All posts by Luis Moreno

Moreno Luis - is a business and economics reporter based in Barcelona. Prior to joining the BNE24 he was economics editor of the BBC Spaine and worked as an economics and political reporter for Murcia Tuday.

A nursery caretaker accused of 1,623 sexual abuses against 91 girls in Australia

The Australian Federal Police has charged a former daycare worker with 1,623 child sexual abuse offenses against 91 girls under the age of ten between 2007 and 2022, including more than a hundred rape charges, the Australian Federal Police reported Tuesday.

The 45-year-old Australian allegedly recorded thousands of images of his crimes on phones and digital cameras while working in various day care centers in the cities of Brisbane and Sydney, on the Australian east coast, as well as abroad, according to a statement published in the police portal.

“This is one of the most horrific cases of alleged child sexual abuse our detectives have seen,” Michael Fitzgerald, assistant police commissioner for New South Wales, whose capital is Sydney, said in the statement.

“All” the victims were pre-pubescent girls, the Police said in the statement, indicating that 87 of the 91 minors, of Australian nationality, who appear in the recordings, have been able to be identified. Australian police added that they are working with international agencies to identify the remaining four girls who were sexually abused abroad, though they did not name any specific countries.

15 years of recordings

“As there were so many alleged images and videos of minors recorded over 15 years on the alleged offender's devices, the identification process required time, skill and determination,” said Australian Federal Police Northern Assistant Commissioner Justin Gough, in the statement.

The alleged pedophile had been arrested in the city of Brisbane, capital of the state of Queensland, by the police authorities in August 2022 after being accused of two crimes for the production of material on the sexual exploitation of minors and another for using a server dissemination of child pornography.

As part of the investigations, the authorities have carried out searches in several nurseries where the alleged child rapist worked, as well as in his home in the tourist resort of the Gold Coast, in Queensland.

This man faces 136 charges in Queensland for rape of persons under the age of ten, 68 charges for having sexual encounters with a person under the age of ten, 42 for aggravated sexual encounter with a person under the age of ten and 69 for aggravated indecent assault.

In addition, he is accused of 604 crimes of indecent treatment of minors under 16 years of age, 613 of production of sexual exploitation material, among others, committed while he worked in ten daycare centers in that state.

The parents of the minors, as well as many of the victims who are currently over 18 years of age, have been informed of the case and have been put in contact with the support services for victims of sexual abuse.

Brutal discussion at WYD over a transsexual flag: "God loves everyone"

The World Youth Day (WYD) started this Tuesday in the Portuguese capital of Lisbon and a person appeared at the event with a transsexual flag in his hand and recorded the reactions of all the attendees around him, later publishing it on their networks. social.

After declaring on his YouTube channel that the young people were yelling at him “you are not ashamed!”, he then attached what he had filmed. “Look at my flag!” The person holding the flag began shouting.. In response, a WYD assistant told him to shut up with a “shhh”, to which the filmer replied: “Go to hell”.

After the complaints of a man and a woman, who approached him to ask him to stop showing the flag, he added that he was “representing” his people, “like everyone else with his flag”, referring to the custom of a large part of attendees to carry the flags of their respective countries, and ended by saying: “God loves everyone”.

“You shouldn't do this, it's an apology for…”, the woman replied without finishing the sentence. The young woman insisted that she could not do what she was doing, to which the person recording said: “I can be here.”. She responded that it could clearly be there, and when the person holding the flag wondered if she could carry the trans symbol, the assistant's response was another: “No, you can't.”

“You can be here, we're not saying no, just don't carry the flag,” said the girl. “Are you organizers? Are you organizers?” Asked the person recording, to which this time the young man replied that they were not, but that even so he should not carry the flag.

Simultaneously to this moment of the conversation, the girl nervously asked me not to record her: “You can't film me!”. After this clash, whoever was recording responded: “Well, go to hell”, as he walked away, ending the video.

