Abascal starts the campaign with a triple message: cursed land, Feijóo territory and "definitive" assault on Moncloa

For weeks the hard core of Vox has been working tirelessly. The electoral advance took those of Santiago Abascal already preparing the campaign towards 23-J, who see this appointment on their calendars as “definitive” after nine years on the road due to the grandeur of the call and the enormous challenge: reaching La Moncloa and have in his power the governance of the country. To be guarantors of the cycle change that millions of Spaniards long for, they say.

In Vox “surprises” were advancing during the campaign and Santiago Abascal will reel off news about his plan at each stage of his caravan if he accesses the central government. It will be a long and “very tough” campaign, they warn from the heart of the party. The preview, in fact, has already started: this Monday, the president of the formation, on his first day of travel through Spain between now and July 23, will make a stop in Galicia -specifically in the city of La Coruña-, territory of Alberto Núñez Feijóo and currently the main wasteland of Vox, which has not managed to expand to this region the success that 28-M was in practically the rest of the autonomies.

Galicia only held municipal elections last month, but the result is still very delicate for those of Abascal, who barely have an organic structure in the region and only garnered one councilorship. The party, in any case, multiplied its votes in this autonomy and went from 9,581 to 21,406 supports in a region where the right-wing vote goes en bloc to the PP. “Let no one say again that Vox has no place in one place or another or that we are doomed to disappear,” warned yesterday the general secretary of Vox, Ignacio Garriga, about precisely the strong growth that the formation has registered throughout the national map in regional and local elections.

Previously, Abascal will have visited Valencia, emblem and icon of the model that Vox seeks to replicate in all the negotiations that it is keeping open for now. The president of Vox has an eye especially on the Region of Murcia, where contacts will begin on Wednesday in the Assembly to propose a candidate for the presidency of the Region, and also in Aragon after the agreement with the PP that gave its formation the presidency of the Table, in a similar way to the Balearic Islands.

In these last two autonomies, Vox continues to calibrate and study the option of requiring both Jorge Azcón and Marga Prohens to form part of the government, while in Murcia Fernando López Miras barely needs the abstention of two deputies, which makes the options that Vox can form part of the future territorial Executive. But in all these enclaves, and with an eye on 23-J, the slogan at Vox is to try to reach an agreement like the one in Valencia or Castilla y León in 2022 and not give in to the “game of gamblers” of the pp.

Yesterday, after the Ordinary General Assembly of Vox, Abascal brought together the new Vox family in Ifema: the organic structure of the party and the veteran territorial leaders -Juan García-Gallardo, currently the only regional vice president of Vox, although due to a matter of days – were joined by the recently elected party officials in numerous regions who now have the future of the party in their hands at the institutional level and who, exalted on 28-M, have achieved the territorial implantation of Vox to the point of making it an indispensable force throughout Spain.

But Abascal, who celebrated the family photo and with it ruled out any threat of internal “anxiety”, outlined for the first time what will become of “those who are in charge of the project” in as short a time period as one year.. “It is likely that many of us who are here are not. It is probably not even me, “he said in a retrospective tone to conclude that, “whoever is” at the controls of the device, “these ideas are not going to disappear”. A loud statement that generated murmurs among the public and that Abascal used to influence that “the deep truths” on which the principles of Vox are based are immovable, and will be inherited by the following leaders of the formation.

With this idea, Abascal threw the last dart at the PP: Vox will not betray its program or its voters in order to give away governance to Alberto Núñez Feijóo. Some approaches that are applied to regional negotiations but that are beginning to take on a national form. “What is happening is so serious that we cannot deviate,” Abascal said yesterday in relation to the fact that the struggle between the PP and Vox cannot eclipse that “very important and definitive” objective, which is to achieve a change of cycle. A thesis that both in Génova and in Bambú defend.

The Vox leadership shields its power after its territorial expansion

In full territorial expansion of Vox, which has entered a large number of regional parliaments and hopes to do so in various regional governments as it has already done in important city councils, the party leadership strengthens its power. The militancy of the formation approved yesterday in the General Assembly the new modification of the statutes that, for example, introduce sanctions to those delegations that fail to comply with “instructions” from the leadership, as well as to those militancy or positions that with their actions “damage the public image of Vox». “The extraordinary growth” of Vox, said Jorge Buxadé, forced to “adapt” the statutes to include “organizational and technical-legal improvements.”

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