All posts by Luis Moreno

Moreno Luis - is a business and economics reporter based in Barcelona. Prior to joining the BNE24 he was economics editor of the BBC Spaine and worked as an economics and political reporter for Murcia Tuday.

The FBI shoots dead a man who threatened to attack Joe Biden online

FBI agents killed this Wednesday during a raid in Utah a man who had threatened to attack the president of the United States, Joe Biden, the ABC television network reported.

The event occurred early in the morning in Salt Lake City, when agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation went to a home to arrest and search the suspect.

One of the officers told ABC that the FBI investigation began in April and that the Secret Service, which is charged with protecting the president, was notified in June.

The suspect had threatened Biden and other authorities in various internet messages, even suggesting that he had already made plans to act.. The threats were “credible” to the FBI, according to this agent.

In accordance with FBI policy, the shooting that led to the death of the suspect will be the subject of an internal investigation.

No, this photo is not of a crowded beach in China, it's in Brazil

Summer arrives, the beach season par excellence, and a photograph of a crowd spreads on the shores of what is said to be the Chinese coast. It is an image that has been shared for years and for which you have asked us through the WhatsApp chatbot (+34 644 229 319). However, it is not a Chinese beach, but rather a concentration to see Pope Francis on Copacabana beach in Brazil.

Specifically, it was taken in 2013 on Copacabana beach, in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) on the occasion of a visit by the pontiff to the Latin American country.

On the one hand, the image that is broadcast is cropped, which causes us to lose information that can indicate where it was actually taken.

Spread photo on the left, original photo on the right Damn

In addition, in a photograph taken from the opposite angle to the image attributed to China, it shows us more information that helps us to know where and when it was taken.. If we compare both, we can see that it is the same place due to details such as the umbrellas or the giant screens.

The image matches the one taken in Brazil. Damned

The next step is to look at what the photograph taken from the opposite angle of the one shown shows.. In this image you can see the content of the giant screens, in which the Pope appears. From here, doing a search for the words pope, beach and crowd, we find that they are images taken at a mass on Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro on July 28, 2013 during World Youth Day.

No, this photo is not of a crowded beach in China, it is in Brazil. Damned

And finally, checking Google Street View, you can see that both the buildings and the geographical features that appear in one of the photographs coincide with those in that area of Rio de Janeiro.

Comparison of Google Street View Cursed

Therefore, it is a hoax that the image that is spread as a crowded beach in China is from the Asian country. The image is real, but it was taken on Copacabana beach, in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in 2013, during a mass of Pope Francis during World Youth Day.

These are the pensions that between 2024 and 2027 will have 200 euros more per month

Last March, the last package of measures for the pension reform was approved through Royal Decree-Law 2/2023, of March 16, on urgent measures to extend the rights of pensioners, reduce the gap and the establishment of a new sustainability framework for the public pension system.

One of the main innovations included in this decree law is to ensure that the minimum contributory pensions granted by Social Security reach 60% of the median income corresponding to a household of two adults between 2024 and 2027.

How much will pensions rise in these 3 years?

And what will happen in 2024? On the one hand, contributory pensions will rise again on January 1, 2024 according to the average CPI, as happened in January 2023, when they rose 8.5% with the new pension revaluation formula.

On the other hand, one of the objectives of the royal decree is to reduce the existing gap between the reference amount of the contributory retirement pension for people over 65 years of age with a dependent spouse and the poverty threshold calculated for a household of two adults.

Thus, on January 1, 2024, “the reference amount of the pension will be additionally increased by the percentage necessary to reduce the existing gap by 20%,” they explain on the BBVA Retirement portal. By 2025, the percentage will rise to 30%, by 2026 to 50%, and by 2027 the amount “will be additionally increased, if necessary, until reaching the poverty threshold calculated for a household of two adults,” they point out.

This means, by way of example, that the minimum retirement pensions with a dependent spouse will have an amount of 1,178.57 euros per month in 14 payments in 2027, compared to the current 966.20 euros per month, that is, 212 .37 euros more, according to the calculations of the Social Security.

Tourism employment reached 2.8 million people in the second quarter: "Spain is a powerhouse when it comes to generating wealth"

Tourism employment in the second quarter of 2023 has exceeded 2.86 million employed persons, which represents an increase of 5.4% compared to the same period in 2022 and 6.3% more than in 2019, according to published data. this Wednesday through Turespaña.

