A UN committee asks Morocco to investigate the Melilla tragedy and punish those responsible


The UN Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (CMW) has called on Morocco to carry out an “independent and serious investigation” into the tragedy last month of June in Melilla and prosecute and punish those responsible for it.

In its report on the situation in this matter in the Alaouite kingdom, the committee expresses “its deep concern” for the death of 23 people and the dozens of injuries left by “the actions of the Moroccan security forces against migrants at the border post between Nador and Melilla”. Likewise, it has expressed its concern about the “complaints of other acts of violence, including racial discrimination and destruction of private property and food” in the months prior to these events “against refugees and migrants living in informal accommodation in Nador and its surroundings”.

Thus, the UN Committee has demanded that Morocco carry out “independent, serious and rapid investigations” into these events and that it make the report resulting from said investigation public. and punish those responsible for these violations of Human Rights, particularly the State agents involved, “with penalties proportional to the infraction”, in addition to adopting measures to guarantee that this type of act is not repeated.

Finally, the committee calls on the Moroccan State to act so that “victims and their families have access to adequate reparation and compensation.”