Associations of judges and prosecutors agree to postpone the strike to allow time for negotiations

The five associations of judges and prosecutors that called the indefinite strike for May 16 have shown themselves in favor of delaying the call in order to continue negotiating with the Ministry of Justice for a salary improvement after the last failed meeting on Wednesday in which They rejected the offer of 46 million euros —up to about 490 euros a month— that Pilar Llop's team put on the table.
The majority association of judges, the Professional Association of the Magistracy (APM), has been the last to take the step after consulting its executive this Thursday. As reported, they have voted in favor of “suspend” the original call “as a gesture of goodwill” and “waiting for the progress that occurs in the Remuneration Table for the benefit of the interests of the judicial career”.
In a statement, the association has reiterated that “the ministry's offer is still insufficient” and that they must “advance, in addition, in the adequacy of population groups, in the increase in the payment of trienniums and guards and in other issues that affect the very structure” of their remuneration.
The APM has spoken of “suspending” the call and has not specified any date in its statement. Thus, it has opted for a different formula from the one used by the other four convening associations, which have shown themselves in favor of delaying the strike until Monday, May 22, to continue negotiating with the ministry..
From the association they have specified to Europa Press that they maintain their “freedom of action” depending on the events and the assessment that the results of the next meetings deserve. Hence, they have agreed not to set a date on the calendar.
The May 22 option
The APM and the Judicial Association Francisco de Vitoria (AJFV) have this Thursday announced their decision regarding the strike after this Wednesday the other three convening associations —Independent Judicial Forum (FJI), Association of Prosecutors (AF) and Association Professional and Independent of Prosecutors (APIF)— would prove favorable to delaying the date.
This movement takes place after the meeting on Wednesday ended without an agreement -after more than six hours of negotiation-, since it was not possible for the associations to reach an agreement to accept the ministry's offer. Only the two progressive associations —JJpD and UPF— spoke in favor of signing the agreement with Justice.
From Francisco de Vitoria they have specified in a statement issued this Thursday that although “the negotiations in the Remuneration Table have not borne fruit” “three meetings of a negotiating body that has remained inert for more than a decade” have already been held “.
In line, they have stressed that during these meetings their association has maintained “a constructive attitude, with a logical sequence of proposals that reveal a true negotiating spirit”. “From the responsibility, we now choose to maintain that same line of action and extend the margin of negotiation for a few days, as requested by the Ministry. We are confident that this additional margin will not be wasted.”.