The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, assured this Saturday that Israel will take “security control” of the Gaza Strip when the war ends and Hamas is eliminated, and rejected that it is the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) that will assume that role. as the United States, its main ally, has suggested.
“Among friends you have to tell the truth and not create illusions, even more so in an existential question like this. I repeat to our friends: after the elimination of Hamas, the Gaza Strip will be demilitarized, it will be under the security control of Israel and there will be no factor in it that threatens us, nor that raises its children to destroy us,” Netanyahu said in a message addressed to the United States about the possible role of the ANP in the future of the enclave.
The US administration of Joe Biden insisted to the Netanyahu government that they must think about who will govern the Strip when the war ends, and has rejected Israel's resumption of the policy of settler settlements in the enclave, which it dismantled in 2005.
The US security advisor, Jake Sullivan, visited Israel and the West Bank this week, and asserted that the ANP must be strengthened to be able to assume the task of governing the Gaza Strip, where Hamas took power in 2007, when the war ends. expelled the ANP, controlled by President Mahmoud Abbas's secular Fatah party.
“I will not allow us to replace Hamastan with Fatahstan, let's replace Khan Younis with Jenin” – the focus of violence in the West Bank and a bastion of armed militias – Netanyahu said.
“I will not let the State of Israel repeat the fatal mistake of Oslo, which brought to the heart of our country and Gaza the most extremist elements of the Arab world, committed to the annihilation of the State of Israel and who educate their children with that end,” he added,
Netanyahu insisted that this is not a debate between whether Hamas or Fatah should govern, since “both seek the elimination of the State of Israel,” and criticized the ANP for not having condemned the massacre of the Islamist group on Israeli soil on the 7th. October.
“So they will govern Gaza the 'day after'? Have we learned nothing? As Prime Minister of Israel, I will not allow this to happen,” he stressed.
The prime minister addressed the citizens of Israel to warn them about the war that “victory will take time, but it will continue to the end.”
“Despite the enormous pain, despite the pain that tears our hearts, despite international pressure, we continue until the end. “Nothing will stop us until we achieve victory,” he said.
The prime minister referred to the “terrible tragedy” that occurred on Friday, when the Israeli Army mistakenly killed three hostages, whom it mistook as members of Hamas in fighting in Shujaiya; in the same week in which he found the bodies of five other captives inside the Strip.