Pablo Laso signs for Bayern Munich until 2025

One year after his controversial departure from Real Madrid after 11 seasons in which the white club won 22 titles, including two Euroleagues, Pablo Laso has already found a new bench. He will train Bayern Munich, for which he has signed for the next two seasons according to the official announcement this Monday from the Bavarian club.
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It will be the first international experience for the coach from Vitoria, who before his time at Madrid went through Castellón, Valencia Basket, Cantabria and Gipuzkoa. After a sabbatical year in which Laso did not decide on any of the offers that were coming his way, he is joining a growing project with the aim of bringing him closer to the most powerful clubs in Europe. Despite having been playing in the Euroleague for the last five consecutive seasons, Bayern have never set foot in a Final Four: the furthest they got was three seasons ago, when they forced the fifth quarterfinal match against Armani Milan, and 2021. /2022, who repeated the script against Barça.
However, it is not the best sporting moment for the German club, which finished 15th in the Euroleague regular season and was recently eliminated in the BBL semifinals by Juan Núñez's Ulm. The Cup has been the last title that has been lifted this year.
The signing of Laso buries any debate about his state of health, the reason for the disagreement with Real Madrid after the heart problem he suffered last year during the semifinals against Baskonia. The technician always claimed to feel 100% and have the approval of the doctors and the necessary reports that endorsed his optimal condition.. “I would train tomorrow, of course. In fact, I could be training. But not anywhere. Not rush. There are days that I get up and say, why the hell am I not in a team. I see the Euroleague day, the ACB day… But I would be wrong if I only trained for the sake of training. For me it is important to do things well, that things have their way. I see basketball as something in which the players, the club and a coach have to go hand in hand. That is the potion of success or of getting a good job. It's not the money,” the man from Vitoria confessed in an interview with EL MUNDO a few months ago.
At Bayern, Laso will replace Andrea Trinchieri on the bench, who has been in charge for the last three seasons. The Italian was one of the names that sounded strongly as a possible replacement for Chus Mateo in the future of Real Madrid.
“It is a great honor and a pleasure for me to be in Munich. I would like to thank this great club for considering me part of writing Bayern's next chapter in the EuroLeague and BBL.. Of course, I would be happy to achieve similar success as in the past, but success is not solely defined by winning the EuroLeague, that should be clear to everyone.. I am 100% committed and ready to help Bayern reach the next level of this exciting project”, Laso said in his first statements, on the Bavarian club's website.
Later, at the press conference held at the Audi Dome, the Spanish coach -in the Bundesliga he will meet other nationals such as Israel Gonzáles (Alba de Berlín) and Pedro Calles (Oldenburg)- reflected on his idea of basketball, on ” heart of the team” and about this period without training. “I feel good. Too much has been said about my health. Honestly, this year I have decided not to train. It was good that I took some time to see and get the best chance.. For me it was difficult because I have that itch to train,” he said.
The 55-year-old Basque was received this weekend by the managing director of Bayer, Marko Pesic, and by the sports director, Daniele Baiesi, to finish closing the deal. His team will include Demond Greene as an assistant and Vladimir Lucic, a former Valencia Basket player, as captain.