All posts by Luis Moreno

Moreno Luis - is a business and economics reporter based in Barcelona. Prior to joining the BNE24 he was economics editor of the BBC Spaine and worked as an economics and political reporter for Murcia Tuday.

Edwin's sister, the victim of Daniel Sancho: "He has dismembered my family"

The sister of Edwin Arrieta Arteaga, the surgeon allegedly murdered by Daniel Sancho, has sent a message to the media after the trail of news about the crime. Darling Arrieta Arteaga has broadcast an audio where he requests that the young Spaniard be tried in Thailand and says that the entire homicide was planned.

The woman, who has established herself as a spokesperson for the family, has conveyed the pain they are feeling after the terrible events that the son of actor Rodolfo Sancho has confessed. “Daniel Sancho dismembered my family, he ripped our hearts out alive. He organized it, made it conscious,” he denounced.

Arrieta has also asked that justice be done for his brother and “that he be given the maximum sentence and that it be paid in Thailand.” Likewise, he has reiterated that they will not rest until he pays for it since the victim was a “man with a noble and generous heart.”. An “excellent professional who parted with what he had to offer it to anyone”.

Sancho confessed this Saturday to having murdered and dismembered the Colombian surgeon. “I am guilty, but I was Edwin's hostage. held me hostage. It was a glass cage. It made me destroy the relationship with my girlfriend, it has forced me to do things that I would never have done,” the Thai lawyers said in their first statements before. Now, after entering pretrial detention, he is awaiting trial.

Twelve injured by the explosion of a grain warehouse in a port near Istanbul

An explosion caused by the accumulation of wheat dust in a cereal warehouse has caused at least 12 injuries this Monday, two of them seriously, in the port of Kocaeli, near the Turkish city of Istanbul. The event took place around 2:40 p.m. (11:40 GMT) in the port of Derince, Kocaeli province, about 70 kilometers southeast of Istanbul, and could be felt in numerous neighboring districts, reports the Turkish network NTV.

According to what the governor of Kocaeli, Seddar Yavuz, told the media, the cause of the explosion is the accumulation and pressure of wheat dust in a grain port warehouse. The mayor of the municipality, Tahir Büyükakin, explained to the press that there are 12 injured, of which two are in serious condition, but it is ruled out that there are deaths.

According to NTV, the grain warehouses in the port of Derince store wheat for export, with a total capacity of 100,000 tons, and the explosion has damaged 13 silos, which are losing grain. The ships moored in the port have not suffered damage, the press adds.

what liars we are

Five out of ten respondents believed that Feijóo would be the next Prime Minister, while three out of ten believed that it would be Sánchez. The reality is that the majority voted for Galician not to govern. At the same time, the intention to vote indicated by those surveyed gave the PSOE 28% of support, and the PP 24%.. Finally, the result of the elections indicates that 33% voted for the popular and 31% for the socialists. But it is also that 83.2% of those surveyed affirmed that they would go to vote with complete security, although the participation remained at 70.4%.. We lie like knaves.

The lie was the word that starred in the electoral campaign. The candidates accused each other of being liars and the journalists in their interviews disgraced them for it. But in view of the latest Tezanos survey, the voters also lie and a lot. No survey, not even the one with the most resources, was correct and it is not because of the poor quality of the demoscopic centers but because it is human nature to lie and the polls were not going to be the exception.

We lie out of shame, we lie out of fear and we even lie for the fun of it.. We don't feel like telling anyone our vote, much less an anonymous person who calls you on the phone. We vote with our guts -not with our heads- and it is better to have it well hidden. Before we start to think badly of our democratic quality as a country, I have to reassure the reader, because we do not lie only when we vote.

