of last year, although at that time the aid of 20 cents per liter of fuel introduced by the Government in April was in force, after the price of oil in March would exceed $110 per barrel.

Gasoline and diesel were paid at the pump at the end of the third quarter of 2022 – after the Russian invasion of Ukraine – at more than 1.8 euros per liter, levels that have not been reached for the moment. From January 1, 2023, the fuel discount – which is currently 10 cents per liter – remains only for professionals and will be reduced to 5 cents starting in October, with no expectation that the bonus will be recovered for all drivers.

Rising inflation

“If the fuel prices we have now remain the same for several more months, they will end up being transferred to the rest of the prices, because they make logistics more expensive and that makes the entire chain more expensive,” explains economist Antoni Cunyat, professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and the University of Valencia, regarding the risk that the rise in fuel prices will result in new generalized price increases. For the expert, the current situation is not comparable to that experienced after the start of the Ukrainian war.. “We have not reached the maximums that were reached then and we start from higher price levels, which means that the quantitative increase is not so high, but the key is how long these gasoline and diesel prices last,” qualifies.

According to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), the rise in inflation in the last two months has already been largely due to the rise in fuel prices.. In August the CPI grew three tenths of a percentage point year-on-year to 2.6% and did so for the second consecutive month, after having already increased four tenths of a point in July. Forecasts indicate that inflation will continue on this upward path until the end of the year. In fact, the Bank of Spain has revised its forecast for the Spanish economy this week and has increased its inflation forecasts for 2023 and 2024 to 3.6% and 4.3% respectively, due to the rise in energy prices and, in particular, , of the oil.

The banking supervisor has, however, maintained its forecast for underlying inflation, which is what discounts the price of energy and unprocessed food due to its high volatility, for 2023 at an interannual rate of 4.1%, although it has increased two tenths, to 2.3%, its estimate for 2024. This indicator, which moderated to 6.1% in August, attracts even more attention than general inflation when determining the impact of the rise in energy prices. “This is what we have to watch in the coming months.”. That will be the key to seeing the impact of fuel prices. If in a couple of months we see that the underlying price rises again, it will indicate that the increase in fuel prices is spreading to the entire economy,” concludes Cunyat.

Delinquency remains at a minimum since 2008 despite the historic rise in the Euribor

Companies and households resident in Spain continue to meet their credit obligations despite the enormous pressure caused by the strong increases in interest rates undertaken by the European Central Bank (ECB) since July of last year.. The ratio of doubtful loans – those in which non-payments have been recorded for more than 90 days – remains at 3.5% of the total credit granted.

This is the lowest level of delinquency since December 31, 2008, when barely three months had passed since the collapse of Lehman Brothers that gave rise to a global financial crisis that mutated in Europe into a sovereign debt crisis.. The bursting of the real estate bubble in Spain was also in its first moments. On that occasion, non-payments began an upward path that reached its most critical point in 2014, with a delinquency ratio that reached around 13.4%, almost four times higher than the current level.

The volume of credit whose collection is doubtful for financial entities stood at 41,774 million euros in July, 400 million less than the previous month. Likewise, the total credit that families and companies accumulate with financial institutions decreased by 11,119 million euros.

The holding of bad debts at minimum levels compared to previous crises is explained by several factors. Firstly, because, unlike what happened after 2008, employment remains at historically high levels and the unemployment rate has fallen to lows not seen in 13 years.. It must be taken into account that, after the burst of the real estate bubble in 2008, unemployment reached 27% in 2013. With more than one in four Spaniards unemployed, the rise in defaults was inevitable.

In addition, it must also be taken into account that families and companies have not yet noticed the full impact of the interest rate increases, which are also expected to remain at high levels at least until the end of 2024.. Mortgages will continue to appreciate for several months yet. With the Euribor already at 4.2%, the forecasts of the main analysts suggest that this indicator will still remain at 3.5% at the end of next year.

Calviño does not rule out extending aid to contain inflation and hopes to be able to approve new Budgets for 2024

The first vice president of the Government and Minister of Economic Affairs, Nadia Calviño, leaves the door open to extend some of the support measures for families and companies adopted in the last year to alleviate the effects of the war in Ukraine on the Spanish economy. Furthermore, he has shown his desire to present the General State Budget for 2024 in the event that the acting President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, manages to be inaugurated if the attempt by the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, fails this week.

