All posts by Luis Moreno

Moreno Luis - is a business and economics reporter based in Barcelona. Prior to joining the BNE24 he was economics editor of the BBC Spaine and worked as an economics and political reporter for Murcia Tuday.

Brutal Rape Case in Cherbourg-en-Contentin Sparks Outrage and Debate

An 18-year-old boy, already known to the police, was arrested at the beginning of the month after a brutal rape on Friday, August 4, in the French city of Cherbourg-en-Contentin. The attacker was Oumar Ndiaye, of African origin, who has been accused of “rape accompanied by torture or barbaric acts”, according to reports from the French National Police.

The events occurred around 8:30 a.m., when the agents intervened at the home of the victim, a 29-year-old woman, in the center of the city. Naked and in a state of shock, she reported that she had been beaten and raped in her home, according to Le Figaro.

According to the victim, the assailant had entered her home half an hour earlier to hit her face and body and repeatedly raped her with a broomstick.

The young woman was quickly hospitalized. The doctors diagnosed him with perforation of the colon, small intestine, peritoneum, and diaphragm, pneumothorax, rib fractures, and high risk of septic shock.. According to France Bleu, several hospital nurses were shocked by the victim’s condition and began to cry.

The investigations of the crime scene managed to find the fingerprints of the aggressor on the door of the home. The file allowed the fingerprints to be assigned to an individual: Oumar Ndiaye, an 18-year-old young man of African origin with various backgrounds.

Ndiaye was arrested on August 10 at his mother’s house.. First he denied the facts, but later he ended up acknowledging them. The young man has been charged with “rape accompanied by torture or barbaric acts.”

The young man had been sentenced five times by the juvenile court for property damage and violence, as stated by the Coutances Prosecutor’s Office in a press release. Ndiaye has 17 entries in the criminal record prosecution file. These include acts of theft, rebellion, or incestuous assault.

Ndiaye, born in 2004, had raped a minor in a medicalized socio-educational boarding school in 2019. In 2022, he also attempted to rape his 12-year-old sister. For this alleged attack, Oumar was summoned to a psychiatric expert, but he did not appear, specifies Le Figaro.

“We are in a dangerous profile, he showed absolutely no emotion or empathy for the victim. He showed coldness throughout his police custody,” agents explained to French media.

The event has had a great impact on the country’s media and political landscape. The mayor of Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, the socialist Benoît Arrivé, has communicated through a press release his solidarity with the victim, but has not wanted to use social networks:

“The only attitude worthy of a mayor, of a political leader In the face of such a tragedy, it is discretion and moderation,” he replied to a user who rebuked his silence.

Por su parte, el presidente del partido Reconquista, Éric Zemmour, ha reaccionado en redes sociales a la noticia deseando la llegada de “una Francia en la que una joven no corra el peligro de acabar en coma después de haber sido robada, violada y horribly torturada en su propia casa”.

Birth Support Measures for Pregnant Women Under 30 in the Community of Madrid

Last July, the Community of Madrid increased the investment in its package of birth support measures, with an increase in financial aid for pregnant women under 30 who reside in the community.

This measure was launched on January 1, 2022 and the amount is 500 euros per month per child from the 21st week of pregnancy until the child reaches two years of age.

Therefore, pregnant women who meet the requirements of this aid program will be able to access a total amount of 14,500 euros.

Who can ask for help?

Persons under 30 years of age who, on the date of submission of the application, are in any of the following situations, may be beneficiaries of these aids, according to the Community of Madrid:

  • Pregnant women from week 21 of gestation, as of January 1, 2022.
  • Mothers who have had one child or more children in case of multiple births, as of January 1, 2022.
  • People who have adopted a minor, as of January 1, 2022.

In the case of multiple gestation, childbirth or adoption, “each additional fetus or child will be entitled to receive an additional amount of 500 euros and the term of accrual of the aid will be the same,” they add.

These are the requirements

  • Being Spanish or foreigner or with legal residence in Spain. Foreigners residing in the Community of Madrid may benefit from this benefit as long as they meet the requirements established in this regulation.
  • Be 30 years old or younger.
  • Reside and be registered in a municipality of the Community of Madrid, at the time of the application and for at least five years, within the ten years immediately prior to the date of submission of the application and maintain their residence in the Community of Madrid during the perception of aid.
  • Do not exceed 30,000 euros per year of income in individual taxation or 36,200 euros per year of income in joint taxation in the personal income tax return for the last tax period with the deadline for filing expired at the time of submitting the aid application.
  • Not be involved in any of the prohibitions to receive aid according to the regulations established in article 13 of Law 38/2003, of November 17.

