Three expenses that you still have time to deduct from the income statement

The term to present the Income Statement is open until June 30 and it is common for taxpayers to consult these dates for everything related to the preparation of their draft, especially everything related to the deductions that they can claim. .
Among all the deductions that exist, both state and regional, these are three deductions that you may not be aware of and for which you can deduct expenses in the declaration.
Deduction for large family or maternity
Current tax legislation contemplates a deduction for large families. This is a relief from the differential fee that can be applied from 2015. The maximum amount will be 1,200 euros per year, that is, 100 euros per month, “with an increase of 100% for large families in a special category.”
In the same way, the deduction for maternity supposes a tax benefit of up to 1,200 euros per year for each child under 3 years of age or adopted that gives the right to the application of the minimum per descendant.. This is a deduction that already existed for working mothers and that could be paid monthly or as a deduction from Income. As a novelty for 2023, this aid will be extended and will have a universal character to benefit all mothers, whether or not they are actively working for others or for themselves.
Deduction for rent
As a tenant, you can deduct your rent at the state and regional level, depending on the community.
Tenants who have formalized the rental contract prior to January 1, 2015 may deduct the rent in their declaration in the state section.. The Tax Agency explains on its website that 10.05% of the income paid in the 2022 financial year for the rental may be deducted, “provided that your tax base is less than 24,107.20 euros per year and, without prejudice to the deduction for rental of habitual residence that, where appropriate, for each financial year, has been approved by your Autonomous Community”.
Besides. If you are the owner and you rent a property, you must declare it in the income as it is considered a return on real estate capital. In such a way that you can deduct expenses such as home insurance, IBI or community expenses.
Deduction for a pension plan
The deduction for contributions to a pension plan reduces the amount on which personal income tax is calculated when processing the draft. Since 2022, the individual contribution to a private pension plan is 1,500 euros, although previously it was 2,000 euros.
On the other hand, the total contributions must not exceed 30% of the net income from work and activities. Likewise, the limit of contributions that the company can make in favor of the worker goes to 8,500 euros.