Calviño spoke at the press conference after the Council of Ministers in which the vice president summarized the Government's vision of the state of the Spanish economy at times of uncertainty and slowdown in Europe.

Regarding a possible extension of the support measures, the vice president does not rule out the total or partial extension of the package also in 2024. “Between now and the end of the year, appropriate measures will be taken to continue on a path of containing inflation and supporting to those productive sectors and those families most affected,” said the vice president. Furthermore, he added that the Government will continue “in the same line” and will adopt “at all times appropriate measures trying to make efficient use of large public resources to respond to the impact of war.”

So far, the Executive has deployed measures for a total of 50,000 million euros of public money, distributed in six decrees. A response that Calviño has considered “very effective”. Among the aid that is still in force includes the tax reduction on the electricity and gas bill – which is almost at the legal minimum, the Iberian mechanism to lower the price of electricity, the reduction of VAT on certain foods basics or the reinforcement of the thermal and electrical social bonus.

However, the Government now faces pressure from European institutions, which are asking to withdraw generalized energy support and only retain measures focused on the most vulnerable.. The European Commission already recommended that Spain withdraw the measures last May and the European Central Bank (ECB) has urged eurozone governments on numerous occasions to withdraw energy support or, otherwise, expose themselves to greater risks. increases in interest rates.

However, withdrawing energy support measures would be an unpopular decision at a time when oil prices have begun a new climb that has led the Bank of Spain to revise upwards its inflation forecasts for 2023 and 2024.. In any case, the debate must be settled before October 15, the deadline for the Executive to present its Budget Plan to the European Commission, in which it must detail the main lines of income and expected expenses of public administrations for 2024.

The uncertainty about whether or not there will be General Budgets for next year adds more doubts to the process. In this sense, the first vice president has shown her desire to present a budget project for 2024, if the acting Executive manages to repeat in Moncloa. An approval that could be delayed until next year due to the tight deadlines. “We are a government in office, but a government that works. We have not stopped working. Hopefully we can present these General State Budgets,” said the vice president.

“Strength” in the midst of European slowdown

Regarding the evolution of the Spanish economy, Calviño has highlighted the country's situation in a context in which GDP growth in the eurozone is practically stagnant, if not negative in some countries. “We are in an international moment marked by uncertainty, with changes that are accelerating vertiginously. In this complex context, the Spanish economy is showing its strength,” said Calviño.

The vice president has highlighted that the Spanish economy is the one that grows the most among the large ones in Europe and registers the lowest inflation in the eurozone. Along the same lines, he highlighted that after the latest reviews by the INE, the Spanish GDP is now 2% above the pre-pandemic level.. However, it is important to remember that, although the INE review has reduced the gap that separated Spain from the rest of the countries, Spain continues to be the country furthest behind in the European recovery.

Economists ask to eliminate the Wealth Tax because it is "anecdotal" and see the struggle between institutions as unsustainable

At a time when some autonomous communities are introducing tax credits in the Wealth Tax and the Inheritance and Donation Tax, and awaiting the ruling of the Constitutional Court regarding the Temporary Solidarity Tax of Great Fortunes and the Wealth Tax, This Monday, the General Council of Economists presented a report under the title 'Taxation of wealth: state of the art'.

Economists believe that the distortions that they can produce and the collection that can be achieved through the Wealth Tax make its suppression advisable – preventing the possibility of it being regulated by the regional treasuries as their own tax -, although it could remain as a declaration census.

However, economists believe that if it were decided to maintain the tax, it would be advisable to introduce changes, homogenizing the tax base and the exempt minimum in all territories.. And, for example, according to their calculations, if this tax were not subsidized in Madrid, the total collection would have been about 2,000 million euros, instead of 1,300 million.

The fiscal experts of the General Council of Economists have analyzed the collection data of taxes linked to wealth and, with practical assumptions, have revealed the inequalities that occur between taxpayers with the same wealth depending on their place of residence, also incorporating the latest modifications approved by the Autonomous Communities.

Thus they calculate, for example, that a taxpayer with an asset of 15 million euros, in 2023 would not pay anything for Assets in Andalusia, Extremadura and Madrid and, however, in the Valencian Community he would pay 401,234 euros, although this situation, temporarily, It is partially mitigated by the application of the Large Fortunes Tax.

