All posts by Luis Moreno

Moreno Luis - is a business and economics reporter based in Barcelona. Prior to joining the BNE24 he was economics editor of the BBC Spaine and worked as an economics and political reporter for Murcia Tuday.

The rise of online purchases doubled complaints to the Bank of Spain for fraudulent payments in 2022

Online shopping scams are the order of the day due to the rise of electronic commerce. In 2022, the Bank of Spain doubled the volume of claims received for fraudulent digital payments made with credit cards or transfers. These incidents currently constitute the main source of complaints from consumers.. Users demand greater security in online transactions to protect their data from cyber attacks such as the one suffered by Air Europa this Tuesday, which asked affected customers to request the cancellation of their cards.

The Bank of Spain has recently published its annual Complaints Report, corresponding to the year 2022, in which it summarizes its conflict resolution activity between financial entities and clients.. Last year, the banking supervisor registered a total of 34,146 complaints, of which almost a third were motivated by allegedly fraudulent payments in which users reported not having authorized the operation or having been victims of deception and, therefore, requested the return of lost money. 86.1% of the claimed operations had been made through credit cards, while the remaining 13.9% had been made through transfers.

Specifically, there were 10,361 complaints filed against fraudulent digital payments, more than double the 4,955 registered in 2021, when they were already the main focus of complaints, replacing mortgage loans.. In the last four years, fraud claims have multiplied by eleven, since in 2019 they barely exceeded 900. The Bank of Spain recognizes that this type of discrepancies between consumers and financial entities are one of the main causes of the increase in complaints, since the banking supervisor has gone from dealing with less than 15,000 appeals annually in 2019 to exceeding 34,000 in The last two years.

The institution directed by Pablo Hernández de Cos attributes the increase in complaints to the rise of online commerce and the use of digital payment methods after the pandemic.. According to a survey on purchasing and consumption habits carried out by the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU), the proportion of people who make online purchases has grown considerably in recent years. Clothing is the most popular product in online purchases. 60% of the population is now encouraged to buy it this way, compared to 16% who did so in 2017. They are followed by technological devices and large household appliances, which 58% and 52% of the population also purchase online.

Despite the significant growth in fraud claims, the Bank of Spain clarifies that the cases investigated barely affect 0.01% of the more than 102 million credit and debit cards in Spain at the end of 2022.. According to a survey by the banking supervisor, cards are the second most used means of payment in Spain, behind cash. A third of the Spanish population uses them daily and the proportion reaches 48% among people between 25 and 34 years old.

47% not admitted for processing

The processing of the more than 10,000 fraud claims registered by the Bank of Spain has not always been satisfactory for users. In fact, 47.1% were inadmissible, in most cases because the banking supervisor understood that the impact was not in the authorization of the payment itself, that is, in how the financial institution executed the operation, but in the circumstances in which this occurred.

An example of these rejected claims would be the online booking of tourist accommodation that ultimately turns out to be fraudulent, so the user demands a refund of the reservation charge from their bank.. “In these cases, the authorization of the operation is not questioned, but rather the reason for the dispute focuses on the actions of the commercial establishment or the individual to whom the payment was intended, because it would not have complied adequately,” argues the Bank of Spain. .

Something similar has happened with complaints in which the consumer questions the validity of an operation because it was authorized by a third person who would have obtained their banking information through deception or fraud.. “In these cases, the payment service provider would have acted in accordance with the regulations that regulate this matter, as the operations had been authenticated with the required security elements,” says the banking supervisor, who does not rule out, however, that said claims may have legal proceedings.

Protect users

“When you have a problem with your bank, the first thing is to complain and, if the entity does not solve it, it is escalated to the Bank of Spain, which is the previous step to go to court,” they explain from the Association of Financial Users (ASUFIN). ), which demands security improvements from banks in the face of the “alarming” growth of fraud in online payments. The consumer defense association recalls that the Payment Services Law prevents banks from refusing to return the money without proving that there has been serious negligence or bad faith on the part of the user.. This rule states, for example, that the consumer is exempt from liability for unauthorized online payments when the bank card has been lost or stolen as long as it has been notified “without delay.”

