All posts by Luis Moreno

Moreno Luis - is a business and economics reporter based in Barcelona. Prior to joining the BNE24 he was economics editor of the BBC Spaine and worked as an economics and political reporter for Murcia Tuday.

Netanyahu sends a harsh message as Israel enters Gaza: "This is just the beginning, we will destroy Hamas"

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, reiterated this Friday in an unusual speech during the Shabbat, the mandatory rest for Jews, that Israel will destroy the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) within the framework of an imminent ground offensive on the Gaza Strip. Loop.

“We will destroy Hamas and we will win, but it will take time,” said the Israeli prime minister, adding that they are fighting “like lions” and that this is “just the beginning,” according to The Times of Israel.

Netanyahu, who spoke this Friday with several families who have lost their loved ones due to the attacks of the Palestinian Islamist movement, stressed that Israel “will never forget” the “horrible acts” committed by the enemy.

Likewise, he recalled that the country has “tremendous international support”. This week, Israel has become a destination for diplomatic representatives of some of the main international powers.

In fact, this Friday the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the president of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, traveled to Israel to express their solidarity with the Israeli people in the midst of attacks that have already ended. with more than 1,300 civilians dead.

Reuters journalist killed and four others injured during bombing in southern Lebanon

A journalist from the Reuters news agency has died and four other reporters have been injured in a bombing in southern Lebanon during a day of hostilities between the Israeli Army and Lebanese militias, as confirmed by the British media in a statement.

The deceased has been identified as cameraman Isam Abdullah, who “was part of a Reuters team in southern Lebanon that provided a live feed,” the media reported.

“We are urgently seeking more information, working with authorities in the region and supporting Issam's family and colleagues.. Our thoughts are with his family at this terrible time,” according to the news organization.

Reuters journalists Thaer al Sudani and Maher Nazeh have also been injured and are receiving medical attention, according to the agency, while a spokesperson for the outlet has limited itself to indicating that the reporter died “due to an artillery attack on the Lebanese border.” with Israel,” reports DPA.

A Reuters journalist was killed and two others from Al Jazeera were injured as a result of the Israeli bombing in the village of Alma al Shaab, southern Lebanon.
A Reuters journalist was killed and two others from Al Jazeera were injured as a result of the Israeli bombing in the village of Alma al Shaab, southern Lebanon.

For its part, the pan-Arab network Al Jazeera has confirmed that two of its reporters, identified as Carmen Youkadar and Eli Brakhia, have also been injured in this incident, which the channel's management blames on Israel.

The event took place when the vehicle was traveling through the Lebanese town of Alma el Chaeb, the scene this afternoon of an exchange of gunfire and artillery between the Israeli Army and “an unidentified party on the Lebanese side”, according to the Lebanese Army, in relation to the Hezbollah militias, which have ultimately claimed responsibility for these attacks.

Lebanese military sources also confirmed to the Lebanese newspaper L'Orient le Jour and the Lebanese TV network LBC Israeli hits against a military observation tower in the area.

For its part, the Israeli Army has reported in recent hours an explosion that has caused minor damage to a section of the security wall on the border with Lebanon, near the Hanita kibbutz, which has led Israeli forces to respond. with artillery fire against Lebanon to prevent possible infiltration.

The Government expects that in ten years half of the 65-year-olds will continue working to sustain pensions

The demographic puzzle that the pension system is going to become in the coming years will make it increasingly common to see older people working in offices, shops or factories.. The sustainability of the pension system, which will have to support a sharp increase in spending in the coming decades, depends on workers extending their working careers as much as possible.. This is what the Government expects, which predicts that in just ten years half of citizens aged 65 will be working.. A proportion that more than doubles the 20% of the population of that age that currently works.

This is reflected in the projections of public spending on pensions, a document with which the Executive concludes the reform of the pension system.. In it, the Government defends with dozens of formulas, tables and graphs the viability of its proposal, which has the approval of Brussels, but casts doubt on organizations such as Airef or the Bank of Spain.

The main measure to save on pensions that the Government has proposed is the incentives for delayed retirement, with which the Executive intends to reduce spending by 1.4 points of GDP (about 18,850 million in 2023 euros).. Among these incentives, the reform proposes penalizing early retirement more and encouraging workers to prolong their professional careers longer in exchange for a higher pension in the future or making it easier to combine employment with a pension.. Added to this is the delay in the legal retirement age, which will be 67 years in 2027.