Spain gains 22,000 Social Security affiliates in July, although the pace of job creation slows down

The labor market maintained its growth in the month of July with the creation of 21,945 new jobs and the departure of 10,968 unemployed from the SEPE offices. According to the data released this Wednesday by the Ministries of Inclusion and Labor respectively, Social Security broke a new record in the seventh month of the year by reaching 20.89 million average affiliates thanks to the push of health and commerce and despite the dismissal of teachers with the end of the school year. At the same time, unemployment fell to 2.68 million people, its lowest figure since September 2008.. However, the data delve into the slowdown in the rate of job creation already outlined in recent months.

Affiliation to Social Security registered a new maximum in the month of July, reaching an average of 20,891,885 workers, 21,945 more than in June, representing a monthly increase of 0.11%. At the same time, unemployment fell by 10,968 people, registering a total of 2,677,874 unemployed, the lowest figure in the last fifteen years.. With this monthly decline of 0.41%, unemployment accumulates five months down. “It is very positive for our country,” said the Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, in an interview on TVE.

In the last year, unemployment has been reduced by 205,938 people, which represents a year-on-year drop of 7.14%. “This percentage decrease reflects a very intense drop given the stable conditions in which our labor market operates,” the ministry highlighted.. In addition, the head of Labor has qualified that, although the Spanish unemployment rate continues to be the highest in the euro area, it has reduced its distance with respect to the rest of the partners of the single currency. “When the Popular Party governed, the differential we had with Europe was 14 points, today we are 5 points behind Europe,” he said.

Evolution of the number of unemployed until July 2023. Henar de Pedro

It is also the sixth consecutive month of job creation in Spain, although the growth rate of the labor market has slowed down in recent months. The increase in Social Security affiliation was 238,436 workers in April, on the occasion of Easter Week and the arrival of good weather as a prelude to the summer season, which boosted hiring again in May with the entry into the system of 200,411 new contributors.

The monthly advance in June was even more modest than in May, with the creation of 54,541 jobs, more than double that of July. In fact, the increase in affiliation in July is the second smallest for a seventh month of July since 2012, only behind the 15,513 jobs created in 2019 and the drop in 2022. The Minister of Inclusion, José Luis Escrivá, has downplayed that slowdown. “One cannot look at a stagnant month, in terms of job creation we have had the best first semester of the entire historical series in the last 4 decades and, after those six very good months, a reasonable July”, he said.

In addition, job creation in the last month has only benefited men. Social Security lost 41,945 affiliates in July, placing the total number of workers at 9,826,712 women. This drop was offset by the increase in male employment, which gained 63,889 contributors compared to the previous month, reaching a total of 11,107,117 workers.. On the other hand, unemployment did fall for both genders, falling by 5,135 men and 5,833 women, up to a total of 1,059,390 and 1,618,484 respectively.. In addition, youth unemployment also decreased slightly to its lowest level in the historical series, with a total of 184,038 unemployed under 25s.. July closed with 453 fewer young people registered as unemployed at the SEPE offices.

In general calculation, the increase in affiliation in the last month contrasts with what happened in the same period of 2022, when 7,366 contributors were lost, although this year's progress is less than the 91,451 jobs created in the seventh month of 2021 In the last year, Social Security has gained 550,920 affiliates in average values, which represents an interannual growth of 2.71%. During the month of July, there were more than 20.9 million affiliates between the 11th and 27th, although the average finally stood at 20.89 million contributors, thus consolidating for the third consecutive month above 20.8 million workers. “The first three weeks were a little less dynamic and perhaps it has to do with an electoral campaign environment, of uncertainty, it was natural,” Escrivá explained.

Health pulls employment

The sectors that boosted job creation in July were especially healthcare and commerce, followed by the hotel and catering industry. Specifically, Social Security gained 49,346 workers in health activities and social services, 41,099 in trade and vehicle repair, and 23,864 in hospitality. These advances offset the destruction of 110,705 jobs in education, coinciding with the end of the school period. The number of self-employed workers was also reduced, which fell by 6,819 people compared to the previous month to 3,344,562 self-employed workers.