“Entities often resort to consumer negligence, when many times it is their systems that have been hacked,” they report from ASUFIN.. “The number one responsibility is, on the part of the entity, to have security systems robust enough to stop any attack and keep our data and funds safe,” they insist.. The consumer defense association points out that an improvement in the protection of user data would help reduce the number of complaints and, therefore, litigation in the courts.

Training and more IBI but not free electricity or more employment: what residents can get from the upcoming express renewable permit

The deployment of renewable energies enters a new phase, at an accelerated pace, with the update of an EU law that will force the creation of “acceleration zones” in which the procedures to authorize wind or photovoltaic projects cannot exceed one year. , or two in the case of offshore wind, with a direct green light if the administration has not acted within that period. The norm advises member states to promote “public acceptance” of projects, for which the acting Government contemplates compensations in the style of some that have already been granted and that show a great difference between what the town councils requested from the start. and what they have finally obtained from the promoters. Faced with the impossibility of having free electricity or 'placing' their neighbors to work in the parks, the municipalities end up accepting training courses, recovery of tourism or agriculture by the companies, indirect economic benefits and above all with the greatest “pinch” “, more income in the municipal coffers thanks to the Real Estate Tax (IBI).

These are some of the benefits that the local communities that a developer comes to in search of green approval to plant a wind and photovoltaic park are already having and that the acting Government wants to generalize now that a new EU law will create a path express for it. In a matter of a year and a half, European governments will have to locate so-called “renewable acceleration zones”, where projects will be “exempt from the obligation to carry out a specific environmental impact assessment”. Within these areas, authorization procedures may not be delayed more than 12 months, plus an extension of six in “extraordinary circumstances”; of two years – with a six-month extension – in offshore wind, and six months – plus three – when it comes to repowering wind farms or energy storage facilities.

The time to delimit these zones that the countries will have will be only six months when this express route occurs in specific areas such as those that already exist in Spain to install renewables, in places of low environmental sensitivity and for whose delimitation until now there has been no had taken into account the demands of local communities, beyond the allegations phases. “Until now, no one had taken into account the needs at an economic level,” they say in the sector, where they see it possible that the Ministry's plan is to “combine the mapping” of acceleration zones with a “menu of options” on how they can local communities be compensated.

In the coming months, land, inland water and marine areas will need to be located and what type or types of energy sources will be housed within them.. Artificial or already constructed surfaces such as building facades, parking lots or artificial reservoirs will have priority and the Natura 2000 Network and other protected spaces will be excluded, except when it comes to infrastructures such as the above.. They must be sufficiently extensive so that Spain can meet the renewable objective that this same standard updates and raises, up to 42% of renewables in the energy mix, or the objective that each country has set in its national plan.. In the case of Spain it is 48%. With this update of the Renewable Directive, the EU establishes an express procedure that in the last year has been in force exceptionally, to face the energy crisis.

Offsets and just transition

The third vice president, Teresa Ribera, was in favor of delimiting these “acceleration zones” a few days ago in places where there is agreement with local communities on the compensation they will receive in exchange.

For years, the construction of wind or photovoltaic parks has been accompanied by reluctance, if not rejection, on the part of municipalities or platforms in depopulated Spain, which is where they are usually located.. Although parties like the BNG have been demanding tax compensation for this for years, it was the protests of Galician and Asturian fishermen against the delimitation of areas for offshore wind that made Ribera openly talk about compensation for municipalities affected by renewable projects.. They would be a key element of the “just transition”, such as the agreement that was closed a few months ago in the awarding of the Mudéjar junction in Teruel. However, the contact between promoters and city councils is not new, it is a more discreet work that usually starts with expectations on the part of the local communities regarding what they usually obtain in the end, which is not small either.

