Add ugly to the PSOE that spends 500,000 euros in "bombing" with propaganda in networks
Sumar makes a difference with the PSOE and makes it ugly that it uses “more than half a million euros” in tools to “bomb users of social networks”. In the final stretch of the campaign, with the parties throwing in the rest to scratch votes through all available channels, Yolanda Díaz's party echoed the information published by El Confidencial to make visible the inequality of weapons in her battle with the PP and the PSOE. As this medium has revealed, the Socialist Party has dedicated 600,000 euros to software that helps identify specific segments of the population, and then send them an avalanche of messages and thus mobilize them.
The confluence to the left of the PSOE, which has already raised three million euros in microcredits -its final objective- to pay for part of its electoral campaign, alludes to this tool in a message sent to its registered. “Today we have learned that PP and PSOE spend hundreds of thousands of euros on digital advertising. For example, the PSOE has spent more than half a million euros on software to bombard users of social networks,” reads the text..
Díaz's formation thus demands “help” to obtain the necessary financing “to reach every Instagram, Twitter, Facebook account… to every screen in our country”. “In Sumar we do not have the resources of the big parties, but we have the strength and collaboration of thousands of hard-working and committed people like you,” they abound..
Since the campaign began, emails to encourage donations have been common, sometimes almost daily. “If you and thousands of people contribute so that proposals like this reach those who are waiting for them, we can exceed all expectations in this last week of the campaign