The president of the General Council of Economists, Valentín Pich, has stated that if it is considered that Spain has a completely globalized economy, that the Wealth Tax is “anecdotal” in all tax systems and presents technical and equity problems in the territory, so it considers that the reasonable thing would be to eliminate it. In the case of the Inheritance Tax, Pich considers that, although it is also subject to debate, certain changes could be addressed so that it can play a redistributive role and to strengthen equal opportunities.

Given the appeals that have been presented against the Wealth Tax and against the Solidarity of the Great Fortunes, Pich has assured: that he “honestly believes that it is an unsustainable situation that is unnecessarily straining the legal system and introducing too much institutional conflict.”

The president of the REAF-CGE, Agustín Fernández, expressed that “the Temporary Solidarity Tax of Great Fortunes should not be made permanent because it is configured as a patch to the Wealth Tax and has been approved following a unique parliamentary trajectory.”

Solidarity tax figures. Peter's Henar

As economists have argued, the reason why wealth is taxed can be found in the fact that it is a manifestation of economic capacity different from that of income and consumption, and it can complement the tax on both manifestations.. “As a country, we are totally immersed in the global economy and, therefore, we compete with the rest of the countries in Europe and the rest of the world, so our economic regulation and, within this, tax regulations, do not may distance itself too much from the prevailing standards,” they stressed.

Thus, the General Council of Economists has insisted that it is not about competing fiscally downwards, which has not been a tax policy used in the country, but rather that taxes, at least, do not penalize certain taxpayers being able to come to reside in Spain or not encourage others to relocate.

The before and after images of an Odessa hotel after a Russian night attack

In the early hours of Monday morning, the Russian Army directed a total of 19 Shahed kamikaze drones and 14 missiles, two of them supersonic, against the Ukrainian region of Odessa.. Ukrainian air defenses intercepted all the drones and 11 of the 12 Kalibr cruise missiles launched, but could not prevent some projectiles from hitting different infrastructures.

One of them has been the Odesa Kempinsky hotel, located in the city's seaport.. Although the building no longer offered services to citizens, it had been acquired by Ukrainian businessman Andrí Stavnitser, co-owner and CEO of the TIS Group, one of the main port operators dedicated to agricultural exports.

There have been several users who, through social networks, have shared the before and after of how the hotel looked after the bombing.

At least two dead

The night attack in Odessa has also resulted in the death of two employees of a granary in the city. Ukrainian rescue teams found the lifeless bodies of two workers who had been missing since the night after noon on Monday, reported the head of the region's military administration, Oleg Kiper.

Kiper has conveyed his condolences to relatives and friends of the two victims, who join the list of workers in the agricultural sector killed in Russian attacks against this Ukrainian industry that is in the crosshairs of the Kremlin forces.

A 35-year-old British man is stabbed to death while playing the 'blue whale' viral suicide challenge

A 35-year-old British citizen has been stabbed to death in a forest in Portugal while playing the blue whale life challenge, a macabre challenge whose ultimate goal is suicide.

The victim, who has not been identified, was allegedly attacked after a fight broke out between a group of friends while they were playing the suicide game, an online challenge that has been linked to several deaths around the world.. The game consists of 50 extreme self-harm challenges that conclude with the participants' suicide.

The Portuguese Police found the victim's body last Sunday in a remote forest between the towns of Poço Negro and Soalheira, as reported by the Daily Mail newspaper.. Another British citizen, 26 years old, surrendered to the authorities and confessed to the crime.

Last Sunday, Portuguese agents interrogated at least three men and two women, including the alleged confessed murderer, who is the main suspect.

The people questioned by police, including the suspect, are believed to be part of a group of foreigners living in a commune near the crime scene.. They have been described locally, mainly as British and Dutch citizens.

The origin of the blue whale challenge is not clear, but it suggests that it was born in Russia in 2017 through fake news, which, when it spread through social networks, ended up making it viral.. That year, the deaths of at least 130 young Russians were reported in incidents related to these practices.

The following year, in Spain, the suicide of a young woman in the Basque Country was related to that viral challenge.

Participants usually receive messages on their phone or on Facebook profiles to join closed groups and participate in the game, which culminates in a fatal outcome.

