All posts by Luis Moreno

Moreno Luis - is a business and economics reporter based in Barcelona. Prior to joining the BNE24 he was economics editor of the BBC Spaine and worked as an economics and political reporter for Murcia Tuday.

Daniel Sancho, "nervous" since his admission to Koh Samui prison: he has asked for medication for anxiety and they have cut his hair

Daniel Sancho has only been in the Koh Samui prison for two days but he is already beginning to feel “nervous”. This was stated by the director of the Thai prison, Watcharapong Boonsaior, to RTVE, who also said that the 29-year-old, accused of the murder and dismemberment of the Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta, would have asked for medication to end his nerves. “He is a bit nervous, he has to learn what life is like in prison,” commented the warden, who also made it clear that “his state of mind is still good.”

After a few days in which they claimed that the son of Rodolfo Sancho and Silvia Bronchalo was calm and even “relaxed”, as his lawyer pointed out a few hours ago, his arrival at the Thai prison would have changed things. Sancho remains in an isolation module “with five other prisoners” due to the covid-19 protocol and they have also cut off his blonde hair. “Thai anthem plays very early in the morning. To shower, for example, they have two hours, 165 showers for more than 700 inmates, whoever is not smart will run out of water”, explained the journalist from Mediaset Jorge Luque, displaced to the island, who also said that ” eating is the worst, they only have a little broth with bones and some rice. And I don't even tell you to sleep anymore. They have three blankets that they have to use, one for the floor as a mattress, another to cover themselves and another as a pillow.”

The prison director, for his part, has assured that the 29-year-old would have made three requests: that his lawyer bring him food, anxiety medication and make a video call to his family. “He wants to contact his family as soon as possible, he cannot receive visits from them for eight days but he says he needs to talk to them as soon as possible.”

“The same rights as other inmates”

In addition, Boonsaior has explained that although Sancho “did not show signs of fear or anxiety” when he entered the prison, two prison officials are in charge of taking care of him and “talking with him to alleviate any potential stress.”. Sancho, 29, underwent a physical analysis upon arrival at the center and “his general condition was normal.” In addition, the director of the center has indicated that the Spaniard will not receive any special treatment and “has the same rights as other inmates.”

The actor Rodolfo Sancho, father of the confessed murderer, would have already arrived on the island to support his son, but he is not allowed to visit him until the aforementioned period of isolation has passed.

The crime occurred on Wednesday, August 2, in a hotel on the island of Koh Phangan. Sancho confessed to the murder and dismembering the victim into pieces to hide his remains. The 29-year-old chef is in provisional prison awaiting trial.

A US newspaper claims that one of Niger's coup generals is a longtime US ally

One of the United States' staunchest allies in the Sahel region is one of the generals who led the coup in Niger, according to The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) on Wednesday.

This is Brigadier General Moussa Salaou Barmou, whom the US “has courted for thirty years,” says the newspaper, inviting him to the prestigious National Defense University in Washington, and who could currently play a key role in eventual negotiations. so that the coup leaders release the deposed president and leave power.

However, the first signs are not being easy: the US Deputy Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, met on Monday with Barmou in conversations that she described as “extremely frank and at very difficult times”, without obtaining any concessions on his part. , not even being able to visit the deposed president, Mohamed Bazoum.

Barmou himself, questioned by the WSJ days ago about the risk of losing military assistance from the United States -in the form of joint exercises, provision of drones and advice in general-, responded emphatically: “If that is the price to pay for our sovereignty, so be it,” he said.

The United States has 1,100 soldiers in Nigerian territory, sharing barracks precisely with the elite troops under the direct command, until a few days ago, of Barmou; In addition, it has invested some 500 million dollars in aid to the Niger Defense Forces, including a drone base in the city of Agadez.

For years, Barmou has been vital in the US strategy in the Sahel, since it allowed it to turn Niger into the stronghold of the fight against jihadism in the entire region, and now this “status” is in danger, while it looms the threat that Russia, through the Wagner group, will fill the vacuum left by the withdrawal of French troops and an eventual withdrawal of the United States as well.

The Americans have always considered him an ally -the newspaper recounts his numerous invitations to share dinners or celebrations with North American military commanders-. However, this is a time when Nigeriens, as is happening throughout the Sahel, are turning away from the French, whom they accuse of acting “freelance” in the region without coordinating with their governments.