“Offers of social and environmental benefits will be essential,” said the vice president on the day the EU gave its final approval to the new regulation to speed up the deployment of renewables.. The new regulation indicates that EU countries will “guarantee public participation” and, as until now, leaves it up to each government to decide which administrations or public should be consulted. They must also “promote public acceptance of the projects through direct or indirect participation of local communities”, an element that Ribera wants to take into account.. “It is one thing for the regulation to say that [renewable projects] are a priority and another thing is that it must be done with the best possible participation by local communities.”

“Beyond what is indicated, involvement and work with local communities is needed,” he added before specifying that, for the moment, everything is pending the investiture.. “Now in office, we cannot adopt any type of modification. But, without a doubt, it is one of the challenges for the Government's mandate to be finally invested.”

From the recovery of olive trees to self-consumption

Until then, Ribera referred to the conditions of the fair transition tender by which the Ministry awarded the Mudéjar project to Endesa, through which the company had access to the connection node that left the end of operation of the Andorra thermal power plant in disuse. , in Teruel, to implement renewables. In addition to technical conditions on the facilities that will take advantage of the connection instead of the thermal one, a series of compensations were compulsorily included for the local community that Ribera will take as an example if in the coming months it continues to be responsible for managing the renewable deployment. , in this case, to the new forced marches set by the EU.

Specifically, Endesa committed to installing a green hydrogen production plant, an electrolyzer factory and a solar tracker manufacturing plant and will contract with a local company to build the concrete towers for the wind turbines awarded the tender.

The agreement also includes a recycling center for equipment from renewable parks, a logistics and recovery center for wind turbines and will make the town of Andorra the headquarters of the purchasing unit to manage all supply activities associated with renewable facilities. of the project. In the agricultural chapter, the auction closed with Endesa's commitment to recover 50,000 abandoned olive trees and reinforce the associated canning factory, as well as recover other dry crops and seek labor integration of people with disabilities in these activities.

The residents of the area will have a new hiking route, the Museum of the Evolution of Beekeeping will be reinforced and the conditioning of the Val de Zafán railway line as a greenway will be improved. In parallel, Endesa committed to installing 2,343 kW of photovoltaic self-consumption for the creation of energy communities in several municipalities, to reduce the energy costs of some 2,840 consumers.

From the electricity reduction to the IBI

Although it is the largest, the auction of the Andorra node has not been the first time that renewable promoters and city councils negotiate how a solar or wind park can benefit neighbors. They are “quite long” processes in which expectations are usually far above what is usually achieved in the end.. “Local communities are asking for two things: employment and a reduction in the electricity bill,” explains Alejandro Labanda, director of Ecological Transition at the consulting firm beBartlet, from his experience facilitating the developer and municipalities to agree on compensation, in process. which warns that they tend to be “quite long”, now that, like the rest of the EU, Spain will have a deadline to close them, in order to create the renewable acceleration zones.

According to Labanda, “neither of the two things is easy”. Although it may seem logical – especially to themselves – that neighbors want to have free electricity in exchange for having a wind or photovoltaic park planted next to their house, it is also true that the price of electricity is unique in Spain, not can be determined a la carte. As far as employment is concerned, the construction of renewable parks usually requires a qualified workforce, especially in wind farms, which is not usually available only locally and when they are built they do not require much direct employment.

Therefore, what usually happens is that city councils end up changing these initial expectations for more modest ones, such as guaranteeing that all supplies for maintenance, hospitality and other services generated by the plant are local, until reaching what is usually the largest benefit, tax collection for the wind or photovoltaic park. First, a building permit and then, the IBI, which is “a good pinch” and which in small towns means that renewables largely support the municipal budget.. Once admitted, Labanda indicates that the population sees them in the form of returns such as improved resources.

On the other hand, and as also happened in Andorra, promoters and electricity companies usually offer social projects or training courses, which “ask for a lot,” says Labanda, such as professional retraining courses, CCC scholarships.. Since they cannot reduce the bill, on other occasions they “donate plant panels” to supply electricity to municipal facilities such as the day center or the town hall, carry out energy efficiency projects or install an electric car charging point.

