The unions call the first strike in the history of Social Security for "lack of commitment" in the body

The CC OO and CSIF unions have called strikes, in the form of partial strikes on Fridays in May, in all Social Security centers due to “the deterioration of one of the public services with the greatest demand from the public.”

“The lack of troops, the aging of the workforce, the delay in the management of benefits and the breach of laws and agreements regarding personnel force us to call the first strike in the history of this organization,” both unions point out. in a joint statement on Thursday.

The strikes will take place every Friday in May, from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The centrals criticize that the “lack of commitment” of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations has caused a “chaotic” situation in which they can only “raise the level of demand”.

Reasons for the strike

For CSIF, this “lack of commitment” on the part of the Ministry of José Luis Escrivá shows the “constant evolution” of proposals for agreements on a Strategic Plan for Social Security “failed” from the beginning, with a lack of incentive character and lacking of the real diagnosis of the situation. headband

The union also complains about the lack of measures for the organization of human resources, through the creation of the Social Security Agency, as well as everything related to remote work, work calendar, training, prevention, productivity, action social security, provision of jobs, application of additional funds, internal promotion, partial retirement, job stability and public employment offer.

CC OO, for its part, has lamented the “lack of will” of Escrivá's department to give a negotiated solution to the problems that affect both the staff and the citizens as a whole: lack of personnel, delays in appointments and in recognition of benefits, closure of offices, as well as non-compliance with commitments regarding the provision of jobs, prevention of occupational hazards, productivity, training or internal promotion.

For this union, the Strategic Plan for Social Security has failed from the beginning due to the absence of a real diagnosis of the situation, of real incentives and the lack of commitment to comply in the short or long term.

“Given this chaotic situation, we are forced to raise the level of demand. We regret it, but at this time it is the best option to recover serious and dignified commitments for the squads and to offer a dignified service to the public”, CC OO has reiterated.

New Social Security measures

It was this Wednesday when it became known that Social Security will pay six euros for each citizen attended to workers assigned to direct care who want to join a voluntary plan that is going to be put into operation immediately to decongest the health care system. appointment.

This is an urgent plan while the incorporation and training of the 4,000 new workers with whom it is planned to reinforce the Social Security workforce is taking place.

In recent months, and in the face of criticism from the opposition, the Minister of Inclusion and Social Security, José Luis Escrivá, has reiterated in parliament that they are working to extend office hours and other measures to expedite and resolve the demand of the organism.

However, the convening unions indicate that the measures to be addressed are “of greater depth” in what affects the organization of human resources and the integration of the different Social Security entities in an agency.

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