The relatively moderate tone with which US diplomacy has been referring to the coup plotters in Niger seems to indicate that Washington does not want, for the moment, to break all the bridges with them and that it continues to trust in the person of Barmou so that all its counterterrorism strategy in the Sahel.

The message that Daniel Sancho sent to his surroundings shortly before entering prison

The gruesome story about the case of Daniel Sancho continues and more chapters are planned. The young man, who last Saturday confessed to the murder and dismemberment of the Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta, was able to speak with his friends and family during a dinner at a luxury restaurant after being arrested and to which the Thai Police invited him for his good behavior and collaboration. .

As published by the magazine Lecturas this Wednesday, the young man, who is expected to be accused of premeditated murder after having entered the Koh Samui prison, would have messaged some relatives. “I'm sorry that you are having to be one of those people who suffers from this,” he begins by saying in a message.

Rodolfo Sancho's son also lets his friends know that all the information that reaches Spain is not entirely true. “Someday you will know the whole truth,” he writes and assures that he killed the Colombian surgeon because “I was defending my life and that of the people I love.”. Rodolfo Sancho's son ends with a revealing: “He was threatening both me and my family. I love you”.

Sancho This Wednesday it has also been known that the Thai Police will accuse Daniel Sancho of premeditated murder. The agents have sufficient evidence to indicate that Rodolfo Sancho's son would have planned the murder of Edwing Arrieta and for this reason, investigators have begun to question the veracity of the detainee's statements, according to the Bangkok Post.

Chronology, keys and suspicions of the 'Daniel Sancho case'

Chronology, keys, suspicions… all the doubts and certainties of the 'Daniel Sancho case'
Chronology, keys, suspicions… all the doubts and certainties of the 'Daniel Sancho case'

Kidnapping or medical care? Mystery and many questions surrounding the woman who has lived 11 years locked up by her husband

Forbach is a city in the department of Moselle (Lorraine) located next to the border of France with Germany.. It is small, just 21,000 inhabitants and is about 120 kilometers from Strasbourg. In the past it was important for its mining operations, but now it lives in crisis. Today Forbach is in the news for a mystery; that of a woman who has lived locked up by her husband for eleven years.

The story is starred by a 53-year-old Spanish-German woman and her 55-year-old husband of German origin. They have been married since 2001. It is a mystery not so much because we do not know what has happened, the confinement, as why and how. Was it a kidnapping? The Prosecutor's Office rules it out.

They lived on social benefits

The couple had moved to France because he found a job in a German company, but he had been unemployed for several years.. Now they lived on social benefits, reports Franceinfo. She has dual Spanish and German nationality.. In fact, he still has family in Spain: his parents and a sister with whom he is not related.

She still has family in Spain: her parents and a sister with whom she does not speak

This woman was found in very poor condition at her home in Forbach. According to the information that first came out through the press, she was locked in a room, naked, malnourished, with a shaved head and alleged signs of old fractures in her fingers and legs, so who was hospitalized urgently.

Kidnapping, torture and rape?

The French authorities went to that house early on Monday, alerted by the German police, who in turn received a call for help during the night. The woman had called a German association for the protection of victims, denouncing that she had been kidnapped since 2011.. She also spoke of torture and rape by her husband.. The man was arrested that same morning.

The kidnapping situation (…) is a non-existent reality”

However, after examining the house, the Sarreguemines prosecutor, Olivier Glady, in charge of the case, has concluded that “the kidnapping situation (…) is a non-existent reality”. In addition, the doctor who examined the woman has found no evidence of rape or injuries or bone fractures.. In el domicilio tampoco se han encontrado restos de sangre.

El marido, puesto en libertad

Glady atribuye a diversas enfermedades las malas condiciones de salud en las que fue encontrada la mujer. In an appearance before the press, he indicated that the husband had been released as no incriminating elements had been found.

