Economy urges banks to act with "diligence" to respond to requests to the Code of Good Practices

ECONOMY / By Carmen Gomaro

The acting Government once again calls on the banks to expand the relief measures for mortgages, the so-called Code of Good Practices. He's done it twice in the last 24 hours.. First it was the first vice president, Nadia Calviño, yesterday in the Senate, and this Wednesday it was the turn of the Secretary of State for the Economy, Gonzalo García Andrés. The Executive wants the aid to reach more people and more quickly, which is why it has urged entities to be more active when processing applications for membership by households.. “I want to take this opportunity to ask the banking sector to please be extremely diligent in the processing of these operations,” said García Andrés..

The Secretary of State recalled that last week the Bank of Spain updated the data on applications to benefit from these measures. Until June, the bank had received 42,800 requests, of which around 3,800 had been accepted (9% of the total), 17,100 had been rejected (40% of the total) and 21,400 (50% of the total) were pending resolution. .

In the opinion of the Secretary of State, the favorable evolution of the economy and the behavior of the labor market have cushioned the impact of the rate increases on family contributions and the application of the code “is not reaching the levels that had been thought.” “. Originally, the Ministry of Economic Affairs estimated that the number of potential beneficiaries was one million people..

“It is essential that this instrument is applied and well, and that all families that are eligible under these codes have it,” he stated at the XXX Financial Sector Meeting organized by Deloitte and the ABC newspaper..

Nadia Calviño also spoke along this line yesterday, who promised in the Upper House to convene the banks “as soon as the Government is formed” to be able to extend the measures and benefits of the Code of Good Practices to average incomes for viable restructuring. of debts secured by a mortgage on the habitual residence.

Extraordinary tax

Regarding the controversial tax on banks and energy companies, García Andrés has indicated his surprise that, after the benefits that these entities are reporting, “the debate” that began on this tax is still ongoing when its creation was announced in July 2022.

“In the case of energy companies, as has been seen in the Observatory of Business Margins, there has actually been an increase in margins that is not due to a competitive situation in Spain, it is due to the functioning of the market, of refining, that is That is to say, there is a situation in which there has also been a very rapid increase in profits,” he noted, in words reported by Europa Press.

Furthermore, he recalled that Spain has “great needs” to finance certain investments, not only those of transformation, but also to improve the situations of families, which has been estimated at 50,000 million euros. “I think that there being an equitable contribution between the business sector and families is very reasonable,” he concluded.