A mayor of Granada resigns for the "transphobia" that she believes is led by Carmen Calvo

The trans activist Sandra Rodríguez Salas has announced this Tuesday that she is no longer acting councilor of the PSOE government team in Granada due to what she considers “latent transphobia” that exists in this party, and especially after Carmen Calvo heads the socialist candidacy in this province for the July 23 elections.

The mayor, who has had responsibilities for Employment, Youth and Entrepreneurship in the outgoing local government, explained at a press conference that this step represents a “symbolic resignation” of a municipal team that belongs to a party “parasitized by a latent transphobia absolutely worrisome,” he said..

He has accused the PSOE of having approved the so-called Trans Law “reluctantly, like someone who has a tooth removed without anesthesia”, and has placed former minister Carmen Calvo as the “most visible head” of a “transphobic movement”.

“The PSOE's auction is to put it as number 1 on its lists for Granada for Congress, it is intolerable,” said Rodríguez Salas, who has added that he cannot remain silent about this situation “in any way” in front of the person who considers that he has done the most damage to trans people.

According to the councilor, within the PSOE there is a “misnamed feminism”, understanding that you cannot be a feminist by excluding trans people and considering them “intruders”..

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