I had access to a television, a computer and a telephone (…) The laundry was hung on the floor and the husband had a reserve of mattresses, which he changed regularly”

“He had access to a television, a computer and a telephone (…) The laundry was hung on the floor and the husband had a reserve of mattresses, which he changed regularly,” said the prosecutor, who in view of the evidence gives veracity of the husband's statement about the accusations of his wife, who has a “disabling” illness that has worsened in recent months.

she blames her husband

The evidence, according to Glady, points to the husband taking care of the sick wife, since neither of them is registered with the French social security and they do not receive medical attention.. She blames her husband for her state of health.

The woman insists that “she is not sick”, but her story is peppered with “inconsistencies”

As explained by the prosecutor, the woman insists “that she is not sick”, but her story is dotted with “inconsistencies”.. Investigators now doubt the wife's version, which Glady described as “possibly suffering from an inflammatory disease.”. Psychiatric examinations are still ongoing.

He says that he took care of her

The version that the husband has given to the authorities is that his wife has been suffering from autoimmune rheumatism, with disabling complications for about 10 months, and that he is the one who takes care of her.. Rheumatism, according to what he said, caused him allergies, combined with a process of alopecia (which would explain the woman's shaved head).

According to witness statements, the husband took care of his wife since her state of health worsened, “accelerating in the last ten months.”

A bear escapes from the hold of a plane in Dubai, causing delays at one of the world's busiest airports

A bear was the cause of an Iraqi Airways flight being delayed for at least an hour in its departure to Baghdad. The animal, which was being transported in the aircraft's cargo hold, escaped before it took off from Dubai airport, one of the busiest airfields in the world.

At that time, the crew coordinated with the authorities of the United Arab Emirates, who sent a specialized team to sedate the animal and safely remove it from the aircraft.. After checking the plane and confirming that there was no damage, the flight returned to Baghdad.

For his part, the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani, has ordered the country's Transport Minister to open an “urgent and professional investigation” into the reasons, “which negatively affected other flights and the services provided to travelers “, can be read on their social networks.

As explained by the company in a statement, the animal was flying from Baghdad to Dubai. However, in a video circulating on social media, a crew member is heard suggesting otherwise, stating that the plane was an hour late on its journey to Baghdad and passengers had been asked to disembark until the problem would be solved.

Iraqi Airways assured that the bear was being transported in accordance with international procedures approved for this type of shipment, in a specific cage approved by the International Air Transport Association (IATA, for its acronym in English).

Following the incident, the airline apologized to the passengers on the flight who were affected by the delay “for reasons beyond the control” of the company.

Wild animals

Keeping wild animals as pets in Iraq, especially in Baghdad, has become popular among the wealthy. Authorities have had difficulty enforcing legal provisions protecting wild animals. On another occasion, the Baghdad police have asked citizens to help the authorities to prevent these animals from being released through the streets of the city or ending up as exotic food in restaurants by reporting these cases.

A man has been arrested in Chicago for shooting a 9-year-old girl in the head. According to witnesses, the 43-year-old man had complained about the noise that the little ones were making in a nearby park.

Michael Goodman (name of the alleged perpetrator of the crime), approached a group of people at 3500 North Long Avenue in the Portage Park neighborhood (Chicago) around 9:40 p.m. last Saturday. There was little Serabi Medina with her father. The father, who was talking to friends in a vehicle, heard a shot and told his daughter to “get on her motorbike and go home,” according to local media reports.

As Serabi was returning home, the father and his friends saw a man come out of a nearby apartment building with a firearm and was heading towards the minor.. Prosecutors reported that the girl's father yelled at the Goodman what he was doing, but he ignored him and continued toward her.. The girl's father ran towards her as he watched the man “raise the firearm, point it and shoot her in the head,” the report said.

After what happened, he rushed towards Goodman to try to stop him.. During the struggle, the alleged perpetrator of the crime was shot in the face from his own weapon. Witnesses said the man apparently shot the girl in the head because he was annoyed by the noise from the nearby park down the street.

“It just didn't make sense.. none of it made sense. Everyone in the community would tell you that they are just kids having fun playing. Let them enjoy themselves,” a neighbor told the Chicago Sun-Times.. “He saved other people. Who knows what else that man was going to do that night…”, the cousin of Serabi's father also alleged to the local media.

The girl was taken to Stroger Hospital in critical condition and died a short time later, local authorities confirmed.. Goodman, for his part, was taken to Illinois Masonic Medical Center in critical condition and faces a first-degree murder charge.

