WYD is over, World Youth Day. A million kids have spent a few days waiting for the Pope, receiving him, listening to him and saying goodbye.
Of course, when so many people come together and, furthermore, those people are made up of kids, you cannot ask for there to be perfect order, although I was surprised by the absolute silence when what we Catholics call the 'Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament' was held.
A million people in a city for a few days has a significant economic impact. If, 'for the same price', many children try to fight to be good people and hear the Pope tell them to cheer up, not to be afraid, to get up if they fall, if they see them go to confession, we must ensure that the next WYD is in my town, San Quirico. In other words, exactly the opposite of NIMY (not in my yard), the slogan on the banners we hung in my neighborhood when someone tried to set up a funeral home there.
PS. 1
- Caesar's wife has to be honest and, at the same time, has to appear so. And the husband of César's wife, that is, Pedro Sánchez, also.
- Because Pedro told the King of Morocco that he was right in his dispute with Algeria, which caused us to have problems with Algeria and with the gas it sent us.
- Now, summer has arrived, Pedro decides to take a vacation. Deserved, he says and those who applaud him in Congress say. And his wife says the same, with all the reason in the world, because, with so much travel, there is no way for him to have dinner at home, with what he likes the potato omelette with a little onion.
- And where does it go? Well, he's going to Morocco.. And since people, especially those of the PP and -horror!- those of Vox, know geography and followed the dispute, they begin to talk about César's wife and make her lukewarm.
- And they make him warm, and they even mess with his cap -a bit tacky, it's true-, which he has put on, without a doubt to go unnoticed.
- I go over the indicators I like because I understand them. The deficit, high. The debt, high. The unemployment rate (percentage of unemployed people out of the total active population = 12.48%). Better than last month.
- In other words, Pedro, spend what you want, but out of your pocket. Don't ruin our deficit or public debt anymore.