All posts by Luis Moreno

Moreno Luis - is a business and economics reporter based in Barcelona. Prior to joining the BNE24 he was economics editor of the BBC Spaine and worked as an economics and political reporter for Murcia Tuday.

Trump boasts of his good results in the polls: "With one more accusation I think the elections will be resolved"

The former president of the United States Donald Trump (2017-2021), who is running for the Republican primaries for the 2024 elections, boasted this Tuesday of his good results in the polls, which continue to give him as a favorite over other conservative candidates, despite to face various charges.

During a rally before veterans in Windham, New Hampshire, Trump explained that every time he is charged he likes to consult the polls: “Because with one more charge I think the elections will be resolved,” he said ironically.

The ex-president accumulates three criminal charges in New York, Florida and Washington DC for the bribery case of the porn actress Stormy Daniels, the case of the classified documents that he illegally took from the White House and the case of his alleged attempts to change the outcome of the 2020 elections, respectively.

To these cases could be added a fourth criminal indictment in Georgia, where Trump is expected to be formally indicted by a grand jury at any moment for his alleged efforts to alter the electoral result in this key state in 2020.

Leads the polls with 53% voting intention

Despite these lawsuits, Trump continues to lead the polls over the Republican candidates for the Presidency, with 53% of voting intentions, well ahead of the second opponent, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, with 15%, according to the page. website 'FiveThirtyEight', which averages polls. According to that website, if Trump were to face President Joe Biden in a presidential election, the results would be very close, with the Democrat winning by a single percentage point, despite the fact that two weeks ago the Republican was ahead.

Accusations against “corrupt Joe Biden”

At his rally today, Trump reiterated his accusations against “corrupt Joe Biden”, as he nicknames him and who he considers to be behind a political persecution against him and the accusations against him, due to “the incredible numbers” that he is taking in polls.

In what has been his strategy, the former president appeared before the audience as the victim of a plot orchestrated by Biden to silence his complaints that there was fraud in the 2020 elections, despite the fact that he did not deliver a single piece of evidence and the Courts dismissed all the lawsuits he filed in his day.

He regretted that he will not be able to go to the Iowa caucuses or the 2024 New Hampshire primaries due to his judicial problems: “Because I will be sitting in court for garbage, because his attorney general (of Biden) has indicted me,” said Trump, despite the fact that there is still no date set for the start of the trial on his alleged attempt to reverse the result of the 2020 elections.

He also attacked Republican Ron DeSantis

On the other hand, Trump attacked his main Republican adversary, the governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, since he considers that he has betrayed him by presenting himself in the primaries and assured that he himself was the architect of winning his party's nomination for the governorship of that state.

DeSantis “I don't like it because I had him elected (…), he came to me because he needed help,” the former president stressed. He considered that DeSantis has made a mistake by now running for the presidential primaries and that he should have waited until 2028, in addition to throwing a dart at him: “It takes a certain personality”, alluding to criticism of his opponent about his lack of character and skills. in one-on-one interactions.

He did all this literally sweating the fat drop due to the high temperature in the room, “43 degrees Celsius,” said the former president with his forehead drenched in sweat, which he took advantage of to mock the media, which he predicted would say of him that “he didn't look good”.

July 2023 was the warmest month in Earth's history

The month of July 2023 was the warmest globally on record and broke all previous records for global air temperature, ice cover and hydrological variables, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). , which highlights that the anomaly with respect to pre-industrial times was 1.5ºC, which was the limit objective until the end of the century agreed by the international community in the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015.

The Copernicus monthly report shows that July 2023 was 0.72 degrees Celsius (ºC) warmer than the average for the current reference period, 1991-2020, and was even 0.33ºC higher than the previous warmest July to date. , which is 2019.

In addition, heat waves were recorded in multiple regions of the Northern Hemisphere, including southern Europe, while temperatures in several South American countries and around much of Antarctica were well above average.

Along the same lines as the air temperature, the sea surface temperature also reached new records, as it continued to rise and did so after a long period of unusually high temperatures since April 2023 and exceeded the world average by 0, 51ºC the temperature of the reference period 1991-2020.

In the North Atlantic, sea water in June was 1.05ºC above average and temperatures in the northeast of that ocean remained above average, while in the northwest Atlantic they were unusually high, according to Copernicus study.