As David Ruiz Uceta of The Valley has shown, consumers don't always do what they think. Relying on data science and behavioral economics, it has proven that we buy in a non-rational way, influenced by numerous biases and prejudices.. We say publicly that we have preferences and price thresholds for our purchases, but then we do not comply with them. we lie to ourselves. For this professor there are three cognitive biases that lead us to deceive ourselves when consuming. First, the present bias that, for example, causes us not to save because when faced with the decision to choose between a hypothetical future advantage or immediate gratification, human beings tend to stay with the here and now, underestimating future benefits.

Secondly, the zero risk bias that leads us to take out insurance against very improbable events, for example, when we travel abroad the risk of having something operated on, just to gain peace of mind. Because of this bias, many people view losing as having more impact than winning, even in circumstances where winning or losing can occur with equal probabilities.. We are terrified of losing what we have achieved and that makes us not face changes, even if they are more beneficial.

I don't know if the foregoing will be of consolation in the face of these lies revealed in the electoral polls, but I have to admit that the scientific explanation of these mental traps has helped me at least to stop wondering what the hell happened to me. polls on July 23. We lie and a lot because it is in our nature as human beings. Simply because our mind seeks to protect us.

This is the supermarket that offers discounts for young people and those under 30 years of age

Inflation and the continued rise in prices in the supermarket have turned shopping into an even more important outlay in family economies. For them, every euro counts and excessive spending on purchases can become almost unaffordable.

In this sense, some supermarkets offer discounts and bonuses to encourage consumption in this age group and favor their economies.. This is the case of Carrefour, which has a card that includes discounts for those under 30 years of age.. The Carrefour <30 card has a series of advantages that can also be complemented by those provided by Club Carrefour membership.

VAT savings on food products

As reported by Carrefour on its website, having the <30 card offers the advantage of saving VAT "on all fresh products directly on your purchase receipt". The foods that enter this promotion are:

  • Butcher shop
  • charcuterie
  • Fish shop
  • Bakery
  • Fruit and vegetable
  • cooked dishes
  • cheeses and eggs
  • Cake shop

They can be added to Club Carrefour discounts

In addition, this VAT discount with the <30 card can be complemented with all the benefits included for Club Carrefour members, according to reports from the supermarket chain's website. These advantages are:

  • Savings of 1% in Food
  • ​8% discount at Carrefour gas stations
  • ​10% discount on taking out dental insurance with Sanitas Dental
  • 4% discount on refueling at Cepsa
  • ​5% discount on Telepizza
  • ​5% discount on Alain Affelou invoice
  • ​15% discount on subscription to El Confidencial
  • ​30% discount on the purchase of tickets on the Parques Reunidos website.
  • ​VAT savings on BIO products.
  • ​Savings of 5% on purchasing death, car and home insurance with Carrefour Seguros.
  • ​5% savings on Iberdrola's electricity bill
  • ​10% savings on car rental at Eurocar
  • ​15% savings on Rakuten TV subscription
  • 8% savings in electricity and water consumption with TotalEnergies
  • Savings of 5% in revisions and labor for the assembly of tires for your vehicle at Feu Vert

How to obtain the <30 Carrefour card?

To obtain the <30 Carrefour card, it is necessary to create an account at with an email and then fill out a form with personal data.

Once the process has been completed (which can also be done with physical forms to be requested at the supermarket by presenting your DNI), the card will be issued that can be used to apply the discounts. The process can be done on this website.

Up to 18 months on the Bibby Stockholm: the first UK asylum-seeking migrants arrive on the controversial barge

The British Government transferred this Monday a first group of asylum seekers to the Bibby Stockholm bedroom boat, which moored last month at the Portland pier, in the English county of Dorset, amid shouts of protest from activists and residents of the area. The barge, which will accommodate 500 migrants, has three floors and is made up of 222 cabins.

According to the Government's plan, the boat will be the accommodation for asylum seekers for a period of eighteen months, who boarded this Monday after noon while their asylum applications are processed in the United Kingdom.. The floating platform is also 93 meters long and three heights structured around a central patio.

