Debate or agreement at the PSOE summit

Socialist summit in Ferraz. Today we will know if the federal committee, repository of the will of the militancy, is an organ of debate or agreement. Which brings us to a fundamental problem.. That of representativeness. It affects Pedro Sánchez, but also Puigdemont and Feijóo, the three first actors in this very rare moment in national politics..

I explain:

The Waterloo fugitive has been left stranded by his followers. It is worth asking who the “president of the Generalitat in exile” represents when 95% of the 90,841 people adhered to the so-called Consell de la República stand out in two recent consultations. One of them asked them whether or not the independence movement should intervene in the governance of the State.. However, this absurd character, without any official position in the structure of his party, shepherds the seven Junts deputies who are decisive in the investiture of the president of the Government..

I blame Feijóo on the lack of representativeness of the main operators of the “amnesty by investiture” mess for his strange whitewashing of the Waterloo fugitive against the feelings of the 8 million PP voters, who five minutes before shouted in the street “Puigdemont , to prison!”. I would never have imagined that this father of a family, full of common sense, would find “respectable” one of the figures least worthy of respect in the national political fauna..

We have been plagued by the tendency to chaos since the count on July 23. If Pilar Rahola's furious anti-Spanishism whitens Tejero, as long as he serves to attack the king of Spain, why couldn't Feijóo sing the moral deeds of someone who “never lies”, unlike others (that is…) , although “it would be convenient for him to settle his debts with justice”?

If the leader of the PP breaks the waist of his voters, Sánchez breaks that of his by opposing the provisions on Catalonia. Here it is worth asking if Sánchez was more representative when he assumed the current mandate: “Greater deepening of the State of Autonomies” as a way out of the so-called Catalan conflict (point 1957 of the framework presentation of the 40th Congress). Or it is now, when demands contrary to the Constitution are secretly negotiated as elements exchangeable for support in the upcoming investiture vote..

We do not know because since July 23, which is the date of the script change, there has been no statement from the militancy or its main representative body.. Not only that, it is that an unprecedented “diktat” of silence has been imposed on the dealings with the independentists in a party that has always passionately professed its faith in freedom of expression inside and outside its centenary party..

In this case, we will see if the meeting of the federal committee responds to the statutory commitment to be an “open and transparent” organization.. The framework paper approved at the last congress says that “our first obligation is to be a more transparent training and to have a quality internal debate”.

Can anyone seriously maintain that the progress in the PSOE's dealings with the nationalists takes place in the midst of an “internal and quality debate” when its deputies, senators, ministers, major and minor leaders strictly follow the oppressive slogan of silence?

Sánchez says that the militants will be consulted. Just to find out if they support your effort to reach governance pacts. Not to know how far the PSOE can go in the price to pay in exchange for the agreement. The amnesty would not even be named in the announced consultation. But it is what everyone talks about and what, as García Page has said, what the federal committee convened for 10:30 this Saturday must also talk about.

That is, he will speak. And that Sánchez will stick to the iron slogan: “Discretion in negotiations, transparency in agreements”. I would be surprised by a different outcome because we are facing a pocket parliament for Sánchez. From your exclusive invoice and your entire service. Nothing to do with its formalized character as a management body that defines the party's policy and, by mandate of the congress, “examines, debates and judges” the management of the general secretary's team.. And, attention, also that of the Government of the Nation (“and its legislative development”). That is why I fear that today's socialist summit will end up being a sample of Sánchez's plebiscitary representativeness in his plans to screw the Moncloa. Not from the will of the militancy.

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