The European Climate Change Service recorded heat waves in the sea south of Greenland and in the Labrador Sea, as well as in the Caribbean basin and in the Mediterranean Sea, while signs of the El Niño weather phenomenon continued to be recorded in the eastern equatorial Pacific.

Regarding sea ice, Copernicus indicates that the extent of Antarctic sea ice continued to break records for this time of year as it had 15 percent less ice than average.. “It is the lowest extent, by far, for a month of July since satellite observations began,” the monthly report highlights.


By areas, the largest anomaly, that is, where there was the least concentration of sea ice, was in the northern Weddel Sea, in the eastern Bellingshausen Sea and in the northern Ross Sea.. In contrast, in the Amundsen Sea sector the concentration of sea ice continued to be above average.

In this sense, he adds that the extent of sea ice in the Arctic was slightly below average, but well above the historical minimum reached in July 2020.. By area, sea ice concentrations were below average across most of the Arctic Ocean, unlike off the north coast of Siberia where above average concentrations were recorded.

On the other hand, regarding the hydrology of the month of July, Copernicus CS3 concludes that July 2023 was wetter than average in most of Northern Europe as well as in the region between the Black Sea and Ukraine. to northwestern Russia.

The Mediterranean basin, for its part, registered drier conditions than average and the greatest anomalies were registered in Italy and southeastern Europe.. Outside of Europe, this past month was, however, wetter than average in northeastern North America, Afghanistan, Pakistan, northwest China, northern and eastern Australia, and Chile.

On the other hand, the extratropical regions that were drier than average were Mexico and the southeastern United States, central and southeastern Asia, southwestern Australia, and parts of southern Brazil and Paraguay.

dire consequences

After releasing the monthly balance, the deputy director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, Samantha Burgess, has warned of the “dire consequences for both people and the planet” that are exposed to increasingly frequent extreme phenomena in intense with these “new all-time records in July” in air and ocean temperatures.

Specifically, Burgess explains that for the moment 2023 is the third warmest year to date, with a temperature that is 0.43ºC above the recent average and that it is 1.5ºC above the levels prior to the industrial Revolution.

In this sense, he added that when the averages for the calendar year are compared, from January to July, the world average is the third highest ever recorded, with 0.43ºC above the average for the period 1991-2020 compared to 0 0.49ºC in 2016 and 0.48ºC in 2020.

Although the difference between 2023 and 2016 is expected to narrow in the coming months, since the last few months of 2016 were “relatively cool” to reduce the annual average to 0.44ºC, while the rest of 2023 is expected to be relatively warm due to El Niño.

“Although temporary, it demonstrates the urgency of making ambitious efforts to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, which are primarily responsible for these records,” he urged.

What widow's pension corresponds to me after getting divorced or separated?

There are many questions that circulate in front of the widow's pension, and one of the main ones is always whether separated or divorced people have the right to receive this benefit.

The answer is yes. People legally separated, divorced or who have had their marriage declared null and void, can collect the widow's pension, as long as they meet the requirements detailed by Social Security.

The widow's pension is a contributory benefit managed by Social Security to which one is entitled when the partner, or ex-spouse, has died. In 20 Minutes we explain some requirements to access it:

Who can collect the widow's pension?

The deceased person must meet certain conditions to be able to generate the widow's pension, and the partner or ex-partner must meet others to be able to collect it.. These requirements are explained below.

The deceased person generates a widow's pension if:

  • The deceased was registered with Social Security or a situation similar to that on the date of death, and has contributed 500 days within the five years prior to the death.
  • The deceased was not registered, but requires a contribution period of 15 years. This contribution period will not be needed if the death occurs due to an accident or occupational disease.
  • He was a recipient of a contributory retirement pension, or was entitled to it at the time of death without having applied for it.
  • He was a pensioner due to a permanent disability.
  • She was entitled to the subsidy for temporary disability, risk during pregnancy, maternity, paternity or risk during lactation and fulfilled the necessary contribution period in those cases.