With all these elements in hand, the Government trusts that the elderly will quickly increase their participation in the labor market. The expectations are striking. If the forecasts are met, almost a third of the population between 65 and 74 years old will continue working in 2040, a proportion that would quadruple the current rate of 7.6%. By 2050, half of people aged 65 and 66 should have a job.

However, for these figures to materialize, workers and companies would have to radically change their behavior.. In recent years, only 5% of workers have chosen to delay their retirement, although it is true that so far in 2023, 8% of retirements have been delayed. However, to achieve the savings sought by the Government, this percentage would have to increase to 55%, according to estimates by the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (Airef).

In fact, the Tax Authority disagrees considerably with the Government's forecasts and is betting that the containment in spending that will come in this way will be 0.8 points of GDP in 2050 (10.8 billion).. Analysts like Fedea go further and point out that the measures to delay retirement proposed by the Government will have a neutral effect in 2050. That is, in the long run it would not mean any savings. It must be taken into account that, despite the incentives, not all workers will want to retire later and many, in fact, will not be allowed by their company.

Full employment, migrations and productivity

Although delaying retirement is one of the bases of the reform, the numbers that support the Government's plans also outline other key assumptions. For the system to be sustainable with all the measures that the Executive has introduced, the Spanish economy would have to reach full employment in the coming decades.

The unemployment rate would have to be halved in 20 years, from the current 12.2% to 5.5% by 2050 and around 80% of Spaniards would have to be working on that date. Records that Spain has never come close to, even in the years of the real estate boom, but that in principle should be more feasible to achieve in the future due to demographic change.. Since there is less labor available due to the increase in retirements, to maintain current employment levels, employment rates would have to be higher.

In this sense, the Government has high hopes that the labor market reforms will have permanent effects in the future.. Specifically, the Executive expects that the increases in the SMI, the labor reform or the emergence of the underground economy will contribute 0.8 points of GDP (about 10.8 billion euros) in income by the year 2050.

Finally, another of the great keys to achieving full employment and the success of the reform is immigration.. The Government has drawn a demographic scenario in which migratory flows will rebound in the coming years, adapted to the needs of the labor market. Specifically, net arrivals of migrants (excluding departures) are expected to exceed 400,000 starting in 2045, double what the INE expects for the entire prediction horizon.

Furthermore, for pensions to be sustainable according to the plan designed by the Government, the economy and work productivity will have to grow robustly in the coming years. The Executive proposes that the economy will advance at a rate of 2% annually for the next 27 years. 2% annually is what the Spanish economy has grown, on average, in the last 22 years. However, Airef expects GDP to advance at a rate of 1.1% in that time.

The CPI rises to 3.5% in September and food prices maintain their growth at 10.5%

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased 0.2% in September compared to the previous month and raised its interannual rate nine tenths, up to 3.5%. This is mainly due to the increase in the prices of electricity and fuels and lubricants for personal vehicles.. Food prices, for their part, maintained their year-on-year growth at 10.5%.

With the advance in September, inflation has chained three consecutive months of increases after in July and August it rose four and three tenths, respectively, according to the final data published this Friday by the National Institute of Statistics (INE), which coincides with the advanced at the end of last month.

In this way, the interannual rate of the CPI once again exceeded 3% in September after three months below this level and is at its highest level since last April, when it reached 4.1%. The Ministry of Economic Affairs has stressed in a statement that the increase in general inflation in September is due to the base effect of electricity and fuel prices.. “Spain has been among the countries with the lowest inflation and highest growth in the entire euro zone for more than a year,” he highlighted.

“In an inflationary context throughout Europe, Spain is consolidating itself as one of the countries in the euro zone with the lowest inflation after lowering it by almost 5.5 points in the last year,” highlighted the Department headed, in office, by Nadia Calviño .

Faced with the rising prices of electricity and fuel, Statistics highlights that the prices of tourist packages fell more in September than in the same month of 2022, while the prices of clothing and footwear rose less than a year before with the entry of the new autumn-winter season.

Core inflation (without unprocessed food or energy products) fell three tenths in September, to 5.8%, standing 2.3 points above the general CPI. The Ministry of Economic Affairs has highlighted that this rate of 5.8% is the lowest since June 2022. In the case of prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages, its year-on-year rate remained unchanged in September, showing a 10.5% rebound.

Food prices rise

In monthly terms (September over August), the CPI registered an increase of 0.2%, three tenths less than what it rose the previous month. With this rebound, inflation has chained four consecutive months of monthly increases.