In addition, in general cases, while asylum seekers wait for their visa, they cannot legally work and receive a weekly allowance of about 50 euros per week, including the cost of maintenance.. This is not the case for the already inhabitants of the Bibby Stockholm, who will only have 11 euros a week, since food will be served three times a day on the boat and there will be an almost continuous supply of water, tea and soup. In addition, they will receive medical attention and Internet access and English lessons, according to government sources.. Security guards will control the departure and return to the boat and the movements of the port will be carried out with a special bus service, until 11 at night.

“A Shameful Way”

It is estimated that local authorities spend about six million pounds (6.96 million euros) a day to accommodate migrants who are in an irregular situation in hotels. Thus, the Executive of the United Kingdom is confident that this barge will reduce the bill it pays in hotels to accommodate new arrivals, although the measure has been criticized by humanitarian organizations and local entities in Dorset county.

Called a prison ship by several NGOs, in a letter addressed to the owner of the vessel, the Liverpool-based company Bibby Marine, they assert that “it is cruel and inhumane to retain, especially on a floating vessel, people who have suffered traumatizing experiences “.

For his part, the director of the rights of migrants and refugees of the humanitarian organization Amnesty International (AI), Steve Valdez-Symonds, criticized the measure today, indicating that it is “a completely shameful way of sheltering people who have fled of terror, conflict and persecution.” “Housing people on a floating barge is likely to re-traumatize,” he added.

Daniel Sancho enters provisional prison in Thailand for the alleged murder of surgeon Edwin Arrieta

The Thai justice decreed this Monday provisional detention for the Spanish Daniel Sancho after pleading guilty to the alleged murder of the Colombian plastic surgeon Edwin Arrieta. Charges of premeditated murder and concealment of evidence have been filed, and due to the seriousness of the crime, he will remain in Koh Samui jail, located in southern Thailand, at least until the trial begins. From now on he will be isolated for a period of ten days by covid protocol and while he is undergoing this process he will only be able to be visited by his lawyer, according to sources close to the investigation.

Until now, Sancho was being defended by a Thai public defender, but his family has already hired the services of a private office and the lawyer is expected to meet with the defendant this Tuesday.. Initially it was said that his father had already traveled to Thailand to be with him, but the latest information indicates that, because the defendant will be isolated for a few days, his family will not move to the country yet.. Once this protocol is finished, the trial will begin, but it is unknown when it will be. For their part, the police still have nine weeks to continue the investigation.

According to what has been learned, Sancho's lawyers had requested provisional release but, due to the seriousness of the crime, this was denied.. In fact, the defendant could face a minimum sentence of 15 years, which could become life imprisonment in case of aggravation.. There is also the possibility of being sentenced to the death penalty, although the reality is that today this sentence is not applied frequently and is usually commuted to life imprisonment.. If he is not sentenced to death, he could be handed over to Spain once the sentence is handed down so that he can serve part of the sentence in his native country.

“Collaborate as much as possible”

Hours before being taken into police custody, Sancho assured that he intends to “collaborate in everything he can”. The defendant insisted that the Thai police officers “are treating him very well” and even recounted that they took him to dinner at the restaurant of a luxurious hotel in the city. In addition, he assured that they have allowed him to speak on the phone with his family and friends.

Last Thursday Sancho went to the Koh Phangan police station to report Arrieta's disappearance and a day later he was taken to the same premises to be questioned.. At first, Sancho denied any involvement in the case, but on Saturday he confessed to having murdered and dismembered the surgeon. In addition, this Sunday he assured that Arrieta “was obsessed” with him. “All she wanted was me, to be her boyfriend.”

Artur Segarra, the Thai precedent of the 'Daniel Sancho case': he killed, dismembered, was sentenced to die… and pardoned by the king

The Spanish Daniel Sancho, suspected of murder in Thailand, is already in prison. The 29-year-old had been at the police station since Friday, when he confessed to having killed Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta, although he claimed to be a “hostage” of the surgeon.