The partner or spouse is entitled to a widow's pension if:

  • You were the spouse of the deceased and there are common children.
  • They had no children, but the marriage took place a year before the death. Otherwise, you can still receive a temporary widow's benefit.
  • You were divorced or legally separated from the deceased and you were receiving a compensatory pension that expires upon death.
  • For separations or divorces prior to January 1, 2008: it is not necessary to be a creditor of the compensatory pension if 10 years have not passed between the separation and the death. Also, if there are children in common or if you are over 50 years of age.
  • As of January 1, 2013: those over 65 who are not entitled to another pension, without receiving a supplementary pension, and their marriage has lasted more than 15 years.
  • He was a common-law partner of the deceased, registered in the corresponding autonomous community or town hall at least two years before the death. Stable cohabitation must be accredited during the five years prior to the death.
  • The survivor's income, during the year prior to death, did not reach 50% of the sum of his or her income plus that of the deceased. Or 25% if they did not have common children with the right to an orphan's pension.

What widow's pension is left to a divorced person

Generally, the widow's pension reaches 52% of the regulatory base, but it can go up to 60% in cases such as:

  • Being over 65 years old.
  • Not receive another type of Spanish or foreign public pension.
  • Not have income from doing work on your own or someone else's account.
  • Not having income from movable or real estate capital, capital gains or income from economic activities greater than 7,569.00 euros per year.

If there are family responsibilities and a low level of income, the widow's pension could reach 70% of the regulatory base.

For how long is the widow's pension collected?

The widow's pension is usually for life, but it extinguishes if a new marriage is contracted or a new domestic partnership is formed.

It can be kept in these two cases if you are older than 61 or younger with a disability greater than 65%, and other specific cases, as indicated in La Revista de la Seguridad Social.

Amounts of the widow's pension in 2023

The revaluation of contributory pensions increased by 8.5% in 2023. These are the amounts of the widow's pension in 2023:

  • Widow with family responsibilities: 905.90 euros/month.
  • Widowed with 65 years and disability equal to or less than 65%: 783 euros/month.
  • Widow between 60 and 64 years: 732 euros/month.
  • Widow for less than 60 years: 593 euros/month.

Critical situation in Antarctica: "If it melted completely, it would mean the end of the world we know"

New extreme events in Antarctica, such as oceanic heat waves or ice loss, will be “virtually certain” as the planet warms up due to the climate crisis, says a study from the University of Exeter (England) published in the journal Frontiers in Environmental Science. Scientists from this prestigious academic institution warn that the recent extreme cases on the frozen continent may be the tip of the iceberg of what will happen in the future.

In doing the research, the evidence for extreme events in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean has been reviewed, including climate, sea ice, ocean temperatures, ice shelves, and biodiversity on land and sea. Thus, experts have concluded that the fragile environments of Antarctica “may well be subject to considerable stress and damage in the coming years and decades”, and therefore call for urgent political action to protect them.

“Antarctic change has global implications,” said lead author Martin Siegert of the University of Exeter.. In addition, he assured that “if Antarctica melted completely, it would mean the end of the world we know”. “The sea level would rise almost 60 meters and hundreds of cities would be under water and with no ice, the global temperature would rise,” he added.

Goal: net zero greenhouse gases

“Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero is our best hope for preserving Antarctica, and this must be important for all countries and individuals,” the researcher warned the leaders of all countries in the world.

In addition, Siegert highlighted that the rapid changes now taking place in Antarctica could put many countries in breach of an international treaty. “The signatories to the Antarctic Treaty (including the UK, US, India and China) are committed to preserving the environment of this remote and fragile place,” he said.

“Nations need to understand that by continuing to explore, extract and burn fossil fuels anywhere in the world, the Antarctic environment will be increasingly affected,” the scientist said.

It will also affect biodiversity

According to experts, extreme events can also affect biodiversity, such as a drop in the number of krill, which brings problems in the reproduction of animals that depend on this crustacean, as shown by dead sea lion pups on the beaches.

Another expert, Anna Hogg, from the University of Leeds, said these studies “show that while extreme events are known to affect the world through heavy rain and flooding, heat waves and bushfires, such as those saw in Europe this summer, it has also had an impact in the remote polar regions.

“Antarctic glaciers, sea ice and natural ecosystems are affected by extreme events. Therefore, it is essential that international treaties and policies are implemented to protect these beautiful but delicate regions,” he stressed.