The monthly increase in the CPI in September was a consequence of the increase in the cost of fuel, electricity and food, which increased by 0.5% due to the increase in the price of oils and fats and legumes and vegetables.

Will there be 'Operation Uganda 2' to free the kidnapped? Israel, ready to deploy a commando as in the famous rescue of '76

Israel assures that it will maintain the blockade in Gaza until Hamas releases the hostages. “No electrical switch will be turned on, no hydrant will be opened and no fuel truck will enter until the kidnapped Israelis are returned home,” reads the message published this Thursday in X by the Israeli Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, Israel Katz.

The number of hostages is unclear. Israel estimates that there are up to 200 kidnapped people, but Hamas and Islamic Jihad claim that there are around 130 people.. The UN has demanded that Hamas immediately release all of them. The truth is that its existence complicates and limits the operation that Israel is preparing against the Palestinian guerrilla, considered a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom and Canada, as well as by other powers, and, of course, Israel.

What options does Netanyahu have?

The return alive of the kidnapped is now the priority for many Israelis. But the context – which the Israeli Government understands as a response to the barbaric Hamas offensive – and their number rule out the possibility of an exchange.. In 2011, Israel exchanged hundreds of Palestinian prisoners to secure the release of Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier who was detained for five years.

Netanyahu and opposition agree on emergency government and war cabinet

This is how things open up the option of a rescue. There is a precedent for this. In 1976, Tel Aviv carried out a hostage rescue mission in Uganda.. A plane was hijacked by Palestinian and German terrorists. It was Operation Entebbe or Thunderbolt, also known as Operation Uganda, that established a model for Israel in handling hostage situations: neither negotiate nor compromise.. The Israeli Executive already has a command ready like that of that 1976 rescue.

Air France Flight 139

On June 27, 1976, Air France Flight 139, an Airbus A300, was carrying 248 passengers and twelve crew members from Athens to Paris, but the plane came from Tel Aviv.. At noon, the plane was hijacked by two Palestinians from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-External Maneuvers (PFLP-ME) and two Germans from the German Revolutionary Cells.

The plane was diverted to Benghazi, Libya. He was there for seven hours to refuel.. The next day, the aircraft left the Libyan airport and landed at Entebbe airport, in Uganda.. There the kidnappers were joined by four others supported by the pro-Palestinian forces of Ugandan President Idi Amin.

What did the kidnappers want?

The group demanded the release of 40 Palestinians detained in Israel and another thirteen imprisoned in Kenya, France, Switzerland and West Germany.. If their demands were not made effective, they would begin killing hostages from July 1. They divided the abductees into two groups, separating into one the 105 who were Israeli citizens or non-Israeli Jews.

Territorial situation of Israel, Gaza, the West Bank and the territories occupied by the Israeli army and settlers. EUROPA PRESS

The terrorists freed the non-Jewish passengers, forcing them (some refused to abandon the rest) to board another Air France plane that had arrived in Entebbe for that purpose.. In the end, 85 Israelis or Jews remained detained, plus another twenty people, most of them crew members of the plane.. The kidnappers persisted in threatening to kill them if Israel did not agree to their demands.

29 commands

Israel tried diplomatic means to obtain the release of the hostages while preparing a military operation. On July 1, the date on which the deadline given by the kidnappers expired, the Israeli government offered to negotiate with them on the condition of extending the deadline until July 4.. With the mediation of Idi Amin, the extension was achieved. It was essential for the Israeli commando to have time to reach Entebbe.

On July 3, Israel's cabinet approved the rescue mission. Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, began to prepare the rescue based on the details provided by the hostages released in Paris.. Among them, a Jew with military training who gave information about the number and type of weapons of the terrorists was released by mistake.. In addition, it turned out that an Israeli company was involved in the construction of the Entebbe terminal in the 1960s and 1970s.. With his help, a partial replica of the building was built.

The kidnapped arrive in Israel. GOVERNMENT OF ISRAEL

Benjamin Netanyahu's brother

Israel displaced a hundred people on land. The commando had to assault the terminal and rescue the hostages. It was made up of 29 soldiers, led by Lieutenant Colonel Yonatan Netanyahu (elder brother of today's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu). They were members of the elite Sayeret Matkal unit and elements of the parachute reconnaissance units and the Golani Brigade.. In addition, a reinforcement team was to, among other things, secure the area and destroy the MiG-17 squadron of the Ugandan Air Force on the ground.

Israeli commandos stormed the terminal on July 4, successfully rescuing 102 people and killing all the terrorists and several Ugandan soldiers.. Three hostages lost their lives in the crossfire. Netanyahu also died.

