On March 31, 2023, the deadline to request the single payment aid of 200 euros from the Government for “individuals with a low level of income and assets, who during 2022 have been salaried, self-employed, or beneficiaries of the benefit” ended. or unemployment benefit”, indicates the Tax Agency. The objective of this measure was to deal with the effects of rising inflation and the consequent loss of purchasing power.
To do this, it was required to meet a series of requirements, with the income limit being 27,000 euros gross per year and the asset limit being 75,000 euros, without having habitual residence.. However, after the three-month period, many applicants are still waiting to receive the payment of the aid, if applicable, or the refusal proposal.
What the application status means
As explained by the Tax Agency, the 'Registration' status that may appear in the application “has nothing to do with the response status”. Therefore, it would only indicate that the request has been registered and has been sent.. It does not mean that it is approved by the public body.
Likewise, if the status '0A' appears, it would mean that the request is accepted, but that it is pending review before proceeding with the payment.. On the other hand, 'Return agreement' may appear in the status with the last update date, which would mean that the Administration has ordered the return of the aid after it has been accepted and processed.
From the Tax Agency they indicate that they were still pending the processing of income and wealth declarations to verify whether or not they met the requirements to receive this aid. On these dates, the procedures are being completed to “send the missing returns and, later, for the whole of the citizenry, send the refusal proposals”, if that were the case, that are still to be sent.
What to do in each case
Article 74 of Royal Decree-Law 20/2022, of December 27, on response measures to the economic and social consequences of the Ukrainian War and support for the reconstruction of the island of La Palma and other situations of vulnerability, states that “when the payment of the aid is not appropriate, the applicant will be notified of a proposal for a refusal resolution, in which the necessary data will be indicated to consult the reasons for the refusal at the Electronic Office of the State Tax Administration Agency “.
The same regulation states that “after a period of three months from the end of the application submission period without having made the payment or having notified a proposal for a negative resolution, the application may be understood to have been rejected”. It is from this moment when an economic-administrative appeal and claim can be filed.
However, the Tax Agency recalls that “it is best to wait for the refusal proposal to arrive” and present an allegation, since it is “a prior, faster and more agile procedure”. Likewise, the applicant must have documentation that justifies said allegation or claim, so it is convenient to wait to receive the notification with the reasons for the denial of the aid.
How to make claims
In the specific section of the electronic headquarters of the Tax Agency for consulting said aid, two procedures can be carried out: on the one hand, check the status of the application and, on the other hand, answer requests, make allegations and/or contribute documents or supporting documents. In this section, the Tax Agency recalls the following: “to make allegations, wait to receive the letter denying the aid”.
Applicants will receive the denial resolution proposal by postal mail at the address indicated in the application, if they do not meet the established requirements.
Check the application at the Tax Agency Tax Agency
After receiving this notification, they will have a period of 10 days, counting from the day following the notification of the denial resolution proposal, “to claim and present the documents and supporting documents that they deem pertinent”. After a period of one month, counting from the day following the notification of the aforementioned proposal, without the presentation of allegations, documents or supporting documents, the procedure will end in the terms of the refusal proposal, without the need for an express resolution. of the administration.
When to file an appeal
Once the allegations phase has passed and the aid refusal agreement has been confirmed, the applicant may file an appeal for reversal if they continue to disagree with said resolution.. This appeal must be filed within “within one month and optionally, before the office from which the administrative act to appeal comes, stating that no economic-administrative claim has been filed against it.”
Another alternative will be to file an economic-administrative claim “within a month from the day following the notification of the contested act or the day on which the procedure or the prior reversal appeal may be understood to have been dismissed.. It will be addressed to the administrative body that has issued the claimable act”, details the Tax Agency on its website.