92.9% of the bases of Podemos give full powers to the Executive to decide whether to agree with Sumar before midnight

There was no option to surprise. The Podemos militancy, with 92.92% of the votes, has granted full powers to the party Executive to make the momentous decision before midnight on whether to merge with Sumar in a unity candidacy or if, on the contrary, The conditions proposed by Yolanda Díaz are not accepted and you have to attend the general elections alone. The leadership headed by Ione Belarra and Irene Montero already has carte blanche to determine the future of Podemos without the bases having to vote for it.
The surprise and express consultation held between yesterday and today yields the following results. Yes, 92.92% (49,089 votes). No, 6,75% (3.568). Blank, 0.33% (172).
A total of 52,829 registered people have participated. It is not possible to determine the participation data because the training has not offered the census data. Yes, the election of Belarra as general secretary in the IV congress of the purple formation, in which 53,443 voted, is a reference.
The question posed by Podemos was the following: “Do you accept that the Podemos Coordination Council, following the unity criteria set by the State Citizen Council, negotiate with Sumar and, where appropriate, agree on an electoral alliance between Podemos and Sumar? “. The answer, by an overwhelming majority, is yes.. That this body made up of 26 people has full power to decide.
Now that the consultation has been held, the question that everyone is asking is whether this means that there will be an agreement. It is not known. It is true that if the “no” had come out, the confluence would have died immediately. But the “yes” does not bring the decision closer or further away, it only authorizes the purple leadership to decide without counting on the bases and to answer internal pressures that it has the legitimacy of the militancy to decide what it wants.
In the party there is strong internal pressure, especially from the regional leadership, to lower the conditions and agree. However, the hard core does not seem inclined to sacrifice Irene Montero, who appears as one of the great obstacles to the pact.
The formulation of the referendum question holds an ace up its sleeve for the leadership. He appeals for the electoral alliance to follow “the criteria of unity set by the State Citizen Council”. This is the trick that the leadership of Podemos reserves to break with Díaz, since the “criterion” that this body set is that the purple party has to have a leading role in the coalition.
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The final decision will rest with the so-called Coordination Council, which is the official name of the Executive.. This body is made up of 26 people.. At the head is Belarra as general secretary. With her are the best-known faces of the party: Irene Montero, Lilith Verstrynge, Pablo Echenique, Isa Serra, Ángela Rodríguez Pam, Rafa Mayoral, Nacho Álvarez, Pablo Fernández, Javier Sánchez Serna or Julio Rodríguez.
Likewise, there are some of the regional leaders: Jesús Santos (Community of Madrid), Irene de Miguel (Extremadura); both critical of management positions; Pilar Garrido (Basque Country), Noemí Santana (Canary Islands) and Sofía Castañón (Asturias). Or the candidate for the regional elections of Madrid, Alejandra Jacinto.
Other leaders are María Teresa Pérez, Idoia Villanueva, Teresa Arévalo, Alejandro Zapico, Juanma del Olmo, Pau Vivas, Antón Gómez-Reino and Serigne Mbayé. There is also Jaume Asens, who belongs to the commons and who is not used to participating in these meetings.