Arrieta arrived on the island on August 2 and his alleged murderer went to look for him at the airport.. During the early hours of August 3, Sancho himself reported the disappearance of his friend to the Police.

Capital punishment

Daniel is the son of the Madrid actor Rodolfo Sancho, who in turn is the son of the legendary actor Sancho Gracia.. If convicted by Thai justice, he may even face the death penalty.

Under Thailand's Penal Code, a person convicted of murder can face 15-20 years' imprisonment, life imprisonment, or the death penalty (although rarely applied today).. If he pleads guilty, the sentence will most likely not be death but life.

No extradition treaty with Spain

In addition, Thailand does not have an extradition treaty with Spain.. In general, as diplomatic sources explain to Europa Press, every time there is a case of a Spaniard imprisoned in a country with which there is no agreement for the transfer of convicts, an attempt is made to negotiate a new one.. Although any Spaniard convicted abroad has the right to request their transfer, it will only take place if the two governments give their approval, something that does not always happen.

The fact that the victim is Colombian and not Thai plays in favor of Daniel Sancho

In principle, the options for Sancho to serve the hypothetical sentence in our country are few, but the fact that the victim is Colombian and not Thai plays in his favor.. Thai prisons are notorious for their harshness and poor conditions.

Artur Segarra, January 2016

Daniel Sancho is not the first Spaniard accused of murder in Thailand. The case of Artur Segarra comes to mind to all of us. In 2016 he was convicted of killing Daniel Bernat in Bangkok and sentenced to death.

According to the police investigation, Segarra kidnapped Bernat on January 19, 2016 and held him for seven days in the apartment he had rented in Bangkok, where the murder occurred.. The Spaniard fled to Cambodia, where he was arrested two days later and handed over to the Thai authorities on February 8, 2016.

Segarra, upon arrival at the Criminal Court of Thailand. Narong Sangnak / EFE

Sentenced to death

The authorities had found traces of blood that belonged to Bernat in Segarra's apartment, in addition to recordings from security cameras where the two appear entering the apartment block, which the victim never left alive.. The first remains of the dismembered corpse were found on January 30 and six days later the Police identified Segarra as the main suspect.

In April 2017, a court of first instance accepted the evidence presented by the Police and sentenced the Spaniard to the death penalty.. A year later, an appeal court upheld the death sentence for Segarra, finding the convict's allegations “unfounded” and once again considered the evidence and testimonies collected by the Police valid.

royal pardon

Finally, in November 2019, the Supreme Court of Thailand upheld the death sentence for the Spanish. Segarra only had one card left to play: request a royal pardon from the Royal House of Thailand to commute the death sentence to life imprisonment.. Then, after serving 8 years in prison there, he could request extradition to Spain.

That made. He sent a letter to the king of the country to ask for clemency and avoid his execution. In August 2020, King Vajiralongkorn turned 68 and for this reason he signed several pardons, including Segarra, whose death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.

Segarra was fleeing from another crime

But, what was Segarra doing in Thailand? Flee. In the summer of 2015, the so-called 'Operation Cocoon' uncovered in the province of Barcelona a plot of lawyers and notaries accused of defrauding 128 people to get their homes. 17 were processed. Considered one of the largest real estate frauds committed in Spain, its victims included the elderly and citizens with financial problems.

Francisco Comitre, a lawyer and former model, was the alleged mastermind of the scam and with him Enrique Peña, a Barcelona notary, and Artur Segarra, who fled to Thailand during the investigation of the case. This year, Comitre has been sentenced to seven years and nine months in prison for a crime of drug trafficking.

Almost 900 Spanish prisoners around the world

Segarra is one of the four Spaniards serving a sentence in the Lard Yao prison in Bangkok, where Daniel Sancho is expected to be interned. In addition to Segarra, another Spaniard imprisoned in this jail is for blood crimes.