'Human rats' in the New York subway: travelers defend themselves with humor against the plague of rodents that devastates the Big Apple

For months, New York has become home to thousands of rats that roam uncontrollably throughout the city.. Now, New Yorkers have decided to face the unpleasant episode with humor by dressing up as the invasive rodents.

“Another day on the New York subway,” is the ironic comment that accompanies a new viral video in which you can see a person dressed as a rat.

In the images, shared by the UHN Plus X (formerly Twitrer) account, the “animal” appears dragging with its mouth an object that looks like a giant piece of pizza that it was trying to climb up some stairs.


In its path, a user who was trying to access the platform was forced to jump over the railing, since the “human rat” was blocking the way.

For their part, the rest of the travelers are stunned by the unexpected scene.

They offer tourist trips

Last April, the mayor of New York, Eric Adams, presented Kathy Corradi as the new “czarina” in charge of ending the uncomfortable plague from that day on.

“The rats will hate Corradi, for his knowledge, determination and experience,” Adams said on social media after the announcement.. However, months later the problem is still latent.

Therefore, in an attempt to transform the problem into an opportunity, the New York tourism sector has begun to offer guided tours called Rat Tours.

“They're like New York's new celebrities,” said Luke Miller, owner of Real New York Tours.

Israel orders the evacuation of the border with Lebanon, where Spanish troops are located, and threatens Hezbollah: "The response will be deadly"

The Israeli authorities announced this Monday a plan to evacuate civilians in towns located up to two kilometers from the border with Lebanon, following the latest clashes with the Lebanese Shiite militia party Hezbollah and concerns about the possibility that The group joins the open conflict between Israel and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).

The National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA), dependent on the Ministry of Defense, and the Israeli Army have indicated that the residents of this area will be moved to accommodation financed by the authorities, following the approval of the plan by the head of the portfolio, Yoav Gallant.

Thus, they have highlighted in a joint statement published through the social network Lebanon.

The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) is deployed in that area, currently commanded by Spain, and is on alert in case the conflict also moves to this area.

Warning to Hezbollah

After the announcement, Daniel Hagari, one of the spokespersons for the Israeli Army, has warned Hezbollah that it will face a “deadly” response if it continues carrying out attacks on the border, as reported by the newspaper The Times of Israel.

“If Hezbollah dares to test us, the reaction will be deadly. The United States gives us all its support,” explained Hagari, who explained that the evacuations seek to prevent civilians from suffering harm.. “We have increased our forces on the northern border and we respond aggressively to any activity against us,” he said.

“Hezbollah carried out several attacks yesterday to try to divert our operational efforts (from the Gaza Strip), under the instructions and with the support of Iran, while endangering the State of Lebanon and its citizens,” he concluded.

In recent days, several incidents have been reported on the border between Israel and Lebanon, including new clashes during the day on Sunday.. In the context of these, a projectile hit the UNIFIL headquarters, without the mission having yet ruled on the origin of the shot.

The Lebanese group denounced last week “murders, crimes and horrible massacres” committed in the Gaza Strip by the Israeli Army and held the United States responsible for these events because it is “a partner” of Israel.. “Our nation and the resistance factions are prepared for confrontation until final victory and total liberation are achieved,” Hezbollah said.

Abbas Says Hamas' Actions Killing Civilians Doesn't Represent Palestinians… Then Recants

The president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, has condemned the attacks of the Hamas terrorist group on Israel justifying that “they do not represent the Palestinian people”, in a report by the Palestinian news agency WAFA, although the message was later deleted and the version of the leader changed.

Initially, the note detailed that Abbas had had a telephone conversation with Nicolás Maduro, president of Venezuela, in which the Arab leader presented the Palestine Liberation Organization as the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.. The report, picked up by Reuters, read: “The president also emphasized that the policies and actions of Hamas do not represent the Palestinian people, and the policies, programs and decisions of (the Palestine Liberation Organization) represent the Palestinian people as their sole legitimate representative.”

