De la Fuente: "I face it in Italy as if it were my last game. There you have the headline. Put it on"

SPORTS / By Carmen Gomaro

Luis de la Fuente faced his third preview of a match this Wednesday morning after Norway and Scotland. He has been seen calmer, more relaxed than other times, insisting on the idea that a title is at stake in two games and remarking several times that he is very calm. So much so that it has even facilitated the work of journalists by facilitating the choice of a headline.

On account of a question like any other, the coach played with the rumors that place him out of office if the image, and the result, against Italy are not good. “We don't think of anything other than playing a final. The one in Italy I see it as if it were my last game. Look, there you have the headline, put it. But it is that it is my philosophy. I always approach matches as if they could be the last. I've always worked like this,” he said half jokingly half seriously.

In fact, he did not want to enter if Luis de la Fuente is at stake in the game. He has simply valued the option of winning a title with just two victories. “This has to be a party, to be able to play against Italy. You can't ask for more, we are happy, very happy, we face it with an illusion that is out of the ordinary”, he explained in a display of vitality perhaps inappropriate for a title that has the pedigree that it has and that is being disputed in the throes of a very long season , World included.

He wanted to highlight the level that in his opinion his team has. “There is more than enough potential to be able to win any title. We have a very powerful selection”, he affirmed in another display of optimism. The coach took the opportunity to make it clear that Rodri and Laporte are fit to play, and that they have been celebrating for three days. More optimism: “This Spain-Italy could be the final of a European Championship or World Championship”. Almost nothing.

“As you know, I am the quiet man. I have the peace of mind that I control my work, I know what we want and that makes me feel calm. I have responsibility for everything I do. As the head of this group, I feel that we are representing a country that is with us to the death,” he concluded.