Bolaños takes away the credibility of all the polls except the CIS and says that the PSOE will win with 150 seats

The Minister of the Presidency, Relations with the Parliament and Democratic Memory, Félix Bolaños, has predicted that the PSOE will be the first political force in the general elections on Sunday and will win between 135 and 150 seats, defeating the PP, which in his opinion will achieve between 115 and 120 deputies.
“What they deserve and what we deserve,” Bolaños pointed out this Tuesday in an interview on Onda Cero when asked about his commitment to the elections.
The minister has downplayed the fact that his prediction is contrary to that of the majority of the polls, which “are still predictions”, he has expressed. “With all due respect to the companies that do the polls, the truth is that the reality in our country is that in the last 30 years of general elections, the demographic consensus has almost never been right,” he argued.
He has emphasized that in 1993 the polls said that “the PP was going to win but the PSOE won”; that in 1996 they ventured that José María Aznar would win by an absolute majority but “won by the minimum”, and that in 2004 they predicted that the PP would win but the PSOE did.
“That is to say, that in the last 30 years, with some exception, the polls have always had an error of more than 25 seats. By the way, almost always against the PSOE, that is, estimating the PSOE below what we later got in the elections,” he assured.
And asked if Pedro Sánchez shares that bet, Bolaños replied that he does not know the number of seats that the president predicts, but that what he is “convinced” of is also that the PSOE “is going to win.”