It was one of the anecdotes and, also, one of the very few leaks of images that occurred from the wedding of Tamara Falcó and Íñigo Onieva. At one point during the ceremony, the fire from one of the candles in the candelabra on the nuptial altar lit the chasuble of one of the three priests who officiated at the marriage..
Linked to the diocese of Valencia, where he is episcopal vicar for Culture and Institutional Relations appointed by Cardinal Antonio Cañizares, who was archbishop until autumn 2022, Father José Luis not only appears giving spiritual support to the famous homeland. He is also playing an influential role behind the scenes in the internal life of Vox in the Valencian Community and in the distribution of the positions that correspond to those of Santiago Abascal in the coalition government pact with the Popular Party of the new president Carlos Mazón, in whose Government Elisa Núñez, niece of the religious, has been appointed Minister of Justice by the voxist quota.
Linked to the Catholic University of Valencia, where he has been vice-rector and senior chaplain, the priest, who has not responded to messages from El Confidencial, is known for his ability to discreetly weave social relations and move between the local bourgeoisie and Catholic environments. “He likes to move out of the spotlight and have the ability to influence,” explain those who know him. His was the initiative to move the name of Núñez as Minister of Justice in compliance with the pact between Vox and the Popular Party, according to ESdiario..
The movement upset the local structure of Vox, which, for the moment, has seen how almost none of the people who held starting positions in the regional candidacies have held first or second level positions in the regional government.. Only José Luis Aguirre, who was facing his second legislature as regional deputy, has been placed as Minister of Agriculture. The main candidate for the position of Núñez, the former provincial president of Vox, José María Llanos, was left without options to access the Council after the statements in which he denied sexist violence.
The team formation process has generated discomfort in the local structures of Abascal's party. Despite having been an appointment within the Vox quota, Núñez, a lawyer and lawyer accredited before the Metropolitan Ecclesiastical Court of Valencia, is a person who has been linked to the Popular Party. She was an adviser to the Ministry of Cooperation during the Rafael Blasco period, later convicted of diverting public aid to developing countries, and she is related to José María Felip, who was one of Blasco's trusted men.. Fan of mountains and hiking, the new councilor and Felip have participated in activities of the Aitana Mountain Group of the Spanish Youth Organization (OJE) in the Valencian Community.
José Luis Sánchez, according to sources familiar with El Confidencial, not only would have had enough ancestry to convince those around Santiago Abascal and the new president of the Generalitat, the popular Carlos Mazón, with a direct link to the leader of Vox, of the desirability of placing Núñez as head of the Department of Justice. With good relations at the time with the powerful Minister of Culture in the previous stage of the Popular Party, Consuelo Císcar, the priest has also promoted names such as the theologian and artist of conceptual religious pieces José Cosme, director of the Chair of Art Contemporary Latin American shared by the Catholic University of Valencia and the Valencian Institute of Modern Art (IVAM) and a person also linked to the conservative Valencian bourgeoisie.
However, Cosme does not seem to have passed the casting of Vox recruiters so far, among whom Ignacio Hoces, deputy in Congress for Badajoz, but also Montserrat Lluís, current general director of Coordination and Social Interaction of the Board. from Castile and Leon. In Vox's hypervertical structure in decision-making, Lluís has acquired an important role when it comes to filtering names, according to the same sources, even above regional leaders such as provincial president Ignacio Gil Lázaro.
Considered the shadow of the Castilian-Leonese vice president of Vox, Juan García Gallardo, and the liaison with Abascal, Montserrat Lluís was deputy director of the ABC newspaper and general director of the Episcopal Conference media grouped in Ábside Media (COPE and Trece TV), until she was removed from office due to internal group quarrels. Lluís was announced as number eight by Madrid on the Vox list for Congress in the general elections on July 23, but this forced him to resign from the position in Castilla y León, which is why, finally, he disappeared from the candidacy.
The ultra-conservatives, who have had problems finding profiles to cover the second and third echelons in the Generalitat Valenciana, have finally chosen the unpopular Paula Añó as regional secretary of Culture and number two to the first vice president, the former bullfighter Vicente Barrera. Añó has also passed through the heir parties of Ciudadanos in Catalonia BCN Canvi and Valents, and became known for his positions against independence. Specialized in communication and with postgraduate degrees in International Relations and Business, she is now returning to her hometown, Valencia, where she already advised the Ministry of the Environment in the previous stage of the Popular Party, before the 2015 change, according to her resume. distributed by the Generalitat.