Beware of this new scam: this is how they managed to steal almost 18,000 euros from an old woman in Galicia

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Internet scams are the order of the day and anyone can fall if they do not take the necessary precautions. In these cases, cybercriminals seek to access mobile phones to steal money from the bank account or contacts to deceive other victims.. However, traditional scams continue on the street and the elderly are the ones who can suffer the most from these attacks.

A woman in Ourense (Galicia) was arrested by National Police agents last Wednesday, July 26, for defrauding an elderly person of nearly 18,000 euros, telling him that she was a former student and that she was going through a moment of financial need. This method of deception served to deceive the victim who gave him the money as a loan.

how did he manage to trick her

As explained by the Police, the events began in February, when the investigated woman, accompanied by a minor, asked this person for some money, alleging that she was a former student of his and that she did not have enough to eat.. Days later they met on the street, at which time the detainee took the opportunity to establish a first friendship contact and obtain the victim's telephone number..

In the successive months, between February and April, the fraudster asked her for money “with different invented pretexts” to, in theory, “attend to various needs that the investigated woman claimed to suffer and that misled the victim,” which she gave cash up to a sum of around 18,000 euros.

This money was given as a loan, the detainee always promising that she would repay it in the following months when she found work.. Finally, since the detainee did not return the borrowed money, she reported the facts and after various investigations, agents from the UDEF group of the National Police proceeded on the morning of the 26th to arrest her and subsequently bring her to justice..

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