Challenges and Complexities: The European Union’s Role in Global Dynamics

There seems to be no quiet summer for the European Union when it looks beyond its borders. In addition to its internal efforts in the midst of a crisis, there are instabilities abroad that make the bloc wonder what its role is in the world, but above all what function it has had as a global player up to now.

If two years ago it was the seizure of power by the Taliban in Afghanistan and in 2022 the war in Ukraine changed everything, this time they are months marked by the coup in Niger that once again warns the West that it cannot ignore what happens in Africa and especially in the Sahel.

“It is not a question of strategic autonomy, but of knowing how to manage crises that affect us in one way or another,” say the community sources consulted, who are also aware that the Union still has neither the capacity nor the powers to influence as you would like compared to other players such as Russia or China.

In fact, in Niger the supporters of the coup leaders welcome the role of Moscow, something that is of great concern in Brussels.

The return of the Taliban to power in Afghanistan showed the vulnerabilities of the United States and at the same time showed that the EU cannot depend on Washington depending on what situations.

This was assumed at the time by the High Representative, Josep Borrell, who since then set out to promote the strategic autonomy of the Union. “Afghanistan has shown that the deficiencies of our strategic autonomy have a price,” said the Spanish leader, now determined to relaunch European Defense, for example with a rapid response battalion for situations like the one experienced in Kabul.

Brussels considers that future approaches have to start much more from “the common”.

This trend has been confirmed with the Russian invasion of Ukraine.. Putin has strengthened NATO but has also put the European Union in front of its mirror: dependencies are a danger, in the case of Russia especially at the energy level but also military.

Since February 2022, the EU has taken steps towards greater integration in the field of Defense, with training for Ukrainian soldiers and the formation of battalions to support the advances of Volodimir Zelenski’s Army, although without directly entering the conflict.

However, the 27 – which continue to have most of the powers – maintain some difference: France and Germany want to move towards one hundred percent European forces while other Member States such as Poland or the Baltics prefer to continue under the umbrella of the Alliance atlantic.

At the same time, the Kremlin wants to continue tightening the screws on the West as much as possible.

The Russian president has also spoken about Niger – where there was also allegedly an intervention by the Wagner group, mercenaries sponsored by Moscow despite the latest controversies with their leader in the framework of the invasion of Ukraine – and has maintained a well-known tone to the less out doors.

Putin called to resolve the crisis affecting the African country by “exclusively peaceful” means, in a new rejection of the possible military intervention slipped by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

The EU has always had Africa in mind

Viviane Ogou, founder of Puerta de África, explains to 20min that “popular” Europe has not yet understood the situation and relations with the Sahel.

“You just have to see how the Niger issue is being handled in the media, for example. There is no real conception or critical debate, for example, on the role of France”. The question “is much more complex than it seems”, concludes.

On the other hand, at the EU level “they have always known” the importance of Africa. “A foreign policy is structured” with the continent, “with lines already marked before the pillars are structured with the Treaty of Maastricht”. The EU “has always had Africa in mind.”

But this does not mean that he knows how to manage the situation one hundred percent.. France, says Ogou, “always tries to regionalize its foreign policy, and this is clearly seen with the question of the Sahel.

There is a Europeanization of many French issues”, which in the end is a consequence of the fact that competition in foreign policy is in the hands of the 27. The fact that Paris is no longer well received in Niger affects the role of the EU, which is looking for ways to react to make itself more credible.

For his part, Daniel Gil, an analyst at The Political Room, adds that these crises “do not have much to do with each other but they do already glimpse the world we are in” and to which the European Union has to adapt.

“Everything is much more unstable, and the United States neither wants nor can be the policeman of the planet”. The EU has always seen multipolarity “as something positive” but the scenario is what it is, even if this multipolarity “favors the Union as a commercial power that it is”. Instead, now the EU will have to “strive to play a significant role.”

Regarding Niger, it is difficult, says Gil, to analyze whether or not the Union has learned its lesson because “European influence in Africa has been in decline for many years” and France “has played a very negative role in the region because it has never been able to get rid of the stain of colonialism and establish positive relations” with the mainland.

That “French leadership in Africa has proven to be a failure” and shows “European weakness”. This is seen in the fact that Russia, which is “an international pariah”, manages to “win so many geopolitics in an area as sensitive to the EU as the Sahel”. Events are alerting the Union that, the analyst concludes, “it’s not just good with soft power.”

In this context, the EU insists that it needs “allies” for the future and wants to ensure them through the so-called Global Gateway, which is a strategy prepared precisely to compete with Moscow and Beijing, while also reducing dependencies with the United States.

