A municipal police officer throws a councilor from EH Bildu off the balcony of the Estella Town Hall for taking out the ikurriña

An agent of the Municipal Police of Estella has removed this Friday from the balcony of the town hall of the Navarrese town the councilor of EH Bildu Elisabet Ciordia after she exhibited an ikurriña during the chupinazo to start the municipal festivities.

The action has been criticized by the abertzale coalition on its social networks in which it has censured that the mayor has been “removed by force”. Some facts that “show once again the way forward: it is time to respect the right to freedom of expression”.

The spokesperson for EH Bildu in the Parliament of Navarra, Laura Aznal, has expressed her support for Elisabet Ciordia on her Twitter profile and has considered “this type of behavior on the part of the Municipal Police unacceptable”. “It is time to definitively overcome the struggle between symbols and respect freedom of expression”, has defended.

On this same social network, the general coordinator of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi, has written “Lizarra, where the fascists shot the mayor of the PNV Fortunato Agirre and where his heirs treat the flag he defended and a representative of the popular will in this way.
Not pass!”.

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