Movements in the Vox leadership. The party's vice president of Political Action, Jorge Buxadé, reinforces his organic power by also becoming responsible for the legal coordination of the party from now on.
The change, announced this Friday by Libertad Digital, already appears in the official organizational chart of the Vox website. Buxadé assumes control of the party's legal area, which includes the legal advice that Marta Castro will continue to provide, in charge of the party's legal roadmap who designed a good part of the formation's actions in the courts throughout the last legislature.
With this move, Santiago Abascal grants even more internal control to Buxadé, who continues to be Vox's number three at the political level – only surpassed, in addition to Abascal, by the general secretary, Ignacio Garriga – and from now on he will also be in charge of the legal training strategy.
The party also makes other changes in its leadership. Vox relieves Juanjo Aizcorbe of Vox management, although he will continue with “control and oversight tasks in the Management Committee”, they point out from the training. He will be replaced by Javier Cortés, leader of Vox both in Seville and in the Parliament of Andalusia. The change occurs in the midst of controversy surrounding the party's accounts, after the Court of Auditors has indicated that the party did not provide the required documentation to justify the entry of more than 300,000 euros in cash.
Buxadé, who is also leader of the Vox delegation in the European Parliament, had been keeping a low profile for several weeks by not participating in the usual press conferences that Vox holds on Mondays.. Despite being the organic spokesperson for the formation, in recent times it is Garriga who appears before the media. A decision that responds, according to the party, to pure alternation.
With this promotion, Abascal accentuates the power of his hard core in the leadership of the party, which has grown more in recent months. Vox, which is preparing more changes in its vice-secretariats, has recently appointed Ignacio de Hoces, a key man in the negotiations in Extremadura, parliamentary coordinator of the formation, and Montserrat Lluís, former right-hand man of Juan García-Gallardo in the vice presidency of the Board of Castilla y León, deputy secretary of Government Action.
In addition, María Ruiz continues as vice-secretary of Territorial Organization and Institutional Relations and Manuel Mariscal as vice-secretary of Communication.