In any case, it is a long-term plan: in the meantime, Brussels will have to watch carefully (and without much room for manoeuvre) what happens in parts of the world that, indirectly, will end up influencing it. The map is now full of surprises.

Gun Threat Incident in New York Highlights Ongoing Concerns

Images continue to emerge of people in the United States with guns threatening people. In this case, it happened in the state of New York, where a 33-year-old woman pointed a gun at several drivers on the road until a police car ended up running over her to bring her down.

The event occurred last Tuesday at noon and the woman is currently with minor injuries and in custody at a city hospital.

What does the law say about obtaining weapons?

“A well-regulated militia, if necessary to maintain the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, must not be infringed,” says the Second Amendment, written in 1787, more than two hundred years ago. years.

The Gun Control Act of 1968 established regulations on the manufacture, import, and trade of guns, and required obtaining a permit from the Bureau for the Control of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).

Each State has different rules for obtaining a weapon, but, in general, the ATF only establishes that the person requesting it be at least 18 years old (for rifles and long guns, typical of hunting) or 21 years old (for firearms). hand), that the possession of weapons has not been expressly prohibited and that he has not deliberately falsified the documents presented to obtain the weapon.

Tragic Passing of General Jean-Louis Georgelin, Leader of Notre Dame Restoration Efforts

The person in charge of coordinating the reconstruction of the Notre Dame de Paris cathedral after its fire in April 2019, General Jean-Louis Georgelin, has died from a mountain accident in the French Pyrenees, the authorities confirmed this Saturday.

Georgelin, who was 74 years old and was hiking, suffered a fall near the Faustin pass at an altitude of 2,650 meters in the Ariège department, sources from the Gendarmerie said, quoted by France Télévisions.

The general, who had been chief of the General Staff of the French Army from 2006 to 2010, was appointed in December 2019 by the president, Emmanuel Macron, at the head of the public body set up for the restoration and conservation of Notre Dame.

From that position of president, his main missions were to guarantee the correct development of the works, with the deadlines that had been set, and to inform the public and also the donors of the progress of the works.

After the fire on April 15, 2019 that damaged what is one of the most emblematic monuments of the French capital, the goal is to reopen it to worship and visitors at the end of 2024.

In a first reaction to the disappearance of the soldier, Macron posted a message on the social network X (formerly Twitter) to underline that “with the death of General Jean-Louis Georgelin, the Nation loses one of its great soldiers. France to one of its great servants. And Notre Dame to the craftsman of its renaissance”.

Georgelin had trained at the prestigious Saint Cyr academy, where he entered in 1967 and opted for the infantry.. He was precisely commander of the Mutzig infantry regiment before joining the General Staff of the Army.

After being promoted to brigadier general in 1997, he joined the Stabilization Force for the former Yugoslavia (SFOR).

In 2002 he became the chief of the private General Staff of the President of the Republic and from there he went four years later to become the chief of the Army General Staff.

Russian Attack on Chernigov Leaves Five Dead and Dozens Injured

At least five people have died and several dozen have been injured after a new attack by Russian forces on the city of Chernigov, in the north of the country, Interior Minister Igor Klimenko reported this Saturday.

According to preliminary information offered by Minister Klimenko, at least 42 people have been injured, including eleven minors, and another five have died as a result of an attack on a theater in Chernigov.

The Ukrainian president, Volodímir Zelenski, who is currently on an official visit to Sweden, has condemned the attack through his social networks and has remarked that these actions show what it means to “live next to a terrorist State”.

“A Russian missile hit the heart of Chernigov. A square, a university and a theater. Russia turned any given Saturday into a day of pain and loss. there are casualties.

My condolences to all those who have lost a loved one (…) This is what we are uniting the entire world against,” he wrote on his X account, formerly Twitter.

“I urge the world to stand up to Russian terrorism. Provide Ukraine with additional tools to safeguard life. For life to win, Russia must lose this war,” stressed the Ukrainian president.

The attack on Chernigov adds to the series of night offensives that Russia has been launching on various Ukrainian regions, including Kharkov, Jmelnitsky, Zhytomyr, Kherson, or Sumi, leaving one dead and dozens wounded so far.

Back-to-Back Earthquakes Rattle Central Colombia, Leaving Damages and Fatality

A magnitude 5.1 earthquake was felt this Thursday night in central Colombia, eight hours after the 6.1 tremor that shook the country at noon and left one person dead and slight material damage.

The second earthquake occurred at 03:00 Spanish time and had as its epicenter the same region in the north of the Meta department (center) where the midday tremor occurred, which was followed by an aftershock of magnitude 5.9, according to the Colombian Geological Service.

