How much can a person who retires without having contributed for 15 years earn?

The duration of a person's working life is directly linked to the retirement pension they will receive when they decide to stop working to spend the last stage of their lives resting or enjoying free time with their family or friends.
Although Social Security establishes that workers who want to retire this 2022 will have to be 66 years and two months old and a minimum of 15 years of contributions, the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) also has a benefit for those who do not reach the 15 years quoted.
For these cases, workers can receive a non-contributory retirement pension (PNC), a type of benefit that is made through the Imserso and that is addressed “to all citizens over 65 years of age”, even if “they have not contributed or it has been done insufficiently to be entitled to a contributory pension”, they indicate from the Imserso website.
For this year 2022, the amount of non-contributory pensions “is set at 5,899.60 euros in full per year, which are paid in 12 monthly installments (421.40 euros) plus two extraordinary payments per year,” they explain.
However, the Imserso clarifies that the “updated individual amount for each pensioner is established from the aforementioned amount and based on the number of beneficiaries who live at the same address, their personal income and/or that of their economic unit of cohabitation, the amount cannot be less than the minimum of 25% of that established (1,474.90 euros per year, 105.35 euros per month)”.
In addition to ensuring an economic benefit, the non-contributory pension ensures “free medical-pharmaceutical assistance and complementary social services”.
Among the requirements to be able to access a non-contributory pension are being 65 years of age or older, not having sufficient income —when the income is less than 5,899.60 euros per year—, and residing in Spanish territory and having done so for a period of ten years, in the period between the date of completion of sixteen years and the accrual of the pension, of which two must be consecutive and immediately prior to the date of the application.