Ione Belarra has charged harshly this Saturday against the PSOE, accusing it of being “a conservative force” that “has been part of the consensus of the ball and speculation for decades”, while boasting of having attracted Bildu and ERC to the Government. During an act on housing in Pamplona, the Minister for Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda has taken out all the dirty laundry from her partner in the coalition government: “I do not forget the systematic meetings that the President of the Government has had with the vulture funds, I do not forget Mr. Ábalos saying that housing is a right but also a market good, I do not forget that it was a socialist minister [María Antonia Trujillo in 2008] who said in the previous crisis that it was time to speed up the evictions…”.
The general secretary of Podemos seems to have given Sumar a temporary truce, after pressing yesterday with her defense of the “right to decide” in Catalonia, but in exchange she has been merciless with the PSOE, offering a painful account of what these have been years of ruling with him. For this, he has given his Housing Law as an example: “The fight for this law reveals what the legislature has been. It has been a very difficult legislature in which we have had to push very hard for the measures to be carried out. We have permanently had to drag a PSOE that does not want these transformations. It tends to preserve what already exists and it tends to keep things as they are,” he denounced..
He has recounted everything that he found out that the PSOE regulated rental prices – “I signed them in 2018 and almost five years had to pass” – and how long it took them to approve their star law, the first in democracy, “conditioning two times the general budgets of the State to continue processing”. “Only when the regional and municipal elections were about to be held was it when the PSOE unblocked the Housing Law,” he pointed out, implying that in the rest of the measures the resistance of the PSOE has been similar.
Defense of Irene Montero
“Everyone said that it was impossible to raise the minimum interprofessional wage and it has been shown to be an effective measure, they also told us that it was impossible to put a cap on the price of gas and it has been the measure that has helped us the most to contain the inflation. It has also happened to us with feminist laws”, has listed. “Does anyone think that, if it had not been for the presence of Irene Montero in the Ministry of Equality, a historic law such as the Trans Law or the Corresponsibles plan or the Law of only yes is yes could have been carried out?” added, coming out in defense of Montero, whom Pedro Sánchez criticized a few days ago during an interview with Carlos Alsina.
Belarra has assured that “what power wants is the restoration of the bipartisanship between the PP and the PSOE”. “What they want is to debate among themselves, exchange proposals among themselves, because what power wants is for everything to stay the same and nothing to change.. We are the only guarantee not only of stopping the right, but also that the political transformations continue, which have not gone as fast as the people want,” he stressed..
It has also expressed its chest for having been the party that has attracted Bildu and ERC to the Government. “Never before had left-wing nationalist forces participated in the governance of the State until Podemos arrived in our country. Does anyone think that Bildu or ERC are going to be able to participate in the governance of the State if Podemos is not strong?”, he warned. And he has predicted that “if the PP and PSOE are strong, after the elections a wild political and media pressure will be unleashed for the PSOE to abstain and the PP to govern”.