The president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, this month attacked the Partido Popular with its “incomprehensible partisanship” for not participating in the mass demonstration against amnesty held on Sunday in Madrid in which 100,000 people participated, according to the Government Delegate. For this reason, Abascal urged the popular to join a new call for civil society, scheduled for November 18 also in the capital, to which Vox has already confirmed its presence.
This is a rally called at 12:00 p.m. in Cibeles by the Fundación Foro Libertad y Alternativa, Foro España Cívica, Unión 78, Convivencia Cívica Catalana and a good part of the groups participating in Sunday's event in Colón, such as Pie en Pared or Neos.
“There is no doubt, we will be there supporting this mobilization, without any type of partisanship,” Abascal announced this Monday, who appeared by surprise at the Vox headquarters to celebrate the impressive attendance numbers at the rally organized by Denaes – the foundation of the one that Vox was born -, well above the 20,000 people that the PP gathered at the same time in the center of Malaga and even higher than the 60,000 that participated in the great popular rally on September 24 in the Plaza de Felipe II, in Madrid.
Therefore, in response to the response from the street, the president of Vox said he was “committed” to “permanent, constant and growing mobilization”, and called on the main opposition party to put aside the acronyms and participate alongside others. political and civic formations at the event on Sunday, November 18.
The PP sows doubt
The separate celebration of both demonstrations has opened a fight between the PP and Vox over attendance figures. This Monday, the general coordinator of the popular parties, Elías Bendodo, expressed his surprise at the fact that both the organization of the event – a foundation related to Vox – and the Government Delegation – dependent on the central Executive – coincided in the number of participants. in Columbus. Some statements that irritate the Vox leadership.
The general secretary of the party, Ignacio Garriga, in fact, called Bendodo's words “ridiculous” and “unacceptable”, at the same time that, like Abascal, he demanded that the main opposition party stop calling for its own events and join to the calls of civil society, whose response on the streets is proving relentless.
“It is not time to raise acronyms, but to raise the national flag,” requested Vox's number two. “We do not understand how they are concerned about these partisan fights,” Garriga launched in the direction of Genoa.
Genoa maintains a particular agenda
But the proposals launched from Bambú seem to have no impact or repercussion in Genoa for now.. For the moment, the PP maintains its own agenda and will continue to call events under its political brand, just as they did on September 24 in Madrid or on Sunday in Malaga.
The next stop, in fact, was announced this Monday, just an hour after Vox urged Feijóo to join the event on November 18: next Sunday the popular will hold a new rally in Valencia, but from the event of the 18th Now no one confirms or denies anything.
“It will not be the last” that the formation calls for or in which it participates, advanced the general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, so as not to rule out the presence of the popular ones at the event.. The PP already participated in the Catalan Civil Society demonstration on October 8 in Barcelona, where it coincided with Vox.