In parallel, unemployment fell compared to the June data in all sectors except construction. The most pronounced fall was that of the services sector, which lost 7,126 unemployed, followed by agriculture and industry, whose number of unemployed fell by 1,861 and 964 respectively.. The number of people registered as unemployed among the previously unemployed group also decreased by 2,203, while construction gained 1,186 unemployed.

Recruitment slowdown

Despite the increase in affiliation, recruitment fell in July compared to the same month in 2022, when a total of 1,431,383 contracts were signed, 13.54% less than a year ago. 39.57% of these contracts were permanent, 119,552 less than in the seventh month of last year. Specifically, of the 566,440 permanent contracts signed in the last month, 220,297 were full-time, 125,284 part-time and 220,859 fixed-discontinuous. 60.43% of the remaining contracts were temporary, a total of 864,943, 10.79% less than a year ago.

“Although indefinite hiring has a greater weight in hiring as a whole than a few years ago, it is not an indefinite hiring as we would like it to improve employment: there has been less hiring this month, but the most has reduced is the indefinite full-time”, has valued the general secretary of USO, Joaquín Pérez. “Only an indefinite full-time job can be considered, unless the worker expressly wishes, a stable, decent job that provides a living. And we don't have that,” he added.

According to data from the Ministry of Inclusion, the temporary employment rate grew by one point in July compared to the previous month, with the proportion of affiliates with a temporary contract rising to 15%.. In this sense, the department headed by José Luis Escrivá has highlighted the positive effects of the labor reform on employment stability, since before the regulatory change temporary employment reached 30%. In particular, the ministry calculates that there are currently almost three million more affiliates with an indefinite contract than in December 2021, the last month before the entry into force of the labor reform.

Spending by foreign tourists rose 14.3% up to June over the figures from before the pandemic

In the first half of the year, 37.5 million foreign tourists entered Spain, still 1.6% less than before the pandemic, although they spent more, 14.3%, up to 46,011 million euros.

According to surveys published this Wednesday by the National Institute of Statistics on tourist entries and associated spending, the spending of international travelers has been marking all-time highs month after month since last November.

The growth is the result of the higher average daily disbursement per tourist: from 155 euros in June 2019 to 188 euros at the end of last June, 21.3% more.

The countries of origin of the tourists who spent the most in June were the United Kingdom (with 20.7% of total spending), Germany (12.2%) and France (7.1%), according to the same surveys carried out by the INE.

The same report indicates that the autonomous communities with the greatest weight in tourist spending are the Balearic Islands (23.1%), Catalonia (20.5%) and Andalusia (13.6%), followed by the Community of Madrid (12.6%), the Canary Islands (12.1%) and the Valencian Community (10.6%).

Likewise, 64.2% of total spending in June was made by tourists who stayed overnight in hotels, 11% more than last year.. Regarding the reason for the trip, 87% of total spending is generated by tourists who visit Spain for leisure.

The Pope responds to the scandals of sexual abuse in the Church: asks to "always welcome" the victims

Pope Francis has recognized, during his first homily on World Youth Day (WYD) in Lisbon, that the “scandals” have “disfigured” the face of the Church and has asked “to always welcome and listen” to the victims of abuses.

This was indicated this Wednesday in his homily during Vespers with bishops, priests, deacons, consecrated men and women, seminarians and pastoral agents, which took place at the Jerónimos Monastery in Lisbon.

The Pontiff has indicated that, at times, priests and religious can experience “fatigue” in the midst of a “secularized” world, with a “growing distance from the practice of the faith”, adding that this is accentuated by the ” anger” of some for the “bad testimony” of the Church and for the “scandals”.

“This is often accentuated by the disappointment and anger that some feel towards the Church, in some cases because of our bad witness and the scandals that have disfigured her face and that call for a humble and constant purification, starting from the cry of pain of the victims, who must always be welcomed and listened to”, stressed the Pontiff.

