SEPE aid of more than 10,000 euros for workers who do not have the right to unemployment

One of the fundamental requirements to be able to collect the contributory unemployment benefit, better known as unemployment, will be to have contributed for a minimum of 12 months. However, those people who cannot access unemployment because they have worked less than a year, may be entitled to a subsidy for insufficient contribution or unemployment subsidy.
“Its duration will depend on the number of months contributed and whether or not you have family responsibilities,” explains Social Security. Also, “the contributions that serve to recognize this subsidy may not be taken into account to access a future contributory benefit.”
Amounts and duration of this financial aid
The amount of this subsidy is equal to 80% of the public multiple-effect income indicator (IPREM), that is, 480 euros per month. This help can be received for a period of 21 months, as long as six or more months have contributed, and if you have family responsibilities.
“In this case, the right will be recognized for six months, and it can be extended for periods of 6 months until its final duration,” the agency specifies.. Therefore, the person who meets these requirements will receive total aid at this time of 10,080 euros.
However, if you have family responsibilities and have contributed for 3, 4 or 5 months, the subsidy will last 3, 4 or 5 months, respectively. “If you do not have family responsibilities, the subsidy will last 6 months, if you have contributed 6 or more months,” they add.
Requirements to be able to collect this aid
These are the general conditions that must be met:
- Being unemployed or unemployed and in a legal situation of unemployment.
- Be registered or registered as a job seeker and maintain said registration throughout the period of perception and sign the activity agreement.
- Have contributed unemployment for at least 3 months, if you have family responsibilities, or at least 6 months if you do not, and less than 360 days. In the case of having contributed 360 days, you would be entitled to the contributory benefit.
- Not receive income of any type greater than 75% of the minimum interprofessional salary, without counting the proportional part of two extraordinary payments. Full or gross income will be taken into account.