However, the text was deleted and modified by another piece in which the reference to Hamas was no longer explicit.. The new text cited: “The president also stressed that the policies, programs and decisions of the PLO represent the Palestinian people as their only legitimate representative, and not the policies of any other organization.”

The deletion of the content of the conversation has not been accompanied by any justification. Neither Abbas, by authorship, nor Hamas, by allusion, have made reference to the leader's retraction of limited self-government in the West Bank.

The differences between the leaders of the West Bank and Gaza are evident and reconciliation seems still far away. In the same call Abbas “affirmed his rejection of the killing of civilians on both sides and called for the release of civilians, prisoners and detainees.”

The anti-terrorist alert continues in France: the institute where a teacher was murdered on Friday is evacuated due to a bomb warning

The institute in northern France where a teacher was murdered on Friday was evacuated this Monday morning due to a bomb alert, after the country raised the anti-terrorist alert and after a weekend also marked by other evacuations in emblematic points such as the Louvre Museum in Paris or the Palace of Versailles.

The attack on the Gambetta-Carnot high school in Arras left Dominique Bernard dead and three other people injured. The alleged perpetrator, identified as Mohamed M. and booked by the authorities for his possible danger, he was immediately detained, within an investigation that has also led to eight other arrests.

The return to classes this Monday has been even more complicated at the center due to a bomb warning that has forced the evacuation of workers and students, according to police sources cited by Franceinfo and who have confirmed the deployment of more security personnel in the area. to rule out possible threats.

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, who will chair a new meeting of the security leadership on Tuesday, published this Monday on social networks a message of tribute to the deceased teacher and to the entire educational community.. This Monday marks precisely three years since the murder of another teacher, Samuel Paty, in an Islamist attack on the outskirts of Paris.

“Last Friday, when (Bernard) was trying to protect his students, he fell under the blows of Islamist terrorism,” emphasized Macron, who praised the “heroic” behavior of the victim, “until the last minute,” as already he did on Friday after traveling to the scene of the incident.

“The terrorists know it: there is no Republic without school, without the patient learning in your classes of the critical spirit and the values of freedom, equality, fraternity and secularism that forge citizens,” the president stressed.

What is the Rafah crossing and why is it key for Gaza?

The bombings against the Gaza Strip do not stop. During the night of Sunday, and since the Palestinian-Israeli conflict intensified on October 7, thousands of people tried to evacuate northern Gaza due to the threat of an offensive by the Israel Defense Forces.

The Army gave the civilian population a period of 24 hours to evacuate, although the mobilization of more than a million people in one of the most densely populated territories in the world is not an easy task.

This same morning, in addition, the agreement was known by which, supposedly, the US, Israel and Egypt had agreed to a ceasefire in the south of Gaza to open a humanitarian corridor in Rafá, according to the Reuters agency, although only a few hours Later, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denied that agreement.

The Rafáh Pass, a humanitarian corridor

The Rafah crossing was officially recognized in the 1979 Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty, and is the only border crossing between Egypt and Palestine. It is located in the city of Rafah, which separates the Palestinian region from the Gaza Strip and the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula..

For some time it was controlled by the Israeli Airport Authority, until, after the Israeli unilateral termination, it became managed by the European Union Mission for Border Assistance in Rafah and today it is the only crossing not controlled by the State. From Israel.

The other five border crossings are: Erez, Nahal Oz, Karni, Magahzi, Sufa and Kerem Shalom, all of which were closed before the outbreak of the conflict and which connect Gaza with Israeli territory.

This step would constitute, if the agreement is reached, the humanitarian corridor through which the Palestinian population of Gaza could evacuate.

The unusual case of thousands of birds dying in a single night when they collided with a building in Chicago

The city of Chicago has recently witnessed an unusual and strange case involving the death of thousands of birds and a glass-enclosed building.. In a single night, more than a thousand migratory birds died after accidentally crashing into the windows of the McCormick Place Lakeside Center convention center, located on the shore of Lake Michigan.

