This is what you can save with the regulated natural gas rate compared to the free market offers

The natural gas rates of the six main Spanish marketers are much more expensive than the bill paid by users who have contracted the Last Resort Tariff (TUR), regulated by the Government, according to a Facua analysis carried out at the beginning of May.
Thus, the offers of the companies analyzed (Endesa, Naturgy, Iberdrola, Repsol, CHC Energía and TotalEnergies) imply paying between 69 and 177% more for the energy consumed than with the regulated tariff, which was updated on April 1 with a significant drop.
The results of the study thus reflect the price difference between the free and regulated market rates. Despite the fact that the large natural gas traders have reduced the price of the kilowatt hour (kWh) in recent months, their rates are still much higher compared to the TUR.
The most expensive companies
In natural gas, three different rates are offered, depending on whether the home consumes less than 5,000 kWh per year, between that amount and 15,000 kWh or a higher figure.. Knowing this, Facua has made the comparison taking the first two profiles as a reference, starting from a family that consumes 400 kWh or 800 kWh per month.
When reviewing the rates per kWh for users who consume less than 5,000 per year, the highest are those of Naturgy (12.21 cents), Iberdrola (11.77) and Endesa (11.57).. The differences reach 147% with respect to the 4.94 cents per kWh in force since April 1 with the TUR. The company with the least expensive kWh, TotalEnergies, charges it at 8.33 cents, 69% more expensive than with the TUR.
In the case of users who consume between 5,000 and 15,000 kWh per year, the most expensive rates per kWh are again those of Naturgy (12.85 cents), Endesa (11.41) and Iberdrola (11.18). Up to 177% above the 4.64 cents/kWh currently paid with the TUR. In the case of the company with the lowest kWh price on the free market, also TotalEnergies (8.02 cents), its price is 73% above that established in the TUR for this consumption profile.
Therefore, Naturgy is positioned as the company with the most expensive offers, according to the study. A user with a consumption of 9,600 kilowatt hours (kWh) per year (800 per month) pays a monthly bill of 114.03 euros with this marketer, well above double the 47.10 euros to which his bill would be reduced if it had the regulated rate for homes with consumption between 5,000 and 15,000 kWh per year.
fixed rate
It is also important to take into account the fixed rate applied by the companies. With the TUR rate for consumption of less than 5,000 kWh per year, it amounts to 5.26 euros per month, while for those above and up to 15,000 kWh it rises to 9.95 euros per month.
In the case of the first user profile, the most expensive fixed rates are those of Repsol (6.80 euros) and CHC Energía (6.65 euros).. For those who consume more than 5,000 kWh per year, the most expensive are also those of Repsol (16.17) and CHC Energía (11.98).
Four marketers offer the TUR
The consumer organization advises the tariffs regulated by the Government. To do this, you only have to contact one of the four reference or last-resort marketers, which belong to the same business groups as the free market companies.
The distributors are: Baser Comercializadora de Referencia SA (EDP – TotalEnergies), Energía XXI Comercializadora de Referencia SLU (Endesa), Comercializadora Regulada, Gas & Power SA (Naturgy) and Curenergía Comercializador de Último Recurso SAU (Iberdrola).
With the TUR, a user who consumes 400 kWh per month currently pays 25.03 euros per month. In the free gas market, that user's bill can skyrocket to 55.13 euros, 120% more, in the event that they have contracted the current Naturgy offer. After this company, the most expensive with the aforementioned consumption profile are Iberdrola (52.92) and Endesa (52.74).
For a user profile with a consumption of 800 kWh per month, with the corresponding TUR – which applies to consumption between 5,000 and 15,000 kWh per year – pay a monthly bill of 47.10 euros. In the free market, the same user can pay up to 114.03 euros, 142% more, if they have the Naturgy offer. After her, the most expensive for this consumption profile are Endesa (102.91) and Repsol (102.05 euros).
All the offers analyzed in the free market are much more expensive than the regulated rate. The lowest, those of TotalEnergies, give rise to bills that in the best of cases are 54% more expensive than the TUR.