Do what we did in Uganda in Gaza?

Precedent suggests that Israel could opt for a decisive ground attack to secure the release of the hostages. This is reflected in the recent communication between the Israeli Prime Minister and the American President, Joe Biden, in which the Jew insisted on the need for a ground operation in Gaza.

Benjamin Netanyahu, in a speech. EFE

By the way, the Israeli president also served in Sayeret Matkal, participating in several missions, including the rescue of the hijacked Sabena flight 571, during which he was shot in the shoulder. This elite unit still exists and has specialized in hostage rescue and reconnaissance missions.

Experts cited by The Telegram newspaper affirm that Israel will turn to Sayeret Matkal for his experience, but also to the Yamam special forces unit of the Israeli national police. The United States has offered to assist hostage rescue missions with planning and intelligence support.

Hostage crisis of unprecedented magnitude

“Israel has perfected the anti-terrorist hostage rescue mission.. “These units have been collecting intelligence and working closely with Mossad and Israel's Shin Bet service,” said Aaron Cohen, an Israeli special forces expert.

Any rescue mission risks causing the hostages to be executed at any moment

But things are much more complicated in Gaza than in that airport terminal. The enclave will supposedly be full of traps and defended by terrorist fighters. Enclave or enclaves because Tel Aviv does not have, as far as is known, information on whether the hostages are being held in a single location.

This is why Gaza is one of the most densely populated places in the world. EUROPA PRESS

How many, where and how

What we do know is the enormous difference, numbers in hand, between what was in 1976 and what is now.. In Entebbe there were a few terrorists and several Ugandan soldiers; now there are hundreds of Hamas militants. In that kidnapping, three Jewish hostages and a member of the commando died; now the casualties could multiply.

Finally, what Israel now faces is a kind of war, unequal, but war. This is how the country feels. Given that Hamas has already threatened to begin executing its prisoners in response to Israeli attacks on Gaza, any rescue mission risks resulting in the hostages being executed at any moment.

Von der Leyen and Metsola arrive in Israel to express support: "Terror will not prevail"

The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the president of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, arrived this Friday shortly before noon in Israel to convey their solidarity to the country for last Saturday's terrorist attacks by Hamas.

“I have arrived in Israel with the President of the European Parliament to express our solidarity with the Israeli people after the terrible terrorist attack by Hamas,” Von der Leyen wrote on the X social network.

“We are here with a message of solidarity after the worst terrorist attack that Israel has suffered in years. Terror will not prevail. How we respond matters. We can and must stop Hamas and do what we can to mitigate the humanitarian consequences,” Metsola said on the same platform.

The visit of the presidents of two of the most important EU institutions to Israel occurs six days after Hamas carried out its surprise attack by land, sea and air in Israel, which has left more than 1,300 dead – more than in the entire Second Intifada -, in addition to 3,200 wounded.

In Gaza, where the population is on the brink of the abyss, in a tide of destruction – without light, water or food – and without anywhere to go, the death toll from the bombings already exceeds 1,400 dead and 6,200 injured.

A teacher dies with his throat slit and two other people are injured after a stabbing at a high school in France

This Friday there was a stabbing at a high school in the French city of Arras (in the north of the country) that left a teacher dead and two others injured.. According to the French newspaper Le Figaro, the attacker – a former student – had entered the school and cut the teacher's throat while shouting Allahu Akbar (God is the greatest).

The events took place at 11:00 a.m.. Police sources have indicated to the BFMTV channel that the person stabbed was a teacher, while the director of the center is one of the injured, and that his condition is serious.. According to the aforementioned media, the third victim would be a technician at the center, whose life is in danger.

The assailant, about 20 years old and of Chechen origin, was being monitored by the secret services for his links to Islamic fundamentalism.. As a consequence, the National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor's Office (PNAT) has announced in a statement that it has taken charge of the investigation into charges of terrorist murder, attempted terrorist murder and terrorist association to prepare attacks.

Shortly after the event, a video recorded from the windows of the school itself has quickly circulated on social networks.. In the images you can see how the attacker, armed with a knife, attacks different people in the patio of the establishment. “It's the vice principal,” can be heard in the sequence.

The brother of the king of Belgium assures that the monarchy is a "medieval structure" unsuited to its time

Prince Lorenzo, little brother of King Philip of Belgium, assured this Friday that the monarchy is “a structure older than the Middle Ages” and that “it has not been sufficiently adapted” to the present.