They find a baby about to die eaten by rats in his house

Police in Evansville, Indiana, have found a six-month-old baby in very serious condition, surrounded by blood and with more than 50 rat bites all over his body, according to 14 News.

The agents, after receiving a call from the baby's father, David Shonabaum, warning that the minor was covered in blood, went to the family home.

When they located the child, they were able to observe that he had suffered rat bites on his forehead, nose, cheeks, thighs, fingers and feet, and on his right arm, from the elbow to the hand. He was also surrounded by feces from the aforementioned animal, along with piles of garbage and food remains.

The baby was taken to a nearby hospital, from where he was transferred to another in Indianapolis after it was detected that he had lost a lot of blood and had a fever.. Finally, last Friday he was discharged from the hospital.

According to the father's statements, both he and his wife, Angel Schonabaum, had been trying to put an end to the plague for months, without success.. The couple lived at home with the baby and their other son, aged three, as well as with the woman's sister and her two children, aged two and five.

The Department of Children's Services had already visited the family home on one occasion, on September 5 of this same year, when they were alerted by the children's school that they had suffered injuries to their feet because “a mouse had bitten them.” .

Now, the three adults have been charged with child neglect and have been booked into the Vanderburgh County Jail on bail of $10,000 in the case of the parents, and $2,500 in the case of the aunt.

Do the ultra-rich have plans to leave Earth? "For them, the future consists of one thing: escape from the rest of us"

“Immensely rich people have rockets to escape from Earth”. This is what the second vice president of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, assures, who this Saturday made a harsh criticism of the “technological elites”. The leader of Sumar said that the rich “are aware that we are going to hell.”

And that is why, according to her, “what they are doing is designing a very restricted plan B, fundamentally based on fleeing the world to protect themselves.”. In this way, Díaz has echoed the theories of some authors (and some facts) who claim that yes, perhaps some are preparing their salvation since they consider that everyone's salvation, that of the planet, is no longer possible. .

It's as if they wanted to build a car that goes fast enough to escape its own exhaust.”

One of those books is 'Survival of the Richest', by Douglas Rushkoff, which is now published in Spain as Survival of the Richest.. Escapist fantasies of technological billionaires (Captain Swing). “It's as if they wanted to build a car that goes fast enough to escape its own exhaust,” explains this writer and filmmaker specialized in media, technology and popular culture.

The privileges of extreme wealth

Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and Larry Page are four of the richest men in the world. Daniel Oberhaus / Philippe Masse / ピロシキ / MIC Gadget

Rushkoff says he once received an invitation to meet a mysterious group of ultra-rich people in the middle of the desert.. They were five men from the top of the world of technological investment and investment funds.. They wanted to know the writer's opinion on a possible end of the world.

Specifically, he narrates in his book, they wanted to know which region of the world will be least affected by the next climate crisis; Which is the greater threat: global warming or biological warfare; whether a shelter should have its own air supply; what was the likelihood of groundwater contamination; or how to maintain authority within a bunker structure.

For them, the future of technology consists of one thing: escaping the rest of us.”

“Their extreme wealth and privilege only served to make them obsessed with isolating themselves from the real and present danger of climate change, rising sea levels, mass migrations, global pandemics, nativist panic, and resource depletion.. For them, the future of technology consists of one thing: escaping from the rest of us,” summarizes Rushkoff.

Islands and bunkers to hide

The fall of an asteroid, a very plausible end of the world. PxHere

It is not so much that, as Yolanda Díaz says, that the super-rich have spaceships to escape in time, but rather that they are preparing to save themselves from a hypothetical apocalypse.. They are purchasing complex bunkers and hiring military security to survive a possible collapse of civilization.

Or islands. During the coronavirus pandemic, real estate agents specializing in private islands were overwhelmed by requests from many mega-rich. They even asked if there was land, not for a heliport, but for farming (that is, to have a certain food autonomy).

But, in reality, what can a bunker do against the end of the world like those shown in Hollywood movies full of computer effects? Not a fortified island. Rushkoff explains that small islands are totally dependent on air and sea supplies, and solar panels must be replaced and checked regularly.. Sooner or later these alternative gardens stop being gardens and become, in the best of cases, wild flora.