A 103-year-old migrant arrives in the United States seeking asylum

Andrea Avelina Andrade, a 103-year-old woman from El Salvador, has arrived at the border of Piedras Negras, Mexico, and Eagle Pass, Texas, seeking asylum, according to CNN.

The reason for his trip was, according to what he said, to follow his son and his two grandchildren, who had previously obtained US asylum.

Although she's not sure how long the process will take, she says “if they can do it, bless God, and if they can't, bless God.”

Widow and mother of four children, she arrived in early August at Casa Betania, a shelter in Piedras Negras, in the Mexican state of Coahulia, where she is now awaiting a response from the destination country.

More than 40 dead in a new shipwreck off the Italian island of Lampedusa

A total of 41 people have died in a new shipwreck registered in the last hours off the Italian island of Lampedusa, in southern Italy, according to the testimonies of four survivors who were rescued by a Coast Guard patrol boat.

The rescued explained to the authorities that the boat had left Sfax (Tunisia) last Thursday and that, after about six hours of navigation, the ship capsized due to a large wave and the 41 victims, including three children, fell into the sea. , local media report.

According to the media, the four rescued were sighted on Tuesday by a Frontex European border guard plane and, as they were off the Libyan coast, the coast guard of that country was notified, but they did not intervene.. For this reason, the Italian patrol boats went looking for them, which upon their arrival verified that the survivors had been rescued by the freighter, after which they were transferred by the coast guard to Lampedusa.

The four survivors, two men, a woman and a child from the Ivory Coast and Guinea Conakry, are in a state of shock.

Only 15 of the migrants, who were traveling in a precarious metal boat, wore life jackets, but they drowned anyway, the migrants added in their account to the social services and mediators of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) who regularly work in the island, the closest Italian territory to Africa.

Last Saturday, two other shipwrecks were reported off Lampedusa in which 34 people died, although only three corpses could be rescued in the middle of a strong storm and it was also the 57 rescued who explained that their travel companions had fallen. Sea.

The reception center is overflowing

The landings do not stop in Lampedusa, in whose reception center, with a capacity for 300 people, more than 1,500 crowd, after the transfer of migrants from the island to the Italian peninsula began.

It is expected that this Wednesday some 1,100 of the 1,577 guests at the center will be transferred to the Sicilian towns of Porto Empedocle and Augusta. According to the latest data from the Italian Ministry of the Interior, so far this year and up to August 4, 92,000 migrants have disembarked on the Italian coasts, more than double the number of 42,640 in the same period last year.

Russia reports the downing of two Ukrainian drones in Moscow

A day after a massacre of civilians by a Russian attack in the Ukrainian city of Pokrovsk, Russian armed forces shot down two Ukrainian combat drones in the Moscow metropolitan region early Wednesday, the capital's mayor said. Russian, Sergei Sobyanin. According to the Russian state agency Tass, Sobyanin assured in his profile on the Telegram social network that “two combat drones tried to reach the city. Both were shot down by air defense systems, one in the Domodedovo area and one in the vicinity of the Minskoye highway.. No injuries have been reported”.

  • At least 7 civilians killed and 81 wounded in an attack on a residential building in Pokrovsk.
Placeholder breast module
War in Ukraine – Russia, live: last minute of Putin's military offensive, Zelensky, bombings, nuclear alert, NATO and the economic consequences

Germany plans to extend the deployment of Patriot missiles in Poland until the end of the year

The German government has raised the possibility of extending Poland's current deployment of Patriot missiles until the end of the year, with the aim of reinforcing NATO's eastern flank in a context marked by the Russian military offensive on Ukraine and growing concerns in about the role that Belarus can play.

The German Ministry of Defense has stated in a statement that the Patriots make a “valuable contribution” for the sake of this protection. Specifically, these are three systems installed since last January in the Zamosc area, in southeastern Poland.

Initially, Berlin contemplated that the deployment would last a maximum of six months, but already in July the Polish Defense Minister, Mariusz Blaszczak, raised the extension with his German counterpart, Boris Pistorius.

The latter has indicated that the possible expansion takes into account the security needs of its ally, although for now the Government of Germany does not plan to delay the withdrawal until 2024.