The events occurred in the early morning of October 5. That morning, workers from the Field Museum in Chicago collected more than a thousand dead birds next to that building, to which must be added another thousand birds collected in the city center by volunteers from the Chicago Bird Collision Monitors association.

“It was overwhelming and tragic to see so many birds,” said Annette Prince, director of this local organization that monitors birds in the city, in statements to CNN.. “I went to a building and when I walked in, it was like there was a carpet of dead, dying and injured birds,” he described.

Experts are now trying to explain this extraordinary number of fatal bird collisions in such a short time, but everything points to a combination of factors.

According to Prince, there was a particularly high volume of birds migrating south for the winter that night, as they had been waiting for northerly or westerly winds to ease their journey.. “They piled up,” Prince said.

To this we must add “foggy conditions and low clouds, which can be confused with lights and buildings”. According to Prince, the presence of clouds probably caused the birds to fly at a lower altitude, so they got too close to the buildings.. Additionally, the McCormick Place convention center “is one of the first buildings that birds encounter as they move along Lake Michigan.”

Thousands of birds dead after crashing into a Chicago building. AP

The fact that these types of buildings leave the lights on at night encourages collisions, since “they are an attraction for birds, almost like a lighthouse,” says Prince.

Another factor to take into account are the large transparent glass panels, which these animals confuse into believing that it is an open space.

For Andrew Farnsworth, an ornithologist at Cornell University who studies bird migration, this collision of migratory birds was “of enormous magnitude.”. In an interview on CNN, the expert indicated that the number of birds killed in the McCormick Place building that night is equivalent to the usual number of deaths from collisions with buildings in a year.

For this reason, this case has been “something very strange and quite unfortunate,” Farnsworth said.

The opposition could form a government in Poland and turn the country towards Europeanism

Poland is on the path to political overturn. The opposition could form a new Government, according to the first exit polls. The party that has led the Executive since 2015, Law and Justice (PiS), would have won the elections with 36.8% of the votes, followed by the coalition led by the former prime minister, Donald Tusk, with 31.6%. of the ballots. The latter, supported by the smaller formations, could lead the new cabinet in a broad amalgamation. In fact, Third Way (13%), Left (8.6%) and the Liberty and Independence Confederation (6.2%) are behind. The absolute majority is 231 seats.

The general map is as follows: a total of 6,656 candidates from 41 electoral districts are contesting 460 seats, according to Poland's proportional representation system. Senators are elected in 100 single-term districts, in which each political group has the right to present only one candidate. The official final results are scheduled to be known at the latest on Tuesday.

A few minutes after the polls were known, the first reactions were already given. Donald Tusk precisely ended “the era of PiS” and celebrated that “Poland has won”. Instead, Law and Justice leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski celebrated his first place. Of course, everything is shrouded in doubts. “There are big questions ahead about whether we will be able to turn this victory into another term in office.”. But regardless of whether we are in power or in the opposition, we will continue with this project,” Kaczynski said.

Participation has reached historical data, exceeding 72%. And the elections were considered the most important in the last 25 years. Election day, in fact, has been intense and has even ended with a bomb alert in several schools in Warsaw, although everything ended up being a false alarm.

These elections became a face to face between two candidates. The favorite was Mateusz Morawiecki, current prime minister (but not the president of PiS) and who is one of the most influential radical right leaders right now.. His position is consolidated within a party that defends traditional family values, maintains an anti-immigration discourse and has been accused of “persecuting” the LGTBI community.. In this sense, some places in the country approved “LGTBI-free” zones, for which they received a reprimand from Brussels.. Morawiecki's figure has also been strengthened since the start of the war in Ukraine.

On the other side of the board is Tusk. The former president of the European Council is seen by many as the figure most capable of competing in the elections against PiS, and has also been in the spotlight in recent months for a law approved precisely by the Government (even known as the Tusk law). that sought to persecute those who had “some link with Russia” in recent years. In the case of the conservative leader, the key was his role in Brussels precisely during the illegal annexation of Crimea by Moscow in 2014.