The Picture of Climate Change: A Glacier Rupture Causes Flooding and Devastates Homes in Alaska

Extreme weather events continue to affect the United States with destruction and blackouts due to storms in the east of the country, the swelling of a river in Alaska due to the detachment of a glacier that collapsed houses -like the house that appears in the video- and records of heat in the southern states that do not give a truce.

After a night of storms that wreaked havoc in the east of the country, the National Weather Service (NWS) has warned that heavy rains will continue in the northeast on Tuesday and excessive heat in the south and southeast for the rest of the week .

In Alaska, the media showed images of a house that was destroyed in a matter of seconds by the flooding of the Mendenhall River after the rupture of the glacier of the same name.

In this state, two houses were totally destroyed in Juno, its capital.. In addition, another house has partial damage and another fifteen are marked as uninhabitable due to the unprecedented flooding in the Suicide Basin due to the rise of the Mendenhall River.

Meanwhile, the platform indicates that this morning there are more than 300,000 homes and businesses with blackouts in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, the District of Columbia, Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina and Georgia due to the storms.

They struck the Washington DC region, southern Maryland and northern Virginia late Monday with the NWS recording rainfall reaching 76mm.

Floods and tornadoes

The city of Baltimore (Maryland) experienced flooding in the area of Caroline and Aliceanna streets, and in Westminster, cars were trapped by overflowing waters and power lines were downed.

Several regions of Pennsylvania spent the night under tornado watches, and local authorities reported damage to homes and trees in central Philadelphia, as well as in Roxborough and Manayunk counties in the metropolitan area, and in Upper Hanover in the Montgomery County.

Although calmer conditions are forecast for this region on Tuesday, forecasters expect winds of up to 30 mph, and because they are blowing from the west they will bring some of the smoke from the Canadian wildfires.

The NWS is forecasting flash flooding for parts of northern New England.

There will also be flash flooding with severe storms and thunder that will continue through Wednesday in the central Plains, and the Mississippi and Ohio river valleys.

Extreme temperatures

The federal agency has also warned that record-breaking heat continues from Texas to the central region of the Gulf of Mexico coast and Florida.

“Excessive heat watches and warnings remain in effect for large portions of the southern part of the country, where the heat index is expected to be between 41 and 46 degrees Celsius, and possibly higher through at least midweek.” , adds the NWS.

Scientists and meteorologists link the reiteration and intensity of extreme weather events, including hurricanes, droughts, floods and forest fires, to the climate crisis.

The family of Edwin Arrieta, the Colombian doctor allegedly murdered by Daniel Sancho, has issued a statement on Tuesday through his firm Miguel González Sánchez & Associate Lawyers.

As can be read in the letter, the relatives express their “total rejection of the irresponsible and fallacious statements that have been made around Edwin and his actions in life, who today, unfortunately and tragically, is the fatality of the Spanish citizen Daniel Sancho Bronchalo, who has expressly accepted his responsibility for this vile act.”

That is why they have initiated “all the necessary actions in order to prosecute and sentence the confessed murderer; and with this, the rights of the Arteaga Arrieta family are respected.”

The family, who appreciates the expressions of solidarity and asks for respect at this difficult time, has appointed the firm “as its representatives in the face of legal procedures and procedures that must be carried out

Statement from the family of Edwin Arrieta. Miguel González Sánchez & Associate Lawyers

before the national and international authorities in order to clarify the events that occurred, achieve the repatriation of his body, recovery of his personal belongings and, of course, keep his good name intact”.

They close one of the most iconic beaches in New York due to a shark attack

The Rockaway Beach, one of the most iconic beaches in New York, has been closed this Tuesday by the authorities to both bathers and surfers after a shark attack registered on Monday, according to the Parks Department that manages the Beaches.

The police will patrol the beach to force all bathers to stay out of the water, while they carry out aerial surveillance in search of sharks.

On Monday, a 65-year-old woman was attacked when she was standing near the shore, without swimming, according to the portal

The shark bit her left leg by surprise and made her fall into the water after feeling sharp pain, according to a police spokesperson quoted by the portal.. After applying a tourniquet, she was immediately transferred to the hospital in the Jamaica neighborhood, where her condition is “stable within gravity.”

