Belarra criticizes that "some parties" such as Más País or Compromís see the Coalition for Melilla as an "acceptable partner"


The leader of Podemos and Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra, has criticized that “some parties”, in a clear allusion to Más País, Compromís or Aragonese Chunta, consider that the Coalition for Melilla is an “acceptable partner”, after this formation was dotted with the investigation in the autonomous city for alleged purchase of votes by mail for the municipal elections next Sunday, 28-M.

This has been indicated in statements to the media during a visit to the municipality of Getafe, to cover the candidate of his party to this town Alba Leo, asked about the operation launched by the National Police, which for now ends with at least six detainees and several records in Melilla.

“It is very serious and I am concerned that some progressive parties have thought that these are acceptable partners with the previous ones that we already knew,” he pointed out to allude, without citing him, to the so-called Turia Agreement, an alliance maintained by eight progressive political formations and where Coalition for Melilla appeared.

However, a week ago the Coalición por Melilla was verbally and temporarily excluded from said agreement, coinciding with the news that its leader, Mustafá Aberchán, and other members of the formation were being investigated by the Police for manipulating the vote by mail .

Más País, Verdes Equo, Compromís, Proyecto Drago, Més per Mallorca, the Movement for Dignity and Citizenship of Ceuta and the Aragonese Chunta participate in the Turia Agreement.

To know more
Chronicle. “They wanted to buy me the vote for €100. But before I go to hell than sell it”

“They wanted to buy me the vote for €100. But before I go to hell than sell it”

According to Europa Press sources from the National Police, the operation is carried out within the framework of the judicial investigation declared secret into the alleged purchase of votes by mail in the autonomous city, which has led to arrests and searches for five days before election day is held.

The possible electoral fraud in Melilla led the Electoral Board of the Zone to demand the identification of each voter by mail through DNI, a measure that was opposed by the Coalición por Melilla (CpM), the party led by Mustafá Aberchán, in the past condemned for these irregular practices.

On Saturday, the spokesman for United We Can in Congress, Pablo Echenique, already criticized that Chunta formed an alliance with Más País and Compromís, of which the Coalition for Melilla is a part.

“We do not understand why Chunta is with Más País and Compromís, in the so-called 'Turia Agreement', with Mustafa Aberchán (Coalition for Melilla), who was convicted of buying votes in Melilla and stars in all the news shows. The what and the how are very important in politics, but the who is extremely important,” he launched.