• The PSOE barons take positions in the Senate before the eventual internal reorganization
  • The PP consolidates its chances of victory and of reaching the majority with Vox

Politics in Spain is based on a more complex structure than it may seem at first glance.. It is a great administrative architecture that goes from councilors and mayors in the town halls to presidents of autonomous communities and deputies.

One of these organisms and one that is of vital importance for the nation is the Senate.. Despite the fact that it is not very visible nor is it the center of too many conversations, it is nothing more and nothing less than the Upper Chamber of the Cortes Generales and its duties have to do with the Autonomous Communities, although some tasks are shared with the Congress of Deputies, belonging to the Lower Chamber, as registered in the Constitution.

Therefore, the Senate is responsible for reaching cooperation agreements between the different autonomous communities and for managing the Interterritorial Compensation Fund.. In turn, any adjacent situation of an autonomous community that has the capacity to affect the rest of Spain remains under its control, in addition to making them comply with their legal and constitutional obligations.. They are in charge of carrying the legislative power in their hands, together with the Congress of Deputies. Which means that any intervention of this nature goes through the judgment of both estates.

How do you vote for the Senate?

To decide who will be a member of the Upper House, elections are held, in which citizens are provided with an appropriate ballot paper, which is recognizable by its orange color.. This vote is usually carried out at the same time as those of the Congress of Deputies, so the citizen must pay attention to what they are choosing in each election..

the process is simple. For each province, four senators are elected on open lists. However, there are exceptions to some of them.. Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Mallorca select three members of the Senate. The autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla each have two, and Menorca, Formentera, Ibiza, La Gomera, Fuerteventura, El Hierro, La Palma and Lanzarote, a senator. All of them must add up to a total of 265 members, counting those elected in the autonomous communities.

Not all senators are chosen through this process. After the elections, each autonomous community appoints a senator and another is added for every million inhabitants in its territory.. This means that more senators will be selected from the autonomous communities with the largest population. Once everyone is chosen, the main bodies that make up the Senate begin to function, which are: The Presidency, The Table, The Board of Spokespersons, the Plenary and the Permanent Deputation. All of them play a fundamental role and are necessary for the proper functioning of this political body.

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