82.7% of Bildu militants support facilitating the investiture of Chivite in Navarra with their abstention

The militancy of EH Bildu has decided that the parliamentarians of the abertzale formation abstain to facilitate the investiture of the socialist María Chivite as president of the Government of Navarra.
Specifically, the consultation carried out this Wednesday to its bases in Navarra has shown that 82.7% support the position of abstention raised by the leadership of the independence party, compared to 12.7%. And it is that the Political Table in the region had a clear position on the matter: “In Navarra there are progressive majorities and the citizens do not want the right to govern neither in Navarra nor in Madrid.”
“A vast majority of the bilkides endorse the political reading of the EH Bildu Nafarroa Roundtable for which it is proposed to facilitate the investiture of Chivite through abstention,” the party said on social networks. The Board of the Parliament of Navarra has set the investiture debate of the socialist for Monday the 14th and Tuesday the 15th, despite the fact that initially the president of the Navarre Parliament, Unai Hualde, anticipated Saturday the 12th and Sunday the 13th as dates to develop it. The politician from Geroa Bai referred to this on Thursday: “They wanted to have complete legal certainty that a possible appeal could not delay things beyond Monday.”
Taking into account article 42.2 of the Regulations of Parliament, PSN, Geroa Bai, EH Bildu and Contigo-Zurekin have finally agreed to convene the investiture plenary for next Monday. Said section stipulates that the presentation of a reconsideration by a group automatically suspends the processing of any decision of the Board until it, within a maximum period of four days, issues a resolution.
This joint decision has been taken taking into account that this Wednesday the leader of UPN, Javier Esparza, showed a position against advancing the deadlines.
In this way, it would be in the second round where the socialist, with the abstention of Bildu, would get the required simple majority -more yeses than noes-. 21 votes in favor (PSN, Geroa Bai and Contigo-Zurekin), 20 against (UPN, PP and Vox) and nine abstentions (EH Bildu). In this sense, the force led by Arnaldo Otegi has some key votes in the foral region. That, in addition to increasing its group by two seats, it was the third force with the most votes in the regional elections of 28-M in Navarra.
And although Aznal pointed out this Wednesday that “we do not feel linked to this agreement because it is not ours”, he added that “the investiture can be a starting point that opens a four-year path to continue advancing”. With regard to a future immersion in political support, the regional deputy said: “We have made our total predisposition to advance our priorities: expanding rights, strengthening public services and self-government.”
These statements were made in a context in which representatives of the Socialist Party of Navarra (PSN), Geroa Bai and Contigo-Zurekin met with EH Bildu on Wednesday to convey and explain to him the programmatic agreement they presented to form a government.