Open Arms denounces an attack by Libyan militias while rescuing 100 people

The ship Open Arms, from the Spanish NGO of the same name, denounced this Wednesday having received threats from Libyan militias after witnessing an attack on a ship. At that time, the NGO came to rescue 100 people in danger on board two boats that were trying to cross the Mediterranean.

“When our tugboat was about to arrive, we saw a Libyan militia ship in the area.. They had set fire to a boat and threatened us to leave the area,” the NGO has indicated on its social networks.. “We have only been able to see the smoke in the air and see once again what is the real interest of the Libyan militias financed by the European Union: to prevent the boats in danger from being rescued, to intimidate the people and push Libya back”, has denounced

Hours earlier, the Open Arms rescued 24 people who were traveling in a precarious boat, while warning that there are at least more than 100 in danger in two other boats.

The NGO has also denounced that the Italian authorities have assigned them the port of Civitavecchia, near Rome in central Italy, as a landing point, “more than three days of navigation.” “Can you be more cynical and inhumane?” He criticized in his writing.

The Open Arms, which is completing its 102nd mission in the Mediterranean, disembarked on July 26 in the port of Salerno (southern Italy) 72 migrants rescued in two operations on its last mission, just a few days after disembarking others 299 people in Brindisi.

In addition, this Tuesday the sailboat of the Spanish NGO, Astral, which can help boats in danger but not rescue their occupants, helped the 40 migrants who were traveling in a boat without a motor until they were rescued by the Italian authorities, which the organization had alerted to the situation.

He also revealed that last night he “tried to reach” another vessel in distress with some 170 people on board and in the meantime alerted “all the competent authorities and some merchant ships in the vicinity to intervene immediately.”

According to the latest data from the Italian Ministry of the Interior, so far this year and as of August 2, 89,427 migrants have disembarked on the Italian coasts, compared to 42,198 in the same period of the previous year.

A gigantic iceberg arrives in Canada and surprises the neighbors of Newfoundland and Labrador

Like a cruise ship trying to dock in port, a colossal iceberg has washed up on the Canadian coast of Newfoundland and Labrador.. The images have spread like wildfire on social networks due to their incredible size and the close proximity to homes on the coast.

The province where this phenomenon has taken place, located on the east coast of the country, is one of the best places in the world to see these huge ice glaciers, which are estimated to be 10,000 years old.

It is really common for glaciers to manifest in the spring and summer seasons, breaking off the ice fields of the Arctic (Greenland), and floating towards the Canadian coast along the so-called “iceberg alley”, the traditional way by which they are driven by the winds and currents; but his arrival never ceases to surprise the residents and tourists of the North American country.

Several Twitter users acknowledge that “Canadians have never seen an ice giant like this.” In this way, they associate the appearance of the iceberg with global warming and climate change: “This is not normal. This is not OK. This is the climate crisis happening before our eyes.”

At the moment, the alarm has not spread in the city, although the city authorities confirm that the iceberg, which they called Alley, measures between 45 and 70 meters high and is between 120 and 200 meters long. meters, a very considerable size if we compare it with those that have been previously seen in the area.

The Russian Navy deploys its Ocean Shield in the Baltic Sea with more than 30 ships and 6,000 troops

The Russian Navy began on Wednesday the Ocean Shield 2023 naval maneuvers in the Baltic Sea with the participation of more than 30 ships and 6,000 troops, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

“Since August 2, the Ocean Shield 2023 naval maneuver has been taking place in the Baltic Sea, under the leadership of the Commander of the Russian Navy, Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov,” the department headed by Sergei Shoigu said in a statement.

According to Defense, more than 30 ships and combat boats, 20 supply ships, 30 naval aviation aircraft and the Russian Aerospace Force, in addition to around 6,000 troops, participate in the exercises.

“During the maneuver, it is planned to check the readiness of the Navy forces to protect Russia's national interests in this important region, and the coordination of the work of command posts at various levels to control the forces,” the entity said.

