Abascal warns the PP that he cannot count on the votes of Vox "for free" and claims as a guarantee for "a great change"

The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has warned the leaders of the Popular Party this Sunday that they cannot count on the “free” votes of their party to govern and has accused them of “selling the bear's skin before hunting it”, warning that Vox will not give in to any “pressure” and will not act as a “broom car” for the popular.
“They are a bit cool,” Abascal accused, pointing directly to the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and the president of Murcia, Fernando López Miras, for having said during the electoral campaign that his aspiration is not to depend on Vox to govern.
At a rally in Ciudad Real, Abascal has acknowledged that he is “concerned” to see that the members of the PP “are not thinking of a real alternative” to the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, and only aspire to “a replacement in the chair”.
“Feijóo says that he wants to govern alone and that Vox will have to support him, but why?” He asked, then addressing López Miras: “That man who is not going to have an absolute majority either, whom we still won”. Abascal believes that the popular ones are “selling the bear's skin before hunting it” and the Spaniards at the polls are the ones who will decide if they want the PP to govern alone, if they want it to be in a coalition or even if they want Vox to govern.
In fact, he has encouraged whoever gives their “free” votes to the PP not to vote for Vox. “Whoever wants us to hand over trust, principles and expectations to another party that has already betrayed us so that they waste it again, that does not vote for us, that votes directly for the PP”, he has offered, raising Vox as a guarantee for “a great change” and “repeal all socialist policy”.
As he recalled, Vox already presented himself with this commitment to the regional elections of Castilla y León in February 2022 and later “it was very easy to negotiate” because “there was no political or media pressure” that would make them change their position. “And now there is going to be no pressure that can with us because we are here to defend our principles, freedoms and to defend Spain,” he has advanced.
Abascal has made this warning to the PP at the rally in Ciudad Real -accompanied by the candidate for Mayor, the deputy Ricardo Chamorro; and for number one on the list to the Presidency of the Board, David Moreno-, insisting on the importance of removing Pedro Sánchez from the Moncloa Palace and the Socialists from all institutions “as soon as possible”. “You have to kick them out, they can't stay another minute, they are a danger to Spain, a catastrophe, a plague,” he claimed.
Housing and Interrail
Thus, he has insisted that “every second that they are in power is a second that Spain loses” and has alluded to the Executive's pacts with Bildu and the inclusion of those convicted of terrorism on their electoral lists, for the purposes of applying the law of the only yes is yes or to its energy policy.
In addition, he has accused Sánchez of announcing “housing for all” just four months before the general elections and has asked what the Socialists have done in this matter during the decades that they have governed. The Vox leader believes that there are plans that have worked, with which “many people and land have been given houses”, but “the socialists have not been”. Among them, he has cited the National Housing Institute or the colonization plan, promoted by Francisco Franco in 1939.
He has also criticized the announcement of subsidizing the Interrail and has described as “unbearable” to see the “botarate” (alluding to Sánchez) encouraging young people to take advantage of it this summer. “Come on, what do I pay, open bar -he has censored-. You scoundrel, you are a scoundrel, go home.”
In addition, Abascal has once again charged against the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, as he did this Saturday in Guadalajara, and has denied that he can distance himself from Sánchez's policies in La Moncloa.
“Page is Bildu's partner, he is from the Socialist Party that has lied to the voters and has agreed with Bildu, with Catalan separatism and has taken them to the Council of Ministers,” he warned, encouraging him again to found “his own party” if Sánchez's policies “bother” him so much and that he stop “misleading people”.