A man is gored in the jugular 10 centimeters deep in a bull run in Blanca

SPAIN / By Carmen Gomaro

A man has been hospitalized after receiving a goring to the neck 10 centimeters deep that cut his jugular and sternocleidomastoid muscle during the first bullfighting of the Blanca festivities, in Murcia.

It was a steer from Pablo Mayoral's farm that injured the man, a foreigner who ran a bull run for the first time.

The victim, after suffering a left laterocervical cut and a right frontal contusion, has been treated at the scene by the toilets, who have been in charge of hemodynamic stabilization and primary hemostasis.

Subsequently, he was taken in a mobile UVI to the La Vega-Lorenzo Guirao hospital, in Cieza, and his prognosis is reserved.