The police, as usual in these cases, recalled that “although it is a terrifying event, shark attacks are extremely rare”, and specified that each time a shark is seen, surveillance measures are increased.

other attacks

Already on the long weekend of July 4, three swimmers and a surfer reported shark attacks, all of a minor nature, which led the authorities to deploy drones with cameras to constantly monitor the presence of these animals.

Rockaway Beach, due to its proximity to Brooklyn and Manhattan, is one of the most accessible beaches for New Yorkers, and in fact it can be reached by subway line.

The US assures that the Wagner group is "taking advantage" of the instability in Niger

The Russian mercenary group Wagner is “taking advantage” of the instability in Niger, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told the BBC, although he clarified that he did not believe Russia was behind the recent coup.. Niger is governed by a junta after the country's president, Mohamed Bazoum, was ousted nearly two weeks ago.

Blinken made the remarks after speculation that the coup leaders received help from Russian mercenaries, believed to be present in neighboring Mali. “I think that what happened, and what continues to happen in Niger, was not instigated by Russia or by Wagner, but they tried to take advantage of it,” Blinken said.

“Every place this Wagner group has gone has followed death, destruction and exploitation. Insecurity has gone up, not gone down,” said the head of US diplomacy, who stressed that there was a “repetition of what has happened in other countries.”

Wagner is estimated to have thousands of fighters in countries including the Central African Republic (CAR) and Mali, where he has lucrative business interests but also bolsters Russia's diplomatic and economic relations, the BBC says. The group's mercenaries have been accused of human rights abuses in several African countries.

Camouflaged as a shopkeeper and Putin informant: this was the plan of the woman caught 'red-handed' leaking information to kill Zelenski

Ukraine has arrested a “Russian informant” for her alleged collaboration in carrying out an attack on President Volodimir Zelensky.. Apparently, Moscow had plans to launch an air strike on the Mykolaiv region taking advantage of the visit of the Ukrainian president.

According to what the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has explained, the woman was surprised when she was trying to convey Zelensky's travel plans to the Kremlin.. She was detained the night before the president was to visit this area of southern Ukraine.

In a statement, the SBU says it arrested an “informant for the Russian secret services who was collecting information about the president's planned visit to the Mykolaiv region” near the front line.. “We caught the traitor red-handed when she was trying to pass intelligence information to the invaders,” they say.

We caught the traitor 'red-handed' when she was trying to pass intelligence information to the invaders,” says the SBU.

It was going to be, official kyiv sources comment, a “massive air raid”. They believe that Russia intended to launch a precision missile with the aim of killing Zelensky.

Shop worker at a military base

According to a Ukrainian government official, quoted by The Washington Post, the woman was arrested on August 1.. He worked in the shop of a military base and “tried to find the time and the list of places included in the provisional itinerary of the head of state in the region,” the security service said.

The woman arrested for her alleged collaboration in the plot. Ukrainian Security Service

The woman was seeking information on the location of ammunition depots, electronic warfare systems, and other Ukrainian military facilities.. kyiv assures that for this the detainee drove through the area, taking photographs and videos of Ukrainian military installations.

The SBU did not immediately arrest her “to obtain new information about her Russian 'sponsors' and the tasks they assigned her.”. However, they say, they took “additional security measures.”

If convicted of espionage, she faces up to 12 years in prison.

Ukraine has not revealed the identity of the woman.. Just that he lived in the fishing town of Ochakiv, near the place Zelensky was scheduled to visit in July.. No media has been able to verify the report of the Security Service of Ukraine.

A blurry photo of the detainee (the one above) has been disseminated, as well as telephone messages and handwritten notes on military activities. If convicted of espionage, she faces up to 12 years in prison.

Twelve assassination attempts

Zelenski was informed, as he told this Monday on Telegram. Security services say they knew about the plans against the president before the visit. The Ukrainian leader visited the Mykolaiv region in June after the destruction of the Kakhovka dam, which caused flooding in large parts of the south of the country.

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022, Zelensky has survived at least 12 assassination attempts.. Infiltrators, Chechen mercenaries and it is believed that even the Wagner paramilitary group have been implicated in these plots, according to the Daily Mail.

Some of these assassination plans were thwarted by Western intelligence services.. At the start of the war, the Ukrainian president declined a US invitation to be removed from Ukraine for his own safety, saying: “I need ammunition, not to be removed.”