Ribera concentrates in Catalonia and the Basque Country four of the six additional accesses to the electricity grid for 2026 in the middle of the electoral cycle

Catalonia and the Basque Country concentrate four of the six additional actions to increase the supply of electricity between now and 2026 and respond to demands that were not foreseen in 2020 and that appear together with others already planned in the specific and urgent modification of the planning of the electrical network that the Government has just approved. In total, there will be 23 new actions to supply “new demands”, of which 17 already appeared in the first proposal made in December by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition that caused a wave of protests among regional governments, which were missing points. of electrical connection in their territories and accused the third vice president, Teresa Ribera, of harming their economic development. In the final version, six others are added, two in the Basque Country – in Álava and Santurce -, another two in Catalonia – in Tarragona and Girona – and the other two remaining in Castilla-La Mancha and Asturias, both governed by the PSOE.
These new six actions to increase the electrical distribution capacity of the network, from substations to consumers, appear in the resolution of the Secretary of State for Energy that details the decision made by the Council of Ministers last week to expand in a “punctual” and urgent manner the planning of the electrical network for the period 2020-2026, with the aim of making room for new electrical supplies for industrial or business projects that were not planned when it was approved four years ago.
Since a first Ecological Transition proposal was known in December of last year, regional governments, particularly the PP, have not stopped demanding greater access to the network in the short term, without having to wait for new planning, for the period from 2026 to 2030. But, for now, the news is that there will be six additional actions to respond to “new demands” due to the need to guarantee new supplies in the Basque Country, Catalonia and Castilla-La Mancha.. In the first two cases, they are communities that have held or are going to hold elections after the Council of Ministers approved the modification of the electrical grid, although the dissemination of their details has been difficult.. The BOE did not publish the agreement until this Wednesday, two weeks later, and without adding the annex detailing the locations of the new electricity demands.
Ribera has added the construction, expansion or adaptation of electrical substations in these six points to an initial proposal that included 64 actions after a public consultation to which the communities announced that they would present more than a hundred projects in need of electricity supply, such as data centers, which did not appear in Ribera's initial proposal but which have preferred not to give details. Only the Community of Madrid, the most belligerent, announced that it would request access to the electricity distribution network for 80 projects.
Catalonia and Basque Country
The first of the two additional actions to meet additional high power demands in the Basque Country is located in Álava, because “supply needs of this type of consumers have arisen in the Vitoria area” and two substations will be adapted for this purpose. electricity with a cost for the system of 10.4 million. The second action is located in Santurce, to respond to the new electrical demands that have arisen in the port of Bilbao, in this case without additional cost for the system.. Precisely, Cepsa has just expanded its agreement with the Port of Rotterdam to deliver renewable hydrogen to the Netherlands by ship from Bilbao, a project that joins another already announced, which will depart from the port of Algeciras, in the so-called Andalusian Valley of the Hydrogen, which will also have greater access to the electrical network, through two other actions that already appeared from the beginning in this modification of network planning, with actions in the areas of Huelva and Algeciras.
These two new actions bring those planned in the Basque Country to three, since the initial proposal already included the construction of a new substation and the expansion of the existing one in Arrigorriaga, in Bilbao, with an investment of 6.5 million for respond to the interconnection with France through the Bay of Biscay.
As for Catalonia, the substation in the El Serrallo neighborhood of Tarragona will be expanded to respond to a new demand for electricity that has arisen there, to which is added the reinforcement of a transformer in Castellón in the same action at a cost to Red Eléctrica de 9.4 million. In the Riudarenes area, in Girona, the Government plans to create a new electrical substation by 2026 and modify the planning that had already been approved to feed the Barcelona-French Border railway axis and respond to new consumers. A third, already planned, is added in the metropolitan area of Barcelona for an additional cost of 10 million, in addition to part of another in the “Northeast zone” with an investment of 84.6 million that works in the metropolitan area of Zaragoza, the Esquedas (Huesca) and Vandellós (Tarragona) area.
Another additional one is located in Castilla-La Mancha, to expand the Brazatortas electrical substation (Ciudad Real), with a cost variation for the system of 1.1 million euros. It is added to another in Talavera (Toledo), 2.7 million for a substation. The list of new developments closes with Asturias, “in the industrial centers of Avilés, Gijón and their respective surroundings”, where between 2024 and 2026 two new substations will be built and another four will be adapted or expanded at an additional cost of 2.9 million .
Four other exceptional performances in Galicia
Along with the new actions to increase the electricity supply in Álava, Bilbao, Girona, Tarragona, Ciudad Real and Asturias, the Government has included in the network planning until 2026 another 17 that were already included in the first proposal, also for respond to equally exceptional electrical demands that were not foreseen in 2020 and permitted by law to meet urgent needs for security of supply or allow the viability of critical facilities for the energy transition and the electrification of the economy. In total, it will involve an investment of 489 million, 168 million more than in the first proposal.
Among them, there will be greater access to the network for actions in the Andalusian Hydrogen Valley, in the areas of Huelva and Algeciras with a total investment of eight million, and in Sagunto, where Volkswagen is going to build an electric battery gigafactory, with a cost of 62.1 million. Also to expand the Algete substation, in the Community of Madrid, in this case at no additional cost, as is also the case with another action, in Palencia and Valladolid, to respond to new demands in Castilla y León. There is also no additional cost for the expansion of the substation in Río Caya, Extremadura.
Together with Catalonia and also with four new actions in the network already facing 2026, Galicia is the second most benefited community. A new substation will be built in Vigo with a planned investment of 72 million and another in As Pontes (A Coruña), where another existing substation will be expanded at a cost of 13 million to respond to the electricity demand in an area where last year closed a thermal power plant and, in its place, Endesa, EDP and Reganosa already have authorization for a large deployment of renewable projects. There will also be a new substation and another one will be expanded in the Ferrol area, with an additional cost of 20.3 million, and the substation in Meirama (A Coruña) will be expanded, where there was also a thermal power plant, already closed.
There will be another 6.9 million to expand a substation and build another in Piélagos (Cantabria), 7.6 million for a new substation in the port of Palma and another 1.1 million to expand and repower the Fausita electrical substation, in Murcia.. Beyond 2026, its president, Fernando López-Miras, celebrated a few days ago in a press conference with Ribera the willingness he perceives in the Ministry to accept other electricity supply proposals for the next period, from 2026 to 2030 in the Escombreras Valley, in the Mar Menor area. “In a very initial way, the news that the vice president has given us is very good,” he said then.
Along with these actions that respond to “new demands” for electricity, the total of 73 specific actions exceptionally included in the network planning for 2026 are completed with nine for storage and renewable generation, three to cover operating demands and 38 to meet needs that arise in the execution of current Planning.