From 1714 to Sánchez

Often, when I start reading a book, I can't resist the temptation and turn to the last page to see how it ends.

The same thing happened to me with the PSOE-Junts agreement of November 9. Since it is long, I read the first three paragraphs and the penultimate one. In the third he talks about how the whole mess – the 'conflict' they call it now – began with the Nueva Planta Decrees, in 1714, a consequence of Catalonia supporting the one that lost in the fight for the throne of Spain.

I jump to the last page, and there I find the solution to the secular conflict. Penultimate paragraph of 'Section III. Agreements': “The investiture of Pedro Sánchez, with the vote in favor of all the Junts deputies.”

Since I already know the end, I read the full text of the agreement. I also read the comments collected by the press.

On TV, I see the demonstrations in several cities against the agreement. It strikes me that there are neo-Nazi elements in them, and of course, far-right elements.

I went to the Salvador school, in Zaragoza. There I studied Latin, and I remember an expression, 'cui prodest', which means “who benefits.”. I wonder because it seems to me that if things are attributed to a party that are harmful to it, we would have to look for who is doing well with the neo-Nazis making a fool of themselves.

There are those who downplay the importance of the agreement, because they think that all those who say that it is nothing more than a set of concessions made by Pedro Sánchez to obtain the penultimate paragraph are wrong..

It's already done, I guess. Well, let's go for another progressive government.

We have a few years of much toad swallowing ahead of us. For example, when it is time to name those who want amnesty. For example, when Puigdemont pushes and pushes from Waterloo, where he has more strength than in Girona. For example, when Otegui speaks, whatever he says. For example, when they accuse anyone from the PSOE, Junts, Bildu, PNV, CC, Sumar, BNG, ERC of being a Francoist. For example, when one of these attacks the Monarchy. For example…

All this will be progressive.

By repeating what is progressive, we will end up believing it.

What I don't know is if, between some who like the agreement and others who don't like it, we will be able to love the country, which is what many of us swore a long time ago. (Some of us renewed our oath a few months ago).

I said 'we swore', and not 'we promised'. Because 'swearing' (“affirming or denying something, putting God as witness”) is not the same as 'promising' (“obliging oneself to do something”).

In the 'promise', which seems to me to be a devaluation of the 'oath', the Zapatero version comfortably fits, who assured that lies are not lies, but simple changes of opinion.

To finish, I copy what I wrote on October 11 on my networks “They ask me how this will end. I think we will repeat the socio-communist government and we will add a few separatists. I suppose the elections will not be repeated. Sánchez will do what is necessary – and the unnecessary – to stay in his chair. I think it is not a good time to modify the Constitution, because of not making changes in times of turbulence. It seems to me that the King does have a nice job there: to calm these kids with the “in order to prevent them, out of selfish nervousness, from making a modification to the Constitution, which is not a modification, but a botched one. It would not be the first.”

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