At least 12 calves from a school farm in Aragon die after a forest burning

The Local Police and Firefighters of the Zaragoza City Council have moved to the rural neighborhood of Movera because of a forest burning that has affected the CAI Torrevirreina Ozanam Farm School and has caused the death of at least twelve calves.

The forest burning took place on San Ramón street -about 600 meters from the Granja Escuela-, and it is unknown if it was fortuitous or not. Although the fire has not reached the farm, it has caused the death of twelve calves, “perhaps due to smoke inhalation”, they have reported from Zaragoza Fire Department.

The troops have received notice of the fire around 3:00 p.m. and two fire trucks have come to the scene -a tango and a nurse-, in addition to agents of the Local Police.

Both the Local Police and Firefighters of the Zaragoza City Council are currently investigating the causes of the event.

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