Armengol would win in the Balearic Islands, with the PP second by more than 5 points, according to the CIS of Tezanos

SPAIN / By Leonie Lopez

The PSIB would win the regional elections on May 28 with 31.5% of the votes, followed by the PP (26.1%) and Vox, which would be the third force, with 13.6% of the votes.. MÉS per Mallorca would be the fourth most voted party, with 10.8%, followed by Unidas Podemos (7.4%).

The CIS has published this Thursday its macro-survey on the regional and municipal elections called for next May 28, a study that will later be followed by a flash poll that will have to be released no later than Monday, May 22.

According to the data PSIB and PP add four points compared to the results of 2019, while Vox grows five points. For their part, CS and PI experienced decreases of about five percentage points.

The survey of this Thursday, however, does not provide an estimate of seats in the Balearic Islands as a result of the size of the sample -418 interviews- and the specificities of the electoral constituencies.

Throughout Spain, the study has around 20,000 interviews and includes vote estimation and seat allocation data in each of the twelve autonomies that are called upon to renew their Parliaments –Madrid, Comunidad Valenciana, Aragón, Principado de Asturias, Cantabria , Navarra, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, Murcia, La Rioja, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands–, as well as the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

Regarding the results in the municipal elections at the national level, the PSOE would manage to be the first force with 31.7%, the PP 27.3%, Podemos and its confluences would reach 7.9% and Vox would reach 6.8 %.

The CIS also includes the intention to vote directly, the result of the question 'which party do you plan to vote for?' and that gives 23.4% to the PSIB, 18.8% to the PP, 8.8% to Vox, 7.5% to MÉS per Mallorca, 4.5% to UP, 1.3% to CS and 0.3% to El PI.

Regarding the evaluation of the leaders, none reaches 5, although Francina Armengol (PSIB) is close to passing (4.9). Lluís Apesteguia (MÉS) and Marga Prohens (PP) receive a 4.2; Josep Melià (El PI) a 4.18; Antònia Jover (UP), a 4.15; Patricia Guasp (CS), a 3.7; and Jorge Campos (Vox) a 3.24.

Among the candidates, according to the CIS, Francina Armengol is the best known and only 3.6% of those surveyed say they do not know her. For their part, 18% of those surveyed do not know who Marga Prohens is.. In contrast, Lluís Apesteguia and Antònia Jover are unknown to more than 40% of those surveyed. Of the rest, 35.3% do not know Josep Melià; 32.8% to Patricia Guasp; and 28.7% do not know Jorge Campos.

Situation of the Autonomous Community

The CIS survey published this Thursday also includes the opinion that citizens have today regarding the situation in the Balearic Islands.

Thus, 50.1% of those surveyed consider that the situation of the archipelago is 'good', while 23.6% and 14.6%, respectively, believe that it is 'bad' or 'very bad'.. Only 2.6% of the participants in the survey affirm that the situation of the Islands is now 'very good'.

Along the same lines, 35.5% think that the Balearic Islands are 'better' than four years ago and 28% believe that they are 'worse'.

Likewise, for 38% of those surveyed, Francina Armengol's management in the last year as head of the Government has been “good” and “very good” for 5.7%. However, it was ‘bad’ for 25.9% and ‘very bad’ for 20.5% of respondents.

At the same time, for 32.7% the current Executive knows ‘little’ about the problems of the Balearic Islands while 31.1% believe that ‘quite a lot’. Likewise, 25.9% consider that it does not know how to solve the problems of the citizenship, while 28.1% believe that ‘enough’.

The CIS also asks what the citizen gives more importance when going to vote and in this case, respondents give special importance to the program (58.8%) and the party (26.7%). The candidate, however, is only the most important thing for 11%.