Andalusia was not enough for the sum of the right

The map explains the result. More blue than red, but a lot of red in Catalonia, with a province of Barcelona turned into a socialist fortress that propped up the defeat in the polls and Sánchez's footing to try to resist after 23-J, although in the hands of Junts and with hellish governance, if he tried to investiture.
ANDALUSIA. The PSOE managed to resist in the province of Seville, but it did not prevent a general defeat of the left in Andalusia. The PP with 25 seats and Vox with 9 brought the overall result to 34-27 in favor of the right-wing bloc. The same result that would have resulted from extrapolating the 2022 regional elections, although with a narrow margin and a PP far below the percentage of Juanma Moreno's result.
CATALONIA. The spectacular result of the PSC in Barcelona explains the election night. The Socialists get 13 deputies in the constituency, their best result since 2008. The collapse of ERC left it below even the PP in the province. The 19 seats that the PSOE takes from Catalonia compensate for all its losses in other territories, while Sumar maintains the 2019 result with 7, ERC ties Junts at 7 and the PP remains at 6, without a seat in Lleida or Gerona.
MADRID. Feijóo failed to replicate the Ayuso effect. The PP won with 15 deputies, but the PSOE improved to 11 and Vox was behind Sumar. The right settled for 20-15, which would have been 22-15 with the results of 28-M. Two seats lost without the wake of Ayuso that could be key when it comes to forming the next government.
VALENCIAN COMMUNITY. One of the regional governments in which PP and Vox agreed after the autonomic ones. Focus of controversy, but not of electoral punishment. The PP is the force with the most votes and wins 13 seats, compared to 11 for the PSOE, 5 for Vox and 4 for Sumar. In other words, the right would retain a comfortable majority in this territory despite the recent agreements.
CASTILE AND LEON. No changes between blocks compared to four years ago. The five seats that Vox loses, which is left with only one deputy for Valladolid, are won by the PP -18-, while the PSOE resists with 12 and Sumar leaves empty.
GALICIA. The Feijóo effect that did not exist in Madrid did occur in Galicia. BNG keeps one seat, Sumar retains the two from Podemos. But the PSOE loses three -from 10 to 7- which the PPP wins -from 10 to 13-.
CASTILLA LA MANCHA. One of the focuses of the night was on the dual vote of this community, where Emiliano García-Page won with an absolute majority two months ago. In the general elections, however, the conservative block dominated, with a PP shot up to 10 seats, a PSOE that fell from 8 to 9 while Vox went from 5 representatives to only 3. Sumar, here too, is left without a seat.
BASQUE COUNTRY. Another of the surprises of the night. The PSOE prevails by the minimum in votes, with a triple tie to five seats between the socialists, the PNV and EH Bildu, with the abertzales already in a virtual tie with the nationalists. The PP revalidates its seat in Álava and gets another in Vizcaya, but is left out in Guipúzcoa. Sumar retains one of the three deputies that Podemos got in the elections four years ago.
CANARY ISLANDS. The PSOE managed to prevail in votes in the archipelago, although it tied six seats with the Popular Party. Canary Coalition retained a seat for Santa Cruz de Tenerife, where Sumar failed to enter. It was one of the most anomalous provinces of 23-J due to the absence of Vox, whose list was annulled after the resignation of several of its candidates. could be decisive. In the constituency of Las Palmas, Nueva Canarias, a deputy was disputed for a good part of the count, who finally remained with the PP.
ARAGON. It was another of the communities with a clear advance of the right in these general elections. The PP won yesterday with 7 deputies, three more than in 2019, while the PSOE collapsed from 6 to 4. Vox maintains a representative, Sumar retains the deputy that Podemos already had. In Teruel, one of the stories of the night, Teruel Existe failed to keep its deputy and finally the PP won the constituency 2-1 against the Socialists.
MURCIA. One of the disappointments of the night for the block on the right, which had reason to think of a 7-3 deal, which was finally 6-4. The PP won four seats, three from the PSOE, 2 from Vox and one from Sumar. The popular ones were about 6,000 votes away from achieving the fifth at the expense of the PSOE, which could have been relevant at the national level. It is difficult that it can change next week during the recount of the foreign vote.
ESTREMADURA. As in the Valencian Community, the pact between PP and Vox did not take its toll in the region, which had very similar results to those of May 28. The PSOE won by around 7,000 votes and took 4 seats, another 4 from the PP and one from Vox. Despite the controversies over the position and the rectifications of María Guardiola in the last month, the sociological panorama practically matched that of two months ago. It was the predictable result and the polls were right.
BALEARICS. equality between blocks. The Popular Party was the force with the most votes with 35.6% of the votes and 3 seats, the same as the PSOE despite managing to barely exceed 30%. Vox and Sumar shared one seat each and the blocks repeated the tie at 4 in the last general elections. As in Murcia, it was another of the communities in which the conservative bloc had to aspire to a 5-3 victory to direct a sufficient result to add at the national level.
ASTURIAS. Like Castilla-La Mancha, Asturias voted the other way around than in the regional elections. The PP, without the competition of the Forum, which did not appear, was the force with the most votes and obtained 3 seats, to 2 from the PSOE, 1 from Sumar and 1 from Vox. The right thus achieved a majority in congressional representation in a community that the left will rule for the next four years.
CANTABRIA. The PP surpassed 42% of the votes and made the most of the absence of the PRC of Miguel Ángel Revilla, but not enough to achieve the third seat to which they aspired. The transversality of revillismo also partly benefited the PSOE, which managed to maintain a second important seat. Vox retained its seat achieved in 2019.
NAVARRE. The PSOE achieved victory and the 2 deputies to which it aspired in Navarra, at the expense of Sumar, who lost the representation achieved by Podemos four years ago. EH Bildu removes from Navarra the sixth national deputy that allows him to surpass the PNV in Congress. On the right, the break between the PP and UPN resulted in one seat for each. Vox, which could barely exceed 5%, did not win a seat that it did not have at the beginning of election night.
THE RIOJA. The absolute majority achieved on 28-M by the Popular Party was not enough for Genoa to get the 3-1 victory from La Rioja that it needed to lead a more resounding victory. Despite obtaining more than 45.6% of the votes, he could not unbalance the distribution of 2 to 2 with the PSOE that already occurred in 2019. The 10% of votes that Vox achieved would have been decisive in this sense, and that probably left the right without that seat that during the campaign was practically taken for granted.
CEUTA AND MELILLA. The Popular Party won the two seats in the autonomous cities, with some suspense. In Ceuta, the PSOE was imposed by 1,600 votes, despite the fact that Vox achieved more than 23%, which put the victory of the PP at risk. In Melilla the victory of the popular was much clearer and won the seat with more than 49% of votes, above a PSOE that stayed at 25.4%, with Vox at 16%. Coalition for Melilla barely had strength on this occasion.