Not in Thailand, but in Malaysia, Víctor Eduardo Parada, a citizen with Bolivian and Spanish nationality, had his nightmare (in our country he lived in his youth).. The Thai court sentenced him to death for transporting 450 grams of cocaine. After spending five years in a Kuala Lumpur prison, on July 24 he was released and returned to Bolivia, whose government carried out the procedures for his repatriation.. He talks about “miracle”.

According to data from the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there are 875 Spanish prisoners in prisons in the rest of the world, the majority (55%) for drug trafficking cases (data from September 2022).. Almost half of them (46%) are in prisons in France, Germany and Morocco.

The Government has evidence of 27 Spaniards sentenced to life imprisonment and one more to death in Egypt (Ahmed el Saadany Ghaly, with Spanish nationality and Egyptian origin).

The 1983 Council of Europe Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons is in force with some 60 countries, to which both European and non-European countries are a party, while with another 34 there are specific bilateral agreements that have been negotiated.

An Italian businessman dies after being crushed by 25,000 Grana Padano cheeses

An Italian businessman has been crushed to death by some 25,000 Grana Padano cheeses that fell when the shelves of his farm where they were placed collapsed, near Bergamo, a town near Milan (northern Italy).

The firefighters located this Monday the body of the 75-year-old owner of the cheese factory, after an intense search, which began on Sunday night, after all the cheeses that were stored precipitated and generated a “domino” effect, according to detailed the local press.

The main hypothesis attributes the accident to a failure of the system that allows the cheese wheels to move and that the owner, identified as Giacomo Chiapparin, was using at the time of the collapse.

The fall of a first shelf, from the ceiling, caused a domino effect from which the man could not escape; in fact, the hopes of finding him alive disappeared within the first hours of searching, given the enormous weight of the cheeses.

It took about twenty troops, including firefighters and members of emergency teams, to locate the businessman's body on the farm, about two thousand square meters.

Four Spaniards are serving sentences in the same Bangkok prison where Daniel Sancho will be interned

Four other Spaniards are serving sentences in the same prison where Daniel Sancho will be admitted after pleading guilty to the murder of his Colombian friend Edwin Arrieta. The prison in particular is that of Lard Yao, in Bangkok, Thailand.

Two of the Spaniards imprisoned in this prison are for blood crimes. One of them, Artur Segarra, is sentenced to death as the author of the premeditated murder and subsequent dismemberment of David Bernat, also a Spaniard, in 2016.

In total, according to data from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as of July 31 of this year, there are 908 Spaniards serving sentences in foreign prisons: 794 men and 114 women. The country with the most Spanish inmates is France, where 187 people (169 men and 18 women) are serving their sentences.

It is followed by Germany, where there are 129 Spanish inmates (114 men and 15 women) and in third place on the list is Morocco, where 99 Spaniards (92 men and 7 women) are serving their sentence, according to official data.

Most of the cases are for drug trafficking, many of them young people arrested when carrying small amounts of drugs, especially in southern Europe, or for acting as mules with several kilos of drugs, some cases that occur more in South America. .

Regarding the number of imprisoned women, these represent 12% of the total and, in their case, the link to drug trafficking rises to 63%.

Controversial video of a father and son killed in a plane crash: he let the 12-year-old boy fly and he drank alcohol on board

A 42-year-old Brazilian rancher, Garon Maia, and his 12-year-old son, Francisco Veronezi, who died in a plane crash on July 29 in Matto Grosso, a wooded area in Brazil, which is being very controversial due to a video that circulates on social networks in which the man is seen drinking beer on board while his son is the one at the controls of the plane.

The facts are under investigation, because it is not known if the images correspond to the same day of the tragedy in which father and son lost their lives.

The video was taken by a man in the copilot's seat and shows the twin-engine plane already lined up for takeoff on a dirt runway.

Added to the death of the man and his son was the discovery of the lifeless body of Ana Paula Pridonik Silva, 27, wife of the rancher and stepmother of little Francisco. The woman was found dead in her apartment three days after her family's accident and it is suspected that she may have committed suicide.