For some it is not enough to buy an island; they want a country, a state. And they invent it or create it in reality. Those who choose this last formula manage to have what we call a micronation, something like an independent State that lacks a legal basis in international law and that does not have the recognition of other States and international organizations.
In reality, these micronations do not possess any of the attributes of a State such as the monopoly of force, the sovereignty of the territory or the control of its population.. They usually occupy imaginary or very small territory. In the case at hand, it is 11 acres of land (about 4.5 hectares) and all of it is desert.
We are completely surrounded by the US”, reads (not without irony) on its official website
It is the space occupied by the Republic of Slowjamastan, the country that slow jam DJ Randy Williams has given himself. The land, which the DJ bought in October 2021, cost him $19,000.
Supreme Sultan Randy Williams, in military, and other subjects of Slowjamastan.
He is the “sultan” of this micronation located in Imperial County, in southern California (USA), along California State Route 78, about 160 kilometers from San Diego.. “We are completely surrounded by the US”, reads (not without irony) on its official website.
Williams should be asked about his “war of independence”, because although the “State” was founded on September 16, 2021, independence (says its official website) did not arrive until December 1 of that same year.. The “sultan” was inspired by the Republic of Molossia, another micronation located in Dayton (Nevada) that he visited in August 2021.
The full name of the country is the United Territories of the Sovereign Nation of the People's Republic of Slowjamastan. Su líder es “Su Excelencia el Sultán Supremo Randy “¡R Dub!” Williams”.
This DJ was inspired by Molossia, but before that he had visited all the Member States of the United Nations (he assures that only Turkmenistan was left).. In the desert plot that shapes his country there is a large border sign next to the highway, a border checkpoint and an open desk that serves as an office for its creator.
From there he exercises his “power”. The website warns us that the political system of Slowjamastan is dictatorship “most days (sometimes the Sultan passes the suggestion box)”. If you even have a parliament. And what is your political position regarding other nations” “Don't start any sh*t, there won't be any sh*t”, replies the official page.
Slowjamastan flag.
The capital is Dublândia and the official language is English with a foreign accent or GFA (General Foreign Accent).. Portuguese and Spanish are also recognized. Their national anthem is Slowjamastan (I think it's going to be an amazing place).
In addition, the State created by Williams has a time zone (Slowjamastan Standard Time), currency (the duble) and national animal (the ring-tailed raccoon).. And a slogan: “Libertas. Honor. Respectus”, thus, in Latin.
The Laws of Slowjamastan
And what laws apply in the Republic of Slowjamastan? “The foundation, vision and governance structure are unique, based on the values and visions of our Dear Leader and the day-to-day annoyances he experienced growing up in America,” Williams told KCAL News.
The governmental structure is based on the everyday hassles I experienced growing up in America.”
The first is that 'crocs' are not allowed. They do not refer to crocodiles but to a very popular type of footwear in the US. “We wish for a noble land, free from the shoe atrocities that Americans call 'crocs,'” the sultan declared.
Furthermore, “all citizens and visitors should know the difference between 'you' and 'you are'”. Anyone who can prove they don't know the difference will be kicked out and not allowed back until they learn the difference and can prove it by passing a written test.
We wish for a noble land, free from the shoe atrocities Americans call 'crocs'.”
In the country of “Dear Leader” Williams, it is forbidden to hit “reply to all” when we are going to respond to an email. Whoever does so will be forced to write in Comic Sans for 30 days.. Other no-nos include mumble rapping, putting your feet up on the ledge of your seat on airplanes, eating string cheese by biting straight into it, or grabbing the last piece of pizza.
How to have “slowjamastanian” citizenship
Like other micronations, Slowjamastan is not recognized by other states.. In fact, it has only been recognized by “the mother of the Sultan”, says the official website. For his mother and, of course, for its citizens, who are already at least a thousand.. and growing, since this month of July the North American media have echoed the “birth of a nation”.
Citizenship can be applied for through the official website of the Republic of Slowjamastan. It's free, but “if you want your photo to be published with your name on the premium listing” you have to pay $19.99. That includes a unique citizen number and a letter signed by the Sultan, but does not provide a passport or permission to live, work or camp.