During the exercises, the defense of maritime routes, the transfer of troops and cargo and the defense of the coast will be practiced, in reference to Kaliningrad, the Russian enclave in the Baltic. “It is planned to carry out more than 200 exercises, which include the practical use of weapons,” Defense said.

These naval maneuvers are taking place against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, which has deepened Russia's tensions with Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, and prompted applications from traditionally neutral Sweden and Finland to join NATO.

Researchers at the Natural History Museum in Bern have concluded that an arrowhead discovered on the shores of a Swiss lake was made some 3,000 years ago, in the Bronze Age, with iron from a meteorite, Swiss Radio Television reported on Wednesday. (RTS).

The tip of 39 millimeters in length and 2.9 grams in weight was already found in the 19th century in Mörigen, a town on the shores of Lake Bienne (northwest of the country), but the extraterrestrial origin of the material with which it was produced is not known. had confirmed so far.

Metal objects from meteorites prior to the Iron Age, which began in Europe around the eighth century BC, are extremely rare, and only 55 have been confirmed so far in the entire Old Continent and in Africa.

A few kilometers from the area where the arrow was found, the so-called “Douanne Mountain meteorite” struck in prehistoric times, which fell 170,000 years ago and is famous in Switzerland for having left more than 2,000 rocky fragments, but scientists have ruled out that the weapon comes from them.

Experts believe that it is more likely that it came from the “Kalijarv meteorite”, another large object that fell to Earth about 3,500 years ago and that impacted in the territory of present-day Estonia, causing several craters up to 100 meters in diameter.

Given the great distance between Estonia and Switzerland, archaeologists estimate that the arrow could have reached the center of Europe through the trade in these metal objects, iron, which for the inhabitants of that time must have been especially rare and precious.

The arrowhead will be part of an exhibition that the museum in the Swiss capital will dedicate to bronze, from February 2024 to April 2025.

Murdered and beheaded an Egyptian hairdresser in Italy for wanting to change jobs

The Italian police are looking for the head of the young Egyptian Mahmud Abadlá, an 18-year-old hairdresser who was murdered in Genoa (northwestern Italy) by two compatriots because he wanted to change jobs and feared that the clients of his business would leave with him.

The Carabineros of the Submarine Nucleus of the Genoa Command work in the area of the Chiavari cliffs, where the hands of Abdalá, murdered in the early hours of Monday morning, have already been located, thanks to the indications of one of the two detainees, they reveal this Wednesday the local media.

After committing the crime in the defendants' apartment, the corpse was mutilated and thrown into the sea according to the confession of Mohamed Ali Abdelghani, brother of the owner of the hairdressing salon where he worked, who is “shocked” and “wants to collaborate” with the justice, according to what his lawyer declared after visiting him in prison.

The two brothers, aged 26 and 27, accused of aggravated voluntary manslaughter for futile motives and destruction of the body, are “highly dangerous” and can destroy evidence, according to the prosecutor in the case.

Both were arrested thanks to the crossing of telephone data with the analysis of surveillance camera images, which showed them carrying the suitcase in which they supposedly placed the body after the murder.

Abdalá, according to the police reconstruction, wanted to change jobs, since his bosses paid him little and in black, so he went to another hairdresser in Genoa, whose owner posted some videos on Instagram in which the boy was seen during a test and in which his talent could be appreciated.

The man explained that on Sunday, when Abdalá had already left, the two detainees entered his store and expressed their opposition to letting the young man go, because he would have made them lose customers, and later said that he received a threatening call warning him not to I would hire him.

The crime has shocked the local Muslim community: “We pray for Mahmud, a collective prayer with some of his friends who are all very sad and angry. Our law prohibits disfiguring a deceased, it is an offense to him and his relatives. What happened is terrible, and also for something so trivial,” Imam Hussein Salah said, according to the media.

The imam explained that the brother of the deceased, who works in Milan (northern Italy), gave the news to his mother in Egypt, and that they are now waiting to celebrate a funeral: “When possible we will bury him. And the head must be buried with him,” he said.