“A royal family is based on a structure older than the Middle Ages. But this structure has not been sufficiently adapted until now, you could say that I live in the Middle Ages,” the prince declared in an interview published by the Flemish newspaper Nieuwsblad.

“What I don't understand is that society should always have a figure like that above society: a president, a prime minister, a king,” added the 59-year-old aristocrat about the form of government of democratic states.

The king's brother, who receives an annual salary of 366,000 euros from the Belgian State, frequently appears in the press in his country for his statements.

On the occasion of the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II of England, a little over a year ago, the prince criticized that he had not been invited to the funeral when “so many ordinary people are there, supposed officials who believe themselves important and people with excessive ambition.” , a situation he described as “shame.”

His official agenda suspended

Lorenzo of Belgium's controversies led to both his father, King Emeritus Albert II, and his brother, King Philip, suspending their agenda as representative of the country.

Among others, Queen Paola's youngest son was involved in a scandal when he met with the son of the then Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi in 2007 and 2008.. He also participated without authorization in an event at the Chinese embassy in his country in 2017 that cost him a financial penalty of 47,000 euros.

Malaysian airline MYAirline suspends operations and leaves 5,000 passengers on the ground

Malaysian low-cost airline MYAirlines has temporarily suspended operations due to financial difficulties, grounding around 5,000 passengers.. This closure has affected around 125,000 people who already had purchased tickets.

This Thursday the airline informed its passengers in a statement that it was “temporarily” suspending operations while it looked for ways to finance and restructure its shareholders.

The airline assures that it has made this “extremely painful” decision due to “significant financial pressures” that have made it necessary to suspend its operations pending shareholder restructuring and recapitalization.

“We deeply regret and apologize for making this decision, as we understand the impact it will have on our loyal passengers, dedicated employees and partners,” MYAirlines' board of directors said in the note, adding that it is working to lift the suspension and that Affected passengers can request a refund of their money.

The Malaysian company indicated that it assumes responsibility and that it understands the “frustration” of the affected passengers and employees.

“The board of directors, shareholders and all of us at MYAirline will work tirelessly to resume operations as quickly as possible, but at this time we cannot commit to any timeline.. “We reiterate our sincere apologies for any difficulties and inconveniences arising from this suspension and we will do our best to provide any updates that become available,” they say in a statement.

Malaysian Airports, the company that manages Malaysia's airports, said the suspension grounded about 5,000 passengers at Malaysian airports, as well as Dong Muang Airport in Bangkok.

Israel officially denounces beheadings of babies during Hamas attack

Israel denounced this Thursday the beheading of some babies, as well as the burning and murder of children in the “horrifying and monstrous” attack launched last Saturday from Gaza by the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, which sparked the war in the region.

The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also spread this Thursday on its social networks photos of babies burned at the hands of Hamas, and a senior Army official assured that he himself found a decapitated baby in an Israeli community near Gaza, and that his other colleagues saw more, without giving a specific figure.

While bodies are recovered and identified that add to the number of more than 1,300 deaths in Israel due to the Hamas offensive, which included a ground incursion into Israeli areas next to Gaza, a member of the Israeli Army's medical teams assured that he himself ” found a baby with its head cut off” among the more than 100 people murdered in Kibbutz Beeri, next to the Strip.

Members of his team found more decapitated children, added the source, reserve colonel Golan Vach, head of the National Rescue Unit in the Army's Internal Front Command.

“I don't think a baby with a severed head is an accident, a missile doesn't do this,” Vach said.

In his opinion, “terrorism means that a person enters the house of innocent people, kills the mother and cuts off the baby's head,” a scene that his unit encountered these days.

Likewise, this afternoon, in a publication on the social network

According to him, they are “horrifying photographs of babies murdered and burned by the monsters of Hamas”, a group that “is inhuman” and “like the Islamic State.”

A member of the ZAKA emergency teams, which is in charge of recovering bodies, told EFE on Wednesday that “he does not have numbers, but that there are many cases” of dead children in places like Kibbutz Beeri, the Israeli community where the biggest massacre of civilians these days.

“I myself took bodies of one-month-old, two-month-old babies, of burned children, of children who when I took them by the hands were still burning”. At the same time, he added that he knew of cases of “people who were tortured, raped and burned alive.”.

The head of ZAKA in the southern area of Israel, Yossi Landau, said this Thursday that he found “a pregnant lady on the floor” of her house, with “her stomach completely open, a fetus connected to the umbilical cord, stabbed with a knife, and the mother shot in the head.