Ayuso opens the legislature to attack Sánchez: "Change is unstoppable"

Isabel Díaz Ayuso has launched the new legislature in the same way that the previous one ended: the attack against Pedro Sánchez. The acting president of the Community of Madrid, who also reeled off a battery of announcements and measures for the next four years, took advantage of the investiture debate in the Assembly to mark territory against the central government with the regional Executive as a counterweight and as a symptom of what is to come. An institutional intervention with some rallies overtones one month before the general elections of 23-J. “Change is unstoppable,” he stressed.

Ayuso's first intervention before the Madrid Chamber combined his government program with the electoral harangue. The president, who will lead the region with an absolute majority, began her speech with the “commitment” and “responsibility” to legislate for everyone, whether or not they vote for the Popular Party, but she quickly turned towards the objective that has marked her steps in recent years. last years. The acting president charged harshly against the Executive of PSOE and Unidas Podemos and their partners, and claimed their victory on May 28 as a turning point that is already being seen throughout Spain.

The composition of the Assembly, declared Ayuso, is the most evident example of three realities. The first, the support of the people of Madrid for the policies of the PP in Madrid. The second, the rejection of the policies of Pedro Sánchez and his parliamentary allies. And the third, in an electoral key, that Spain has planted. “The Spanish can't take it anymore. The political, moral and social deterioration of recent years, at the hands of totalitarian ideologies that no one has voted for, has come to an end,” he asserted..

The acting regional president, who will renew her position this Friday, placed special emphasis on the impact that Sánchez's policies have had on society after his term in office. “Social engineering, institutional degradation and the rule of law, democratic regression, the destruction of Transition Spain, the loss of Spain's good name and influence in the world,” he declared, with a clear message of facing 23-J. “In May, the Spanish people opened the door to a responsible policy anchored in clear ideas and projects. In July, I hope that we all cross that door also in the Congress of Deputies,” he added..

Isabel Díaz Ayuso did not leave anyone in the dark. The “ultra-left” that has been reduced to nothing in the Vallecas Chamber and one of Sánchez's main supporters in the last legislature, the cardinal point of Ayuso's speech in the 28-M campaign: Bildu. The acting regional president replied to Ferraz and placed the radical Abertzale formation within the Executive, contrary to what was stated by the socialist leader. “Bildu is governing Spain, they and their partners have sought to discredit or discredit our highest institutions: the Crown, judges, State security forces and bodies and the Armed Forces, career civil servants, the Consultative Administration…”, exposed Ayuso.

Nor did he forget Vox, his great headache during the final stretch of the last term, which he criticized for its “tacticism”. “The citizens have spoken clearly: they do not want parliamentary instability,” he continued..

The letter of introduction to your lordships had reserved the Government program, but first it had to send a message to mobilize the electorate in favor of Alberto Núñez Feijóo. “Change is unstoppable because all of Spain is clear about it. Spain deserves a better government and does not want its enemies to occupy its institutions, or to change it through the back door,” he stressed, after pointing out that the policies he represents are an “alternative” and “hope”.

The president, warned by the opposition to apply the “roller” with her absolute majority, appealed for dialogue despite the harsh tone of the last legislature. Isabel Díaz Ayuso assumed the “obligation to listen to society” to reach the maximum agreements. “Restore to politics the dignity and height that these years of corrosive coalition have tried to take away from it,” he said, again in clear allusion to the PSOE and the populisms of Unidas Podemos and other formations.

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The acting president of the Community of Madrid garnished her speech with several announcements on key matters for the next four years. The line to follow, faithful to the discourse of the PP in the region, is a policy of low taxes and austerity in the Administration. Thus, as this newspaper advanced, the future regional Executive will have a new Department of Digitization, with the aim of turning the territory into an international benchmark for new technologies.

The tax cuts will once again mark the steps of the regional government, and the popular leader gave the first brushstrokes in this regard. The half-point reduction in personal income tax in all sections will be accompanied by a 50% discount on inheritance tax and donations between uncles and nephews. But the action is not limited to the scope of the regional Executive. Ayuso, in addition, will order the 115 municipalities governed by the PP in the region to apply a reduction in the Tax on the increase in the value of urban land, colloquially known as municipal capital gains. This mandate will also be extended to consistories controlled by other forces, although it will not be mandatory because it is a municipal competence..

From the City Council of the capital they have already accepted the commission, arguing that the popular leader's proposal fits perfectly with the policies of low tax pressure for the people of Madrid. The Área de Economía y Hacienda details that the mortis causa capital gain is already subsidized in Madrid. “In 2020, this government team intensified the bonuses in mortis causa transmissions. Currently, they range between 40% and 95% depending on the cadastral value of the property, applicable to direct relatives in the habitual residence and the business premises,” municipal sources say..

The family will play a fundamental role in the new program. The forecast, although without dates yet, is to approve a Family Law so that all the regulations that are promoted by the Administration take this aspect into account. Thus, the acting president detailed a series of aids and bonuses to promote the birth rate, which will be developed in parallel to a Family Support Plan with recognitions and benefits, especially the numerous and single-parent families.

The ad battery covers virtually all areas, from healthcare to education. And also going through large projects, such as the intention for Formula 1 to reach the region or the creation of a unit for ALS patients in the facilities of the old Puerta de Hierro Hospital. “It will serve as a reference for all the units that already treat patients from different hospitals, combining efforts, research and offering special day-to-day help to patients and their families,” Ayuso explained.. Also the commitment to modify what is known as the trans law, although the forecast is that it will not be a total repeal.

The Community of Madrid, in addition, will maintain until the end of the year the 60% economic reduction in the transport pass, which expired on June 30 and which has already opened a front with the Government of Pedro Sánchez. In this sense, Ayuso announced and confirmed the 50% reduction in multi-trip tickets, which, according to the calculations of the regional government, will benefit almost seven million users, with a monthly saving of 30 million euros in global terms..

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