The PiS seeks an interesting balance to expand its ideology: Warsaw's support for Ukraine is key for Brussels and while Morawiecki works on an alliance with Meloni's Italy that in turn represents a counterweight to the traditional European axis, which is the one formed by France and Germany.

Issues such as migration have served to strengthen the Warsaw-Rome alliance, as seen in the latest European Council summits. Poland, however, is the fifth country in terms of population and therefore one of the largest recipients of funds; It needs the EU, and in turn it gives it an almost constant pulse: it has been fined for violating judicial independence or for not respecting ecological transition policies and not closing the mines, which has meant a daily million-dollar penalty.. In addition, there is a file opened by the Commission on the aforementioned Tusk law.

Is Tusk precisely the hope of Brussels? It may seem so. An Executive led by him, although not very pragmatic in some matters, could bring Poland closer to the postulates of Brussels, with a more classic conservatism and with a drift that has a better relationship with Paris, Berlin, Madrid or Amsterdam (the Netherlands is also pending of their elections next November). For the European Commission, attracting Warsaw to Europeanism would also mean, to a certain extent, cornering the governments most critical of the Union, such as the Italian or Hungarian ones.

However, we must also take into account the relevance of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the electoral campaign. Poland has become kyiv's most important support, not only in terms of arms shipments – along with the Baltics in general – but also with the hosting of 1.6 million refugees.. Now, the entry into the campaign has caused the first schisms: Warsaw prevented the passage of Ukrainian grain to defend national farmers, the Zelensky Government responded with a complaint to the WTO and the Morawiecki Executive warned that it would not send more ammunition and weapons. until they arm their own troops.

In addition to the elections, Poland is also holding a referendum on the immigration issue, promoted precisely by Civic Platform, at a time when Warsaw has shown its toughest position on the issue in the context of the EU.

Gaza holds its breath as Israel deploys across the Strip to undertake its offensive by land, sea and air

Israel is already prepared for its offensive on Gaza to neutralize Hamas. By land, by sea and by air. This is how it responds to the attacks a week ago, which also includes warnings to the civilian population and the opening of some humanitarian corridors. Israel, in fact, continues to accumulate troops and tanks on the border to imminently deploy its Army.. “We are deployed and strongly prepared for the next stages of the war,” the Armed Forces expressed this weekend.. However, according to the New York Times, the Netanyahu Government has had to postpone its entry into the area due to bad weather.. Despite this, there is also a “mass exodus” of Gazans to the south.

No one has set dates at the moment, but the Chief of Staff of the Israeli Armed Forces, General Herzi Halevi, assured that they will enter Gaza “soon.”. “Now our responsibility is to enter Gaza, go to the places where Hamas is preparing, acting, planning and launching projectiles. We are going to attack them everywhere, all the commanders, each of their members, to destroy the infrastructure. To win, in a word,” he concluded.

Israeli bombings on the Strip have continued throughout the weekend. “These attacks affected the capabilities of the Hamas terrorist organization by attacking its operational command centers, military complexes, dozens of (rocket) launchers, anti-tank missile launch sites and observation posts.. In addition, operational command centers belonging to the terrorist organization Islamic Jihad were attacked,” explained the Army, which has also accused Hamas of blocking roads to prevent the evacuations of civilians.. “Hear our warnings. “We are saying that there are going to be significant military activities here and we want, we urge civilians to evacuate for their own safety,” they warned.

What Israel has committed to is returning water to the inhabitants of Gaza, in addition to opening civilian corridors, leaving aside the 24-hour ultimatum it had given and which international organizations had seen as “impossible.” to comply with by the citizens who remain in the area. Coverage of basic needs is another key point also from the point of view of NGOs.

In this sense, the United States National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, announced this Sunday that his Israeli counterparts have informed him of the resumption this Sunday of the water supply to southern Gaza, currently the scene of a massive displacement of Palestinians. from the north of the Strip in the midst of a practically total blockade. “I can say that my Israeli counterparts, just this last hour, have told me that they have reopened the pipelines in southern Gaza,” Sullivan said in an interview with CNN.

