What does "return agreement" mean in the aid of 200 euros: how to know if you have been granted

The Tax Agency has a period of three months counted from the date of completion of the term to present the application to pay the aid of 200 euros of single payment granted by the Government to face the effects of inflation in a multitude of households and the consequent loss of purchasing power.

In this way, the term ended on March 31, 2023, so the deadline for the Treasury to pay the aid will be June 30, 2023.. There is still more than a month left for the processing of this check of 200 euros to be resolved, but many taxpayers can already see in the status of their application if it is in 'Added', 'Loaded', '0A' or if it has been agreed to return.

How to know if the application is accepted

To check the status of our application, we must access the portal enabled by the Tax Agency at its electronic headquarters, which can be accessed through this link. Once inside, we will have to go to the section 'Consult submitted applications' and enter the DNI and the date of validity to obtain the Cl@ve PIN, or access by means of an electronic certificate or digital DNI. When entering the application, we must click on the option 'Show applications in withdrawal status' to verify whether or not it is processed.

The option 'Return agreement' and the last date of the update may appear in the status. This means that the Tax Agency will soon pay the amount of the aid, since it has ordered the return after being accepted and processed.

And if they deny it?

On the other hand, the status of 'Alta' would indicate that the request has been sent and received correctly, although it would not yet be approved by the Administration.. Likewise, the status '0A' may appear in the status, which would refer to the fact that the application and bank account have been accepted, but that it is pending review before proceeding with the payment.

As the Tax Agency recalls, if the application is denied, the applicant will be notified of the denial resolution proposal. On the other hand, “after a period of three months from the end of the deadline for submitting the application without having made the payment or having notified a proposal for a negative resolution, the application may be understood to have been rejected.”

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