The epicenter of this aftershock was located in the municipality of Restrepo, very close to Bogotá, and its depth was “superficial”, less than 30 kilometers.

The midday tremor, which was strongly felt in cities such as Bogotá, Villavicencio and Tunja, left a single victim, a woman who, seized with panic, jumped out of the window of an apartment located in the upper part of a building in the capital. Colombian.

The mayoress of Bogotá, Claudia López, assured that in the city “none of the services, nor the buildings had major damage, only minor.

In the Elliptical Hall of the National Capitol, a rose window that adorns the vault fell on the seat occupied by the conservative Juan Carlos Wills, but the chamber was unoccupied, so there was no damage to be regretted.

On the highway between Bogotá and Villavicencio, the capital of Meta, there was a preventive closure due to landslides, since a month ago, an avalanche in the municipality of Quetame killed about twenty homes and the lives of 26 people.

In El Calvario (Meta), the epicenter of the midday tremor, at least four houses suffered considerable damage from the quake, according to local authorities.

The Geological Service indicated that in the two hours after the main earthquake, more than 20 aftershocks were registered, all located in Meta, “with magnitudes ranging from 2.0 to 5.6, and with superficial depths.”

Russian Air Defense Foils Drone Threat Near Moscow Center

The Russian air defense has destroyed a drone this Friday when it was heading to the center of Moscow, without causing casualties.

Tonight, the air defense forces destroyed a drone when it was trying to fly to Moscow.

The remains of the drone fell in the Expocentre area, without causing significant damage to the building. no casualties.

During the last few weeks there has been an increase in drone attacks against Crimea, the border regions between Russia and Ukraine and even against Moscow.

Southwest Airlines Flight Returns After Engine Fire Scare

A Southwest Airlines plane, which was flying this Thursday to the Mexican town of Cancun, had to return to the airport of origin, in Houston (USA), just 30 minutes after takeoff after one of its engines caught fire.

Several passengers were able to watch through the windows as one of its engines caught fire, causing panic in the passengers.

The striking images show the flares coming out from under one of the wings.

The device was able to land safely to start the repairs, while the passenger was relocated on another flight to Mexico, to finally start their vacations.

Campaign Incident Sparks Concern in Ecuador’s Presidential Race

A shooting without victims was registered this Thursday during one of the closing acts of the campaign of the candidate for the Presidency of Ecuador Daniel Noboa, according to EFE sources from his presidential campaign, who described it as an “attack”, while the Government ruled out that it was an attack against the businessman and former assemblyman.

The incident occurred during a caravan journey that the candidate, protected with a bulletproof vest, was taking in Durán, a municipality in the metropolitan area of Guayaquil known for being one of the areas with the highest crime rate in Ecuador, and designated by the authorities as a zone that drug traffickers use to collect cocaine that is then taken to the port.

Although the members who accompanied him denounced at first that it was an attack against the candidate, the Minister of the Interior of Ecuador, Juan Zapata, ruled out that it was an armed attack against Noboa.

Zapata indicated that there are personnel from the Ecuadorian National Police deployed in the area, from which the caravan quickly left the place to bring Noboa to safety, as can be seen in some videos of the participants published on social networks.

According to local media, it could have been a confrontation between local gangs. However, Noboa later insisted on Twitter that it was an attack on his caravan. “They have just attacked the caravan in which we were moving in Durán. Thank God, we came out unharmed,” wrote the candidate for the Presidency.

“Intimidation and fear have no place in the country we love and for which we are committed to change once and for all. We will continue the closing caravan in Guayaquil, taking care of ourselves but with a lot of faith, optimism and determination.. Thank you for your messages and encourage us to continue,” added Noboa.

Eight days after the assassination of Villavicencio

The event occurred eight days after the presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio was assassinated, riddled with bullets by alleged Colombian hitmen on August 9 as he left a rally he held at a school campus in the northern Quito business case.

Days before, Villavicencio had denounced death threats received against him, allegedly coming from Adolfo Macías ‘Fito’, the boss of Los Choneros, one of the criminal gangs in Ecuador dedicated to organized crime and drug trafficking that the candidate had promised to combat.

Noboa also denounced last Sunday having received death threats, in statements offered upon entering the presidential debate, which he attended with strong security measures and a bulletproof vest that he did not remove during the entire meeting with the other candidates.

The candidate is one of the eight who choose to succeed the current president, the conservative Guillermo Lasso, and complete the 2021-2025 period, interrupted in May, when the president invoked the constitutional mechanism of “cross death” to dissolve the National Assembly (Parliament), dominated by the opposition, at the time it was preparing to vote on his dismissal.