The United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, has warned this Saturday that the more than two million inhabitants of the Gaza Strip are in a “life or death” situation precisely due to the lack of light and water.. And in fact the White House has been the one that has had to mediate in the last hours.

Victims continue to increase

Regarding the number of victims, the daily balance published this Sunday by the Ministry of Health of the Gaza Strip raises the dead to more than 2,600 – a figure that already exceeds that which occurred in the escalation of 2014 – and 9,600 the injured of varying degrees since the beginning of the retaliation attacks by the Israeli Armed Forces. On the other hand, Israel revealed that there are at least 155 hostages in the hands of Hamas. Furthermore, the United Nations now estimates that one million people have been displaced since the start of hostilities.

Joe Biden held talks with both Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Netanyahu's office has reported that he has thanked Biden for the “deep support” of the United States and the visits of the American Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin.

Abbas, for his part, has asked Biden to open humanitarian corridors in the Gaza Strip for the entry of water, electricity, fuel and medical supplies.. He has also highlighted “the need to stop all attacks and respect International Humanitarian Law”, according to the Palestinian news agency Wafa.. It was in fact the first conversation between Abbas and Biden since the war broke out.

The same position as the US was also marked by the EU member states.. The 27 signed a joint statement this Sunday in which they remind Israel of the limits of its response to the Hamas terrorist attacks.. “The European Union condemns in the strongest possible terms Hamas and its brutal and indiscriminate terrorist attacks throughout Israel and deeply deplores the loss of human life,” the text begins.

“There is no justification for terror. We strongly insist on Israel's right to defend itself in accordance with humanitarian and international law against these violent and indiscriminate attacks.. We reiterate the importance of guaranteeing the protection of all civilians at all times in accordance with International Humanitarian Law,” he said, in line with what was already expressed by the High Representative, Josep Borrell, days ago.. The foreign policy of the EU, in fact, is set precisely by the Member States.

“We strongly condemn the indiscriminate terrorist attacks by Hamas and recognize Israel's right to defend itself within international law and humanitarian law,” added the acting president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, in a message on social networks.. An emergency summit of the European Council is being called this Tuesday by videoconference.

For his part, Netanyahu presided this Sunday over the first public appearance of the new Israeli emergency government under the warning that Israeli forces will “dismantle” the Hamas militias that are attacking the country.. “Our wonderful frontline fighters are ready to act at any moment to exterminate the damn monsters who have taken up arms against us,” Netanyahu said during a brief presentation before the closed-door security meeting between members of the new cabinet. .

Hamas believed it was going to disintegrate us, but we will be the ones to dismantle Hamas

“Hamas believed that it was going to disintegrate us, but we will be the ones who dismantle Hamas,” added the Israeli president, accompanied by Benny Gantz, an opponent who has now become a minister without portfolio within this new concentration executive.. “This unity government,” Netanyahu has declared in this regard, “sends a clear message to the enemy, to the country and to the world.”. In his speech he also assured the families of those kidnapped by Hamas that “one of the objectives of the war is the release of the hostages.”

In the context of the conflict, also, the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), commanded by Spain, reported the impact of a projectile against the contingent's headquarters in southern Lebanon.. There was, however, no victim.. A UNIFIL spokesperson, Andrea Tenenti, explained that the Force's headquarters in Naqura was “attacked” and that the incident “is being investigated”, without yet specifying the origin.. The Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, had a telephone conversation with the commander of UNIFIL, Spanish General Aroldo Lázaro. In a message on

Iran, a traditional ally of Hamas, also had something to say. Its Foreign Minister, Hosein Amir Abdolahian, warned this Sunday that the conflict between Israel and Palestine could spread throughout the region if the Israeli State continues its attacks on Gaza.. “If the Israeli regime continues its attacks against the defenseless people of Gaza, no one can guarantee control of the situation and that the conflict will not expand,” Abdolahian said from Qatar, where he is visiting as part of a regional tour.. Abdolahian then singled out the United States for “reinforcing its support for the Zionist regime” while advising restraint to other countries.