Between April and June 2023, tourism-related activities registered 146,678 more employees than in the same quarter of the previous year, which represents one in four jobs created during that period in the Spanish economy as a whole (589,000).. Therefore, 24.9% of new jobs in Spain have been linked to tourism activities.

For their part, active workers in tourism in the second quarter of the year exceeded 3 million (3,130,026), 6% more than in the same period of the previous year.

In relation to the unemployment rate, in the second quarter it was 8.5%, half a point above 2022 due to the increase in active workers, but three points less than in 2019 (11.1%) and that the national economy , which registers 11.6%.

The acting Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Héctor Gómez, has indicated in a press release that the EPA data show that the tourism sector is “one of the main economic engines of the country” and has highlighted how Spain generates tourism employment each time in a “more robust way”.

Gómez has highlighted that the labor market around tourism has shown “formidable resilience and performance” despite the uncertainty generated by inflation and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Likewise, he stressed that these data show that Spain “is not only a power to attract tourists, but it is also a power when it comes to generating wealth.”

They increase in all activities

All tourist activities registered growth throughout this quarter. Hospitality increased by 7.1%, due to the positive evolution of both food and beverage services (+7.1%) and accommodation services (+7.2%). In travel agencies, the interannual variation was 0.4%, while in passenger transport it was 10.8%.

The main growth of the quarter has occurred among wage earners (+8.1%) registering 2,381,684. Wage earners showed increases in all tourism activities. In passenger transport the growth was 17.3%, in hotels 8.7% and in “other tourist activities” 3.5%. Within “other tourist activities”, wage earners in travel agencies experienced a rise of 6.2%.

Wage earners in the tourism sector with a permanent contract (+80.4%) have increased by 18.1% this year, representing the eighth consecutive rise.

For their part, wage-earners with a temporary contract registered a decrease of 19.9%. In this sense, the temporary employment rate in the tourism sector was 19.6%, seven points lower than that of the same period in 2022: 26.4%.

In an interview on RTVE, Gómez has valued the labor reform, which has provided “stability in employment”. “We are dignifying employment in tourism”, he added. Likewise, he pointed out that tourism, given the “magnificent data” that it is contributing, “is pulling a lot from the country's economy.”

The self-employed have decreased by 6% compared to the same period in 2022, reaching 482,388. There have been decreases in “other tourist activities” (-22%) and in passenger transport (-8.6%), while in the hotel industry they have increased by half a percentage point (0.5%).

La Rioja, where it grows the most

The autonomous communities that registered the highest number of employed people from April to June were Catalonia (487,314), Madrid (440,033), the Valencian Community (279,779) and the Canary Islands (271,204).

During this period, the number of employed persons grew in all the autonomous communities, except in the Valencian Community, Castilla y León, Aragón and Cantabria.

The autonomous communities where the number of employed grew the most was La Rioja, with a year-on-year growth of 40.1%, Galicia, with 18.3%, and the Balearic Islands, with 18.1%.

The autonomous communities with the highest number of tourist flows (Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, Andalusia, the Valencian Community and Madrid) are those that together in the second quarter accounted for 74.5% of the total employed in the sector.

The SEPE clarifies whether the self-employed and domestic employees can request the subsidy for people over 52 years of age

Those over 52 who are unemployed are entitled to a subsidy if they have exhausted the contributory benefit, as stated by the Public State Employment Service (SEPE).. To access it, the SEPE includes on its website a series of requirements to collect this benefit, the amount of which is 80% of the IPREM (about 480 euros per month) and the duration, if the requirements are met, is until the age required to be entitled to the Social Security contributory pension.

The requirements to access this benefit, however, open the question for two types of workers: domestic employees and self-employed workers. Do they have access to this benefit based on the requirements demanded by the SEPE?

Requirements for the provision of people over 52 years of age

The requirements for unemployed people over 52 years of age to receive this benefit are the following:

  • be unemployed
  • ​Age 52 or older
  • Have exhausted the contributory benefit
  • ​Be registered as a jobseeker for one month from the end of the unemployment benefit
  • Sign the activity agreement
  • Lack of income above 75% of the SMI
  • Proof of having contributed for retirement for a minimum of 15 years
  • Have contributed unemployment for a minimum of 6 years

The self-employed and domestic workers would have a difficult time

These requirements, however, would make it difficult for household employees or workers to benefit from it.. This is due to the minimum contribution requirements (at least 15 years of contributions for the retirement pension, two of which in the 15 prior to the application, and a minimum of 6 years of unemployment contributions): the self-employed can contribute for termination of activity since 2019, as published by Social Security on its website. For their part, domestic workers can collect unemployment from 2020, according to the website of the Ministry of Labor.