Or a self-sufficient farm

Therefore, better, a farm. The book cites the case of JC Cole, former president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Latvia, who is creating a series of shelter farms around New York – he does not specify where because he says that “the fewer people know the locations , better”-.

“The situation will be merciless when food shortages become real.”

“The main value of the shelter is operational security. When the supply chain breaks, people will not have food. Covid showed us this when people started fighting over toilet paper. “The situation will be merciless when food shortages become real.”. That's why those who are smart enough to invest have to be stealthy,” explains the head of American Heritage Farms.

However, more than farms, islands or – as Yolanda Díaz said this Saturday – mansions-fortresses in New Zealand, many millionaires are making a bunker.. They have a choice and it's just a matter of money. In the US, the company Rising S builds and installs bunkers and shelters against tornadoes from $40,000 for one measuring 2.5 by 3 meters.. If we have 8.3 million dollars, they can make us one of the luxury series “Aristocrat”, with a swimming pool and a bowling alley.

Another company called Vivos sells luxurious underground apartments in fortified locations like Cold War ammunition warehouses or missile silos.. They offer private suites for individuals or families, and larger common areas with pools, games, cinemas and restaurants.

Rockets to other planets

But the second vice president of the Government speaks of “rockets to escape from Earth”. Hollywood, once again the movies, has already told us the story of a spaceship built in a hurry to escape and search for another planet, a ship in which only a few can fit.. But some are doing it without disguise.

“There is a 100% chance of mass extinction of all species,” Musk said.

Elon Musk proposes inhabiting other planets, starting with Mars. “There is a 100% chance of mass extinction of all species,” said the billionaire in January 2022. His goal is to make humanity “become a spacefaring civilization,” he told Time.

Space X launches four astronauts on a reused rocket and ship Europa Press

The owner of X (formerly Twitter) already achieved in 2008 that the Falcon 1 was the first private rocket in orbit. The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX assures that his company will be able to take humans to Mars in the next 5 years or, in “the worst case scenario, 10 years.

“The Mentality” in the style of Silicon Valley

Another billionaire like Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, believes that “this planet is so small, that if we want to continue growing as a civilization, using energy as a civilization, most of it must be done outside the planet.”. This place is special. “We can't ruin it.”

Half of LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman's millionaire friends have bought “apocalypse insurance,” meaning a bunker or something similar.

Rushkoff says in his book that perhaps the apocalypse is not so much something these ultra-rich are trying to escape as an excuse to maintain “the Mindset,” a Silicon Valley-style certainty that they and their cohort can break the laws of physics, economics and morals to escape a disaster of their own creation, as long as they have enough money and the right technology. What they intend, the author assures, is to rise above mere mortals and execute the definitive exit strategy… theirs.

Or as Jonathan Cook has written, “Musk and Bezos are pouring money—while offsetting it with taxes—on space colony escapism, premised on the same technological exploitation and monetization of nature that have been rapidly making our planet uninhabitable.” own planet.”

Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, has many friends in Silicon Valley who, like him, are billionaires. He claims that half of them have bought what he calls “apocalypse insurance.” They have done what we said, bought an island or built a bunker to guarantee THEIR survival… if that is possible.

The Moroccan Islamist party PJD believes that the earthquake in Morocco is a "wake-up call" from Allah

The Moroccan opposition party Justice and Development (PJD), considered moderately Islamist and which headed the Government of Morocco between 2011 and 2021, considers that the earthquake that shook the Moroccan High Atlas on the 8th is a “wake-up call” Allah and ask the nation to repent of their “sins.”

The PJD wonders if the existing transgressions in political life, in elections and in public management will not have something to do with the earthquake, which had a magnitude of between 6.8 and 7 and caused almost 3,000 deaths and 5,500 injuries.

Thus, PJD affirms in a statement that it is its duty as a political party to invite reflection and a return to Allah to “heal our wounds and compensate us for our misfortune,” and sees the catastrophe as a sign of a “moving away from God” by the believing population.

Likewise, he warns that it is necessary to review whether what happened in the country could also have been caused by “sins and disobedience.”. “Not only in its individual sense but also in its general and political sense,” they add in the writing.

However, the Islamist formation praises the effectiveness of the crisis management by the Moroccan State and the people's commitment to helping those affected, but criticizes the delay in the development of rural areas, which were the most affected by the earthquake. .