These groups, according to El Periódico, have difficulty meeting these minimum requirements established by law, which is why it is very possible that they do not have access to this benefit.

FACUA warns of the beach bars with the "broken" dataphone: it is the customer who chooses the payment method

FACUA Consumers in Action has warned of the practice of some beach bars and summer terraces of imposing cash as the only form of payment, alleging that their dataphone or POS (Point of Sale Terminal) is permanently damaged.

As reported by the consumer organization in a statement, if at the entrance of an establishment there is a sign indicating that they accept card payments, it will be the client who decides how to pay the amount of the account and that in no case can he be forced to a user to pay an account in cash if they have been previously informed that card payment is possible.

If the establishment does not accept this form of payment for some reason, you must provide a bank account so that a transfer can be made or a mobile number to pay the amount through Bizum.

“Beyond whether it is true or not that the dataphone does not work, FACUA has located some of these establishments in which the poster that informs about this failure is laminated or even framed and with dust on it”, denounced the consumer association, which has specified that, in these cases, “it is clear that it is not a one-time failure of the card payment device, but a common practice on the part of the owner of the establishment”.

The association has reported that, in these cases, the consumer can report the facts to the consumer agency of their autonomous community for the possible existence of an infraction and bring the facts to the attention of the Treasury, given the possibility that the establishment in question only accept cash payments to avoid declaring part of your income.

This is the zero euro bill: can it be used to pay?

There is a zero euro banknote, even though it is not a banknote regulated or approved by the European Central Bank (ECB). Its origin is in Kiel, Germany.. This port city in the north of the country proposed the creation of this ticket as a souvenir for tourists. The first print run was 5,000 notes and its success led to more issues, according to El Economista.

The German ship Gorch Fock II, a German warship, representing the city of Kiel, appears on the obverse of the banknote, according to BBVA.. On the reverse, there are different European monuments: the Eiffel Tower, the Sagrada Família, the Colosseum, the Brandenburg Gate, the Belem Tower or the Mannekin Pis, as well as part of the Mona Lisa and the flag of the European Union.

Although the ticket has no value and you can't buy anything with it, the price to get it (the original design, since there are different designs throughout Europe, being a souvenir) is 2.50 euros, as can be seen on the Kiel Tourism website. We must not forget that the zero euro note is nothing else, but a collector's item that is becoming more and more coveted.

“The only banknotes recognized by the ECB are the authentic euro banknotes. The production of the zero euro “souvenir” note is not regulated or approved by the ECB,” they say from the monetary body. “If banknote manufacturers produce them, they must comply with the ECB reproduction rules set out in Decision ECB/2013/10 to ensure that the banknotes cannot be mistaken for authentic ones.”

The three requirements that the self-employed must meet to deduct expenses during the holidays

In the middle of summer, many workers start their summer vacations to have a few days of disconnection and relaxation.. However, the reality is that some workers, such as the self-employed, have to carry out procedures during their vacation period. In this sense, what expenses can be deducted?

The Value Added Tax (VAT) Law is the regulation that is in charge of regulating the necessary requirements so that self-employed workers can apply the various deductions or to know if they are entitled to them.. In this sense, the VAT that is supported during travel expenses can be deducted, as long as it meets a series of conditions.

What expenses can be deducted and how

Self-employed workers may deduct certain expenses, as long as they derive from their professional activity, such as diets or transportation expenses.. Possible accommodation expenses will also be deductible, for example if you have traveled to meet a client.

As detailed in the specialized portal Declarando, “an expense is deductible when it is necessary and exclusive for the development of your activity as a freelancer”. Thus, it can be deducted if the invoice or ticket is kept, this being one of the essential requirements.

Therefore, we must keep the invoice to demonstrate the purchase or the expense made. Said invoice must contain at least the following information: number, issue date, provider, description of the purchase or service acquired, price, and VAT applied.

Another of the necessary requirements is that the deductible expenses must have a direct and exclusive relationship with the economic activity.. On the other hand, the third requirement will be to justify and record all expenses and income in each worker's own ledger.

The Prosecutor's Office investigating Trump searched his Twitter account in search of evidence

The Special Prosecutor's Office investigating former US President Donald Trump obtained a search warrant for the Republican's Twitter account last January with the aim of finding evidence about his efforts to reverse the 2020 elections.

This is confirmed by some judicial documents that have been published this Wednesday. According to them, the registration of the account was not notified to Trump himself, since the Court of the District of Columbia found “reasonable grounds to believe” that the former president would “jeopardize the ongoing investigation” by giving him “an opportunity to destroy evidence”.

Precisely Twitter (now called 'X') suspended Trump's account for “incitement to violence” after the assault on the Capitol in 2021, but Elon Musk rehabilitated it last year after acquiring the social network, although the former president has not returned to post nothing.

According to the documentation revealed today, in January the District Court of Columbia granted the special prosecutor's office, led by Jack Smith, an order to register the account and likewise prohibited Twitter from “revealing the existence” of said order. .

This veto generated a dispute between Twitter and the prosecution, who finally the Court of Appeals agreed with, prohibiting Trump from being notified about the intervention of his account. In addition, the Court of Appeals upheld a fine of $350,000 imposed on the social network by the Court of the District of Columbia for having delayed in allowing the registration of the account.

Trump pleads not guilty

Trump appeared before that court last week, where he pleaded not guilty to the four crimes charged against him, with sentences of up to 20 years in prison for having tried to reverse the 2020 elections in which he lost against Joe Biden and having instigated the assault on the Capitol

The prosecution accuses him of having deliberately lied when denouncing false electoral fraud and of having devised a plan to reverse the results of the elections that led to the assault on the Capitol in 2021, when a mob of Trump supporters attacked Congress to prevent ratification. of Biden's victory.

This is the third criminal charge against the former president, also charged in New York for bribing porn actress Stormy Daniels and in Miami for illegally taking classified documents when leaving power, a case also investigated by prosecutor Jack Smith.

The legal proceedings against him, however, have not diminished the popularity of Trump, a great favorite in the Republican primaries ahead of the 2024 elections, in which he aspires to fight Biden again.

The WHO warns about EG.5, the new variant of the covid that can increase cases worldwide

The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the new EG.5 variant of covid-19 may increase cases worldwide, although there is no scientific evidence that it is currently causing an increase in hospitalizations.

Through a report published this Tuesday, the United Nations international health organization has described as “low” the risk to public health posed by EG.5, a lineage descendant of XBB.1.9.2 that was first reported on February 17th. It was designated as a variant under surveillance on July 19 and has been designated by the WHO as a variant of interest.

“Although EG.5 has shown increased prevalence, growth advantage, and immune escape properties, no change in disease severity has been reported to date.”. Although concurrent increases in the proportion of hospitalizations for GD.5 and COVID-19 (lower than in previous waves) have been observed in countries such as Japan and South Korea, no associations have been established between these hospitalizations and GD.5″ , has highlighted the organization.

However, the WHO also points out that due to its growth advantage and immune escape characteristics, EG.5 “may cause an increase in the incidence of cases and become dominant in some countries or even globally.”

additional mutation

EG.5 carries an additional F456L mutation in the spike protein compared to its parent subvariants, XBB.1.9.2 and XBB.1.5. Within the EG.5 lineage, the EG.5.1 subvariant has an additional Q52H mutation in the spike and represents 88 percent of the available sequences for EG.5 and its descendant lineages.

Globally, there has been a steady increase in EG.5. During the week of July 17-23, its overall prevalence was 17.4 percent, which is “a notable increase” from the data reported four weeks earlier (June 19-25), when it was 7.6 percent.

As of August 7, 7,354 EG.5 sequences from 51 countries have been collected for study. Most come from China (30.6%, 2,247 sequences). The other countries with at least 100 sequences are the United States (18.4%, 1,356), South Korea (14.1%, 1,040), Japan (11.1%, 814), Canada (5.3%, 392 ), Australia (2.1%, 158), Singapore (2.1%, 154), United Kingdom (2.0%, 150), France (1.6%, 119), Portugal